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Old 20th September 2012, 01:28   #6111
Alan Kellerman
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Nobody wants to see that.

I know we have talked about Sheamus vs Mark Henry in here before, apparently when Henry returns, he will return as a babyface, that might just be fiction though. I can never tell.

I think he meant that ADR is out of the title picture. So much for coming back and being more aggressive. He told off Ricardo and called him stupid, but that is about as aggressive as he got.

Barrett vs Sheamus could be something.
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Old 20th September 2012, 01:34   #6112

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I meant Del Rio and Sheamus' feud is done, no injury. Unless Del Rio pulled a muscle beating on Ricardo, off camera.

Jerry Lawler addressed in the media at a news conference in Memphis, Tennessee Wednesday afternoon to talk about the heart attack he suffered during the September 10th episode of WWE Raw. Below are the highlights:

Lawler feels his heart attack was hereditary due to the fact his father died of a heart attack and he’s lived a healthy lifestyle, never having drank or smoked. He said doctors advised him to clean up his diet and exercise regularly. Lawler confirmed he has no permanent damage.

Jerry said his next doctor’s appointment was in six weeks and he absolutely plans to wrestle again. He said he has received support from Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair, who have both called him.

Jerry said he had some chest pain the weekend before he suffered the heart attack while vacationing in Aruba. He said the pain didn’t last for more than 4 or 5 minutes and he wrote it off as indigestion.

Lawler said he felt fine at Raw during the day of the heart attack and remembers coming out for the show and the opening segment with WWE Champion CM Punk, Bret Hart and John Cena. He doesn’t remember anything after that, including his own match.

He said he is in good health and his blood pressure is the lowest it’s been his entire life. Lawler said the CPR he received backstage saved his life and his ribs are sore from the chest compressions.
Funny that Lawler received support from two guys who have not actually retired officially, or stick to retirement.
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Old 20th September 2012, 03:48   #6113
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It probably too early for Wade to be in the title hunt they need to build him up a bit I see Sheamus in a Triple-Threat or a 4way at HIAC where probably Del Rio will win the World Title finally he won the WWE Championship there last year and I see Big Show or Orton in that match or both if it a 4way but, then again if Wade has a strong show before HIAC he can be in that match and if there isn't a better time for Dolph to cash-in it after a HIAC match but, he'll probably get attacked again.
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Old 20th September 2012, 15:31   #6114
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i said no more AJ pics the other day but hey it doesn't hurt anyone
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Old 20th September 2012, 22:09   #6115

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There's a recent interview with Ric Flair's daughter Ashley, who is in developmental. The interviewer kept saying NXT as "Next." So, thoughts on WWE NEXT.

1.) Wait a minute, Trent Baretta had a torn tricep? I did not know that at all. In his time on WWE Superstars, Trent would always job. So in a new world, he wins against Johnny Curtis. He did some nice moves including a sunset flip power bomb and his Whisper in the Wind (only difference between Hardy's is that Hardy runs in setting it up, Trent does it standing from the top turnbuckle). Johnny Curtis was good too, he did a Northern Lights suplex that launched Trent into the turnbuckle. That looked sick.

2.) There was a girl in the crowd that said "You suck, Fox. Paige's gonna beat you." I thought that was funny, especially because it's true. Paige won. I don't know when Fox turned heel, but whatever, Paige winnins is nice. Alicia dominated for the most part, Paige countered some rollup thing into her DDT. The black ref looked shocked at the damage from that DDT. Oh God, the RAW rebound played, and they showed a kid Cena fan crying. That's not pleasant.

3.) It was now Jimmy Uso vs. Conor O'Brian, starting out with a "Twlight sucks" chant. That's true, but Ascension looks cooler than Twilight. After this match, it seems clear who's the better of the team, and that's Kenneth Cameron. That guy wrestles a bit more, while Conor's more of that power guy. That's fine, though his finishing move was just some drop kick with more of a thrust to it or something (after Cameron tripped up Jimmy on the top turnbuckle). He also seems to do a series of side headlock takeover in succession, which is decent.

4.) Bo Dallas interviewed Briley Pierce, but was interrupted from Michael McGuillicutty. Bo Dallas didn't take to kindly to that, and some referees (only one of them is white) broke it up.

5.) Kassius Ohno's sparring session? It was just a regular match against some guy named Oliver Gray. Kassius had all the offense in, and finished off in short fashion with a Cravat. He used to do a lot of different Cravats before he adopted the elbow strike thing he does now. Speaking of that, he gave Oliver Gray another shot at him, and that just was his elbow. Richie Steamboat stopped Ohno from his second Cravat.

6.) There was a video on Leo Kruger and his new crazy hunter gimmick or whatever. It was supposed to come off as creepy, and it sure was that a bit.

