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Old 24th August 2013, 04:28   #41
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Cameron Bay, also know until recently as Cameron Adams escorted based out of AZ. An escort review site has over 30 reviews of her. I believe she worked from time to time in LA as well. Hopefully all who saw her played it safe.
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Old 24th August 2013, 09:08   #42
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Originally Posted by Song1 View Post
^^^^i said it once and i will say it again... if u letting girls like her do porn then not be surprised that mess happening
Girls like what? As said previously Mr Marcus faked his test results & worked unprotected until he was caught out & has been in the business nearly 20 years-everybody liked & trusted him. Unlike him at least she had the decency to actually come out & tell everybody right away & get another test-says a lot for her character, if not her choice of partner, or whatever she may have gotten up to.

Maybe rather than blaming the performers we should blame the people running porn-they are dead set against condom usage-saying it would kill business-well Marc Dorcel has been using them for decades & are very strong & Wicked use them & are also doing very well. Sure we would all prefer to see porn without them-but obviously not all the performers can be trusted to behave themselves properly outside of porn.

Also the fact Marcus could fake a test result speaks volumes about their systems-as soon as any performer tests positive for anything that should automatically trigger a red flag with the main database that stops him/her from shooting & any performer that worked with them since the last test as well until they can be tested & cleared.
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Old 24th August 2013, 09:14   #43
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Originally Posted by FUDGEKING View Post
Well we will keep seeing these type of cases if not.
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Old 24th August 2013, 09:17   #44
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Originally Posted by Namcot View Post
So every company has stopped filming?

Everyone of them?

I doubt it.
In previous scares the big companies comply, the small indies likely will not-but they use non-mainstream performers. I think that is likely why B@ngbr0s, Bra22ers, N@ughty@meric@ etc shoot scenes & don't release some of them for ages-just in case there is a lockdown so they can still upload content for that week or two.
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Old 24th August 2013, 12:21   #45
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dont worry about condoms.... they will probably stop shooting for like next 2 weeks and it back to normal like always
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Old 24th August 2013, 15:36   #46
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Originally Posted by pimpmygoogly View Post
Girls like what? As said previously Mr Marcus faked his test results & worked unprotected until he was caught out & has been in the business nearly 20 years-everybody liked & trusted him. Unlike him at least she had the decency to actually come out & tell everybody right away & get another test-says a lot for her character, if not her choice of partner, or whatever she may have gotten up to.

Maybe rather than blaming the performers we should blame the people running porn-they are dead set against condom usage-saying it would kill business-well Marc Dorcel has been using them for decades & are very strong & Wicked use them & are also doing very well. Sure we would all prefer to see porn without them-but obviously not all the performers can be trusted to behave themselves properly outside of porn.

Also the fact Marcus could fake a test result speaks volumes about their systems-as soon as any performer tests positive for anything that should automatically trigger a red flag with the main database that stops him/her from shooting & any performer that worked with them since the last test as well until they can be tested & cleared.
condoms would not kill porn. i have no problem with condoms in single b/g scenes but condoms would kill some variants in porn... like gangbang, or all crampie scenes
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Old 24th August 2013, 21:54   #47
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Default Xander Corvus Tests Negative for HIV

From AVN yesterday:

CHATSWORTH, Calif.—Seeking to end speculation about his HIV status, Xander Corvus came forward today to report that he's tested negative for HIV. Corvus shot a sex scene with Cameron Bay—the last one she performed in—before she was confirmed yesterday to have HIV.

Corvus visited AVN today with his agents, Sandra McCarthy and Anthony DeConinck from OC Modeling, seeking to clear his name, which emerged during the controversy this week.

Corvus, a popular male performer, worked with Bay for K1nk.com's site [email protected] on July 31, and has tested negative for all STIs, including HIV and Hepatitis-C, twice since that sexual encounter. OC Modeling confirmed to AVN that the dates of Corvus' negative HIV tests were Aug. 5 and Aug. 20. Corvus was tested for Hep-C only on Aug. 12. All tests were performed at Cutting Edge Testing (CET).

Prior to the scene for [email protected] on July 31, Corvus' previous negative test was July 24.

"I definitely feel for [Bay], poor girl," Corvus told AVN. "She's so cute and a really kind girl. She made mistakes but it's not like she got HIV by being responsible. A bird didn't just drop it on her."

This news also ends mainstream media speculation that Corvus could have exposed Anthony Weiner sexting paramour Sydney Leathers to HIV, after working with her for Vivid Entertainment in a shoot that took place on Aug. 17. He was cleared to work in that scene via the clean test he took on Aug. 5.

Corvus was on set at a shoot on Wednesday when the production company he was working for got notification from APHSS about an industry-wide moratorium. The production company immediately shut the set down, which occurred before the scene was shot. Later Wednesday evening, Corvus was informed that he might have been exposed to HIV after his agents at OC Modeling told him what was happening.

"Most people in the industry wouldn't come forward, but we owe it to ourselves and the people we work with to not hide anything," Corvus said. "Sack up, and say what's right. Take responsibility for what you've done. The right thing to do as a human being is obvious. At the end of the day it falls on everyone's own self to be responsible."

Though OC Modeling was unhappy that Corvus and the agency were not contacted by APHSS on Wednesday to inform Corvus that he was possibly exposed to HIV, a point FSC CEO Diane Duke concedes, Corvus was in fact already cleared in the APHSS database as a result of his two subsequent clean tests after working with Bay.

