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Old 9th October 2013, 22:49   #451
Muddy Village Hillbilly

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Two black gangbangs for white cuckold wife! Black cocks all around, loads of cum in her mouth (damn, she loove to suck them big!) and even husband approached and came on her face two times! Excellent one simply stuffed with action! At first I thought this was an Iowa wife video but after watching it several times I can only say that this honey is maybe similar to her, but definitely it's not her! She's smoking hot too and I enjoyed watching it!

Size: 414 mb
type: avi
duration: 49:48
resolution: 640x416


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Mouth full of black meat and hubby unloading his balls on his wife's face after black stud:

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Old 10th October 2013, 15:03   #452
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Horny white milf gets hammered bareback by black lover in marital bed while hubby was filming! Their passion shook the bed but luckily nothing was broken except some stains on pillows and sheets!

Size: 84 mb
type: avi
duration: 04:44
resolution: 720x480


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Warm streak of cum on her face and big cummy smile to her beloved hubbyl!!!

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Old 14th October 2013, 08:02   #453
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I have been searching for one of my old videos and accidentally stumbled upon my two favorite cuckold vids that I still think are among best ever filmed! Featuring hot brunette who got fucked in front of husband, those vids are among first I ever downloaded and not sure if UncleMeat or Baze shared them first! "You can touch me - that's what I like!" and "I'm married for pervert!" said she with an accent that is most similar to Greek or Spanish! For all these years I've never found anything else with her but would die to see more or to find out who she actually was! First one starts in kitchen and ends up in bedroom upstairs! I loved the way she laughed when doing this!

Size: 78 mb
type: avi
duration: 07:12
resolution: 640x416


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Licking her bald pussy and pounding her from behind:

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Old 15th October 2013, 19:04   #454
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Chubby, big titted, tattooed, and possibly pregnant white girlfriend fucks with his boyfriend's black friend! This was her first black dick and although not that hung he pleased her quite well!

Size: 100 mb
type: avi
duration: 14:58
resolution: 640x416


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He used no protection and came inside her after fucking her from behind:

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Old 16th October 2013, 09:06   #455
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Hot as hell and pure wild anal sex! Pure interracial lust! Grab it while it's still here - I doubt it will last long enough!

Size: 300 mb
type: avi
duration: 22:03
resolution: 640x480

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Hard anal action and hubby's sloppy seconds and load in the end:

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Old 16th October 2013, 19:13   #456
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Another wild, intense and fucking amazing interracial video! Damn great and as someone said - "like out of this world!" Grab it as fast as you can!

Size: 304 mb
type: avi
duration: 26:47
resolution: 720x480

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Pulling black schlong out after inseminated her and made a creampie - what a hole:

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Old 17th October 2013, 08:12   #457
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Yup, she did it once again! Blacked hard bareback and had hubby's cock in the end also! Two at the time - what more a wife needs?

Size: 247 mb
type: avi
duration: 20:10
resolution: 720x480

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Husband having slobby seconds after black bull:

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Old 18th October 2013, 10:43   #458
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Wow, I haven't seen anything wildest and craziest than this one... She fucking rocks and fucks like there's no tomorrow!

Size: 178 mb
type: avi
duration: 14:11
resolution: 720x480

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Never seen cumming on a wedding ring before this one:

Last edited by nitobe; 13th October 2015 at 10:39.
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Old 24th October 2013, 08:19   #459
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Grab this white sex bomb! She does miracles with cocks no matter the size and color! But she almost "broke" this black dong! She has master's degree in doing this!!! Hurry up!

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duration: 22:41
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Old 29th October 2013, 09:04   #460
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Chubby, big titted wife in black stockings and corset on the loose with hung black guy who drilled her cunthole hard and deep! Wild babe that craves for more and more and can never get enough - the bigger, the better!!!

Size: 80 mb
type: avi
duration: 11:07
resolution: 640x416


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