7.) Right when the match went to commercial break, Rick Victor was biting his hand for some reason. Commentary mentioned that he has to be a bit crazy since he graduated from the Hart Dungeon. Rick Victor got a lot of offense in, making Regal cream his pants in how skilled the guy is. Seth Rollins made a comeback and wasn't stopped. So the match was really good, Victor had time to impress, and he sold that Blackout pretty nicely.

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Old 22nd September 2012, 04:26   #6116

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Thoughts on SmackDown.

1.) Edge! No long hair. Edge explained his reasons for coming back, saying he's been watching WWE as a fan, and saw something too crazy. "I am the tag team champions!" In reference to Kane and Bryan, and he's wondering what's up. Out comes D-Bryan! Bryan wanted to give Edge a pronoun lesson, not "they are" the tag team champions, but "I." It's not good English, but it's funny. Bryan claimed to be an anchor, a rock, in control of his emotions. Edge is still confused, saying "excuse me," and Bryan referred to a lesson from Dr. Shelby. What words mean for Bryan. Referring to that phrase using Vickie Guerrero, then those lyrics to Edge's theme song, "You think you know me." Then he just said Edge should go back to acting, and into retirement. Bryan said he's a redwood, he can't snap. Edge and Bryan would get into a "No" and "Yes" thing, with Bryan snapping. Out comes Kane. Kane said Edge and Bryan are wrong, that he's the tag team champions. Bryan and Kane were arguing, and Edge was getting angry and telling them to stop. Bryan and Kane recommended Dr. Shelby for Edge. Edge went into Kane about him no longer being the Big Red Monster. Some good times mentioned including tombstoning a priest, and pizza shoved into Paul Bearer's face. Kane remembered all that, and he was angry, wanting to hurt Edge. Oh no wait, hug it out. Kane gave Edge a hug, Bryan said "No" to it, but Edge and Kane invited him for a group hug! NO! Damien Sandow interrupted. Sandow said "fortnight." Two weeks, right? Betwixt? Feces infested puddle? Edge had to tell Sandow to shut up, and wrestle Kane or Bryan. Edge polled the fans. "Yes" for Kane, "No" for Bryan. So Kane won. That had to be one of the longest SD segments in a white. However, at least it kept attention, as it was very fun. Sandow was legitimately a buzzkill, but it worked, and that's what counts. All good, but what was Edge needed for? In the end? I guess to plug Haven, as he's done acting as a character for that SyFy show. SD airs on SyFy in the States. He was great though, and at least he was used to advance Kane and Bryan's little relationship.

2.) Sandow and Kane wasn't long. Sandow was dominated, Kane was ready to win, but Bryan shoving that he's the tag team champions, allowed for Sandow to take over and win. Now while the opening segment was good, the fact Sandow won like that and how short the match was, not good. Bryan of course was fun, more storyline progression. After commercial break, Kane talked to Dr. Shelby, and he wanted to rip the beard off of Bryan. Bryan came out from inside a cart or something, and Team Friendship was about to explode. Dr. Shelby calmed them down, and it ended with Kane getting back his penny title. Dr. Shelby suggested going to Booker T and get Bryan booked for a match, make it fair for Kane.

3.) Alberto Del Rio is at Booker's office, looking at Booker's new book. Booker came and explained his calling, though he admits the timing of his reinstatement announcement wasn't fair. Brogue Kick is legal, no title shot for Del Rio automatically. For the tag team match later, if Del Rio won, he "might" get another title shot. No.

4.) Eve was on commentary, claiming innocence to Layla's accusations of her attacking Kaitlyn. Layla and Natalya had a short match, of course, Layla did her Rude Awakening neckbreaker, rather than the kick to the head, as the finisher. Cool.

5.) There was a shoutout from Cole to JBL and his mountain climbing venture. That was nice, him climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro. During the tag team match, there was arguing between Ricardo and Vickie. A bit silly really. Sigh. Commentary claimed that Ziggler was back on winning ways after going over Santino. However, Ziggler got pinned in the tag match. Why not Del Rio? What does he seriously have? The tag team match was nice though, some chaos in the end with Del Rio getting an RKO after Sheamus countered the cross armbreaker. Ziggler getting Brogue Kicked looked weird, seemed like the briefcase was hit, not his face. Whatever the case, Ziggler of course sold that well. Good stuff by all 4 men. Moving on.

6.) Cody Rhodes and Daniel Bryan? Hmm! Aw man, the match was short, Kane interrupted Bryan's No Lock attempt, causing Rhodes to win. Yeah, tit for tat, I think that's the term. Bummer, Bryan and Rhodes is a very interesting match on paper. After commercial break, Kane and Bryan in another backstage segment. Kane said they are even, Bryan arguing that he's a better singles competitor. Kane said Bryan belongs in a petting zoo, Kane belongs in a basement, a basement petting zoo even. That's pretty funny, but they turned around and saw Rhodes and Sandow looking at them. Whoa now, Kane and Bryan challenged Sandow and Rhodes for tonight. Rhodes and Sandow split, Kane and Bryan argued who those guys were really scared of.