"I'll be real honest and tell you that it was my mistake [for not making sure Corvus or OC were contacted]," Duke told AVN. "When I was gathering all the information and in the process of making sure all the folks were notified who needed to be notified, I was able to use the APHSS system to see if Xander was cleared to work, which he was, and then I was able to see the dates of his last tests, which cleared him because he was negative. I should have made sure Dr. Miao contacted him. It was an honest mistake and I'm happy to talk with OC Modeling and with Xander to explain."

Corvus said that he's looking forward to getting back to work and that he hopes his fellow performers involved in the situation all test clean.

"It's very fortunate that Xander has been cleared to work; he's eager to, and he works almost every day," OC Modeling co-owner McCarthy told AVN. "We're all hoping for the best for everyone and that all performers can return to work safe."

Corvus said that he plans on testing again today and that he would post the results on his Twitter page for all to see.

Adding more speculation to the fire that has caught the attention of the mainstream media worldwide, industry blogger Mike South incorrectly identified Corvus as having worked with Jennifer White in a gangbang that took place last Saturday for Devil's Film. Notified quickly that he had misidentified Corvus in a group photo from the shoot, South quickly changed his tune and admitted that he got it wrong.

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Old 24th August 2013, 21:55   #48
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Default Diane Duke Confirms All First-Gen Exposures Identified, Tested

Also from AVN yesterday:

CHATSWORTH, Calif.—Diane Duke confirmed today that all the first-generation performers who worked with Cameron Bay have been identified, properly notified and have been tested for HIV.

Since Duke reports that not all the first-generation exposures' tests have come back yet, the production moratorium should still remain in effect. She expects to know the status of all first-gen exposures by Monday.

"I don't have any new news yet," Duke told AVN. "We're still in a little bit of a holding pattern. As soon as we find out anything we'll let [the industry] know. Everyone has been testing clear so far."

Duke went on to explain that the proper outbreak notification protocol for performers is for the doctor to inform the performer of his or her status, which is what happened in Cameron Bay's case.

Once the performer talks to the doctor, they work on identifying first- and second-generation exposures and the possible exposure window which starts at least two weeks before the performer's last negative test, though Duke explained that they commonly go back three weeks or more just to be sure.

After it's been established by the performer and the doctor who the first-generation performers are, along with when they worked with the positive performer and for what production companies, that information is given to Duke so she can reach out to the production companies and find out the performers' legal names to tell the doctor so he can contact them for proper notification and instructions.

"We also work with the agents and double check everything best we can," Duke said. "It's a lot easier when the performer comes forward."

Duke continued, "When [Bay] came out publicly we were able to do a lot, since I was able to know who she is. Once this person's come out publicly then it's a lot easier; you get a lot of help that way. I was able to help Dr. Miao with all the generational identifications and contact information. With our database [we saw] that a lot of [first-generation] performers had tested out," which means they had underdone subsequent tests after working with Bay, which came out negative.

Duke reports that Bay was very forthcoming about helping to identify her scene partners.

"Cameron was wonderful and cooperative in helping to identify her partners," she said.

AVN also learned that Duke held a meeting with adult producers today in order to "show producers what APHSS, now PASS, is and how it functions," she said. Duke also said the meeting covered the moratorium and how that decision was made, along with discussing PASS protocol should a performer test positive.

Duke also asked the producers what can be done to improve the system.

"We got some great suggestions," Duke said. "We're always open to doing more if [the producers] think we need to. It was a very civilized and lively discussion with a lot of interaction."

Duke also said that she's planning on holding a meeting with agents and performers too so they can be part of the conversation on how to make the strongest system possible, from testing to notification.

"It's really their system," she said. "We're a resource. We have this great database for people to enter information into that's not going to compromise privacy," and for those producers that don't use the system, of which there were two at today's meeting, I want to hear from them as to what the system needs to have in order to get them on board."

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Old 26th August 2013, 10:29   #49
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Originally Posted by HiTrack99 View Post
This is what I don't get - if I had £1000 I could hire Aletta Ocean for an hour for sex. Why is it, that I can hire her, fuck her and the deal is done, whereas if I were a pornstar I would have to show an AIDS test? They really don't know what could be going on.
I think it's well-known that lots of the females in the porn industry escort at one time or another. I get what you're saying, but in the end the only difference between a porn star setting up a night of escorting and the same porn star picking up a guy in a club and doing the nasty with him all night is the exchange of $$$. So if you have a porn star who just loves sex and likes to pick up guys in clubs it's no different from escorting as far as STDs are involved.

And then there's the male actors in the porn biz....what are they doing in their free time? Who knows, but consistent testing will work to weed out someone like Cameron Bay who sadly gets infected with HIV.

As for the condom debate, I wouldn't care if condoms became the industry standard. I've read that condom use is discouraged because studios believe that consumers want the fantasy and thus bareback sex in their porn but Wicked Pictures is condoms-only and they are still around so who knows.
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Old 26th August 2013, 11:30   #50
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Originally Posted by nlhard View Post
Cameron Bay, also know until recently as Cameron Adams escorted based out of AZ. An escort review site has over 30 reviews of her. I believe she worked from time to time in LA as well. Hopefully all who saw her played it safe.
If that's true, so much for:

"When I got the call, I was obviously extremely distraught and in disbelief because there's no way that it's possible in my eyes," Bay said. "I don't sleep around, I don't do anything crazy, and I keep track of the people that I've worked with."
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