7.) After RAW Rebound, commentary talked about Cena's surgery and stuff. Brodus Clay vs. Heath Slater, that already happened on RAW. Well, to make it different, Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre came from behind, mugging to Clay, with Slater joining. Clay was double suplexed by McIntyre and Mahal, Future Shock DDT, then the Camel Clutch. Uhh? A new stable? It's definitely a randomly formed stable. Midcard Meddlers? I'm sure they will explain their actions, but right away, they look thrown together. I'd take Mahal out, but that's just me.

8.) Antonio Cesaro vs. Santino AGAIN! This is the 5 time since August. Only difference? Santino fucking won. This time, because Cesaro was distracted by Aksana having a hurt ankle or something in the ring. She fell into the ring after attempting to take the Cobra. Cesaro then got the mic. 5 different languages. "We are finished." That's it? No buildup, but ah well, I don't care about Aksana. She got looks, but it's all about Cesaro.

9.) Whoa now? Kidd/Gabriel, Usos, Primetime Players, circled around the ring. The main event for SD involves the tag team champions! Never has this been the case for Truth and Kingston, and even though Bryan and Kane have an angle to their lack of cohesion, it's still a special occasion for the tag team champions main eventing. Not much tag team wrestling, the match was short. Once again, more focused on storyline progression, as Rhodes got a chair and hit Kane in the back. Bryan stopped Rhodes from using it more, was about to use it himself, but gave it to Kane! Kane wailed away, Bryan had a chair in hand, Team Friendship smiled at each other. Both guys punished Sandow's back with chair shots! Therapeutic. Kane got the Usos into the ring, chaos ensued with the other tag teams. All of them were in the ring, as Bryan and Kane assaulted everyone with their chairs. Bodies strewn everywhere, Dr. Shelby was not seen at all, they are cool with each other. However, to close the show, they argued again! Ahhh, it's safe to say that this SmackDown was the Team Friendship edition. Not only did they have the most air time, but they were definitely the most entertaining part of SD. Even though that meant all the other more legit tag teams getting squashed, it's still something fun.

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Old 22nd September 2012, 06:41   #6117
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I was disappointed in the lack of a Barrett Barrage tonight, was hoping he was Santino's opponent once I heard his music. Although the Kane/D-Bry stuff was great as usual.
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Old 22nd September 2012, 07:41   #6118
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Originally Posted by talltrekkie View Post
I was disappointed in the lack of a Barrett Barrage tonight, was hoping he was Santino's opponent once I heard his music. Although the Kane/D-Bry stuff was great as usual.
At least they got Drew McIntyre on television without him having to job out to somebody like Santino.

I wouldn't mind seeing Barrett and McIntyre teaming together or in a stable. Heck, turn Sheamus heel again after Ziggler finally cashes in, bring Mason Ryan back up, recruit Antonio Cesaro and bring in William Regal as the "manager/mouthpiece". They could be a European invasion. They might even be able to pass Damien Sandow off as European and throw him in there as well. Have them make a serious run and capture most of the titles. It'd be great for Survivor Series in two months, maybe even beyond.

Jack Swagger could even come back with a vengeance and feud with McIntyre and/or Barrett and lead "Team USA". At least until John Cena makes his triumphant return and saves the day. Bring in Ryback as muscle to counter Mason Ryan. Ted DiBiase should be back up to speed shortly. Pit him against Cesaro and/or Sandow. I hate to say it, but Zack Ryder would likely get thrown into the Team USA stable as filler. He's already got grief with Sandow anyways.

All kinds of different directions they could go with it.
Rabid and luvin' it!
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Old 22nd September 2012, 12:51   #6119
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and have Aksana stand outside and look pretty as their cheerleader, even though she was just dumped in five different languages.

I like the idea of the European stable.I've heard it mentioned before so it does seem popular. Not popular enough for WWE to use unfortunately.


That was the best ending to Smackdown in recent memory. Let us see what Kane and Bryan are capable of when working together, no jobber tag team is safe I have to look on barbershop window to see if they have a team friendship t shirt out yet.

I guess Somebody might care about this.

Sources within WWE have confirmed to the Observer the stories going around that Beth Phoenix has given notice and will be leaving shortly.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 22nd September 2012 at 13:43.
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Old 22nd September 2012, 14:35   #6120

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I never played the game, but I read about this storyline from WWE '12 involving an all European stable. It sounded really good. Barrett, Sheamus, Regal, McIntyre.

Just replace Sheamus with Cesaro in that picture, and maybe bring in Mason Ryan, wherever he is. It would be another stable to get fans to chant "USA" and actually make sense. As for Beth leaving, not surprising since she's not been booked well for a long time, or maybe the loss of her loved one has her wanting to leave the road. The Divas Division is the Eve show now anyways.
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