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Old 10th April 2012, 08:20   #4221
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that was a damn good raw

much better than the one after mania

the start was awesome
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Old 10th April 2012, 14:41   #4222
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Default Who cares is almost right.

Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
Yeah mate, he was the intercontinental champion back in 2010 I think. He was the United States champion last year. He even held the world title for 10-15 minutes at the start of last year.

Another from the file marked who cares ?
I just think with those wasted belt holders, that the titles are losing their significance and dignity. They might as well give me the belt for 5 seconds and I will regretfully lose it to Cole.
Not much of a regret as Cole is the modern Mr WM.
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Old 10th April 2012, 15:40   #4223
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I'm so desperate for Ziggler to get 'drafted' back to Smackdown in a couple of weeks. The guy shouldn't be putting over Brodus in meaningless tag matches.

Originally Posted by OutOfMind View Post
They are wasting Brodus with that dumb dance thing with those girls.
Naomi & Cameron are my favorite thing about the Brodus Clay gimmick.

Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
WWE sources are confirming the Bellas are done with the company once their deals expire on 4/30. They have been with the company since signing developmental deals in 2007.
At first I was bummed - I feel like they've started to 'get' how to be effective heels over the past year or so - but then I realized that it might mean more airtime on the main shows for Maxine & Kaitlyn (who are being wasted on NXT) and maybe it'd create some openings for the girls in FCW (Paige, for example.)

EDIT: I forgot to add my favorite matches, from yesterday ...
WWF: 1992 Royal Rumble, which was easily the best Rumble
WCW: Wargames, 1992 (Sting's team vs. Dangerous Alliance)
Indies: Either the 2009 Big Japan deathmatch between Ryuji Ito & Jun Kasai that won the Match of the Year from Tokyo Sports or the 2007 Chickfight streetfight between Cheerleader Melissa & Wesna Busic (they went to a 45 minute draw in a stiff brawl that had a few 'holy shit' moments. Just an awesome match.)
Last edited by burtog; 10th April 2012 at 15:46.
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Old 10th April 2012, 16:16   #4224
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I like the Clay gimmick. It brings some "fun" back to WWE intros. I think its fine just the way it is.

As far as Rock/Cena I have been complaining all along you don't bring Rock back to beat your top babyface and then he is gone again. A guy that has had 1 match in 7 years beats the face of your company who wrestles full time? Someone is NOT looking to the future and building a future when you do that. Its just pushing a big payday NOW for today.
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Old 10th April 2012, 16:34   #4225
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Originally Posted by burtog View Post
Naomi & Cameron are my favorite thing about the Brodus Clay gimmick.
I like the "gimmick" too, but considering he is a powerful of a wrestler, I think they are not doing either justice. Let him dominate the way he demolishes his opponents and let them parade The Miz like when he had the dancers with him at first.
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Old 10th April 2012, 18:32   #4226

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Thoughts on RAW

1.) Did John Laurinaitis label Brock Lesnar the new face of WWE? Oh my goodness. That's just too far for kayfabe. He's going to face Cena at Extreme Rules? Already! It's going to be in Chicago! Holy crap, Cena's going to get burned, and Brock's going to get lovewd. Brock only said thanks to Johnny Ace for bringing legitimacy back to the WWE, and then Cena came out. Short, smart. I thought Cena was about to do his talking. Instead, he slapped the taste out of Lesnar. Then EVERYONE came to the ring to break up the fight that broke out. Cena's mouth was busted wide open and some broken teeth. Seems Lesnar is still too into MMA, play it safe. Cena needs to rise above blood! Cena's bloody smirk was classic! It made the segment that much better. They slow-mo'd the shot that bloodied Cena. Yikes!

2.) John Laurinaitis reading the riot act to Teddy Long. Ace seems very controlling, different than his middle-man position. Eve then came, and offered for him to call her. Yeah whatever.

3.) Swagger didn't save Ziggler from Clay's onslaught. That's surprising. A split happening? Clay got a great ovation, so his character continues to get over. It was a fine tag match. Santino could dance too.

4.) Johnny Ace talking with Miz. Ace is getting very impatient, Long brings Cena in. His mouth looks nasty, swelling. Cena wants a match, Ace gives him Otunga? Cena might need to get bloodied more, he seems more energized from it.

5.) Santino talking with Hawkins and Reks, that's nice. He is on the search for the 3 Stooges. Ok. Still searching after the commercial break. He bumped into Kane, and asked him about the stooges. Santino powerwalked out of the scene. Please.

6.) Cody got the same treatment as last week. The exact same. Hopefully this leads to Cody just unloading on Show. Good for R-Truth.

7.) Santino found a box, and the 3 stooges were inside it. Oh what a cartoonish segment. That's PG for you. Ehhh.

8.) Yoshi Tatsu got to wrestle Lord Tensai. Fans chanted "Albert." That was funny. Tensai squashed Tatsu. They need to give him direction quickly, because fans are too used to squashes nowadays thanks to Clay. Also, another big man, when Henry, Show, and Kane are still relevant in WWE, AND Lesnar coming back. Yeah, got to get him going.

9.) Boy that was a long segment. CM Punk had a very long promo on his straightedge lifestyle, and it was nice. Jericho then interrupted him on the tron. He speculated that Punk is tipsy. What's interesting was Punk slipped up a bit in his promo. Whether that was intentional or not, that was a good example of Jericho actually telling the truth. It was nice. Punk got pissed and said he will kick Jericho's ass. Punk hit Henry with a monitor, and got DQed. About to finish Henry off, Jericho came out with two cases of booze. Henry then squashed Punk. Punk adopted Superface lessons. Two world strongest slams, and then got to beat on Jericho. It didn't last long, as Punk got the codebreaker. Then he poured cans of whoop-ass onto Punk. Stone Cold probably gave him those cans. He called Punk a stupid son of a bitch. Censored. Somebody needs to clean the ring. With Punk being made to look week, it seems they are building Jericho up, so Punk can knock him down in Chicago. That's smart, no sarcasm.

10.) Ryder jobbed out to Del Rio. Talk about a blast from the past! They mentioned that Sheamus is getting called to be fired from the refs? That's laughable, as if the refs truly matter.

11.) The 3 Stooges were booed. Then Curly came out as Hulk Hogan! Oh my God. Now that's funny! Still got booed, and the Big Red Celebrity Killer came out and chokeslammed Curly.

12.) Henry's explanation for squashing Punk? You've got to be kidding me? Completely unnecessary. Him and Punk AGAIN, this time No DQ. Henry botched, he said "World Heavyweight Champion." No. It's ok, he's too into the big gold title.

13.) Brock Lesnar was interviewed by Josh Matthews. Talk about pride, said Ace is wise to bring Lesnar back and into the top. It was fine. He said Cena can't hold his jock strap. Burn. A video package on Undertaker and HHH. That's nice.

14.) Cena's mouth looked like a duck's beak. Typical Cena match. Otunga should not have took time to pose. Lesnar came out from behind with a low blow. F-5, RAW is done.

Daniel Bryan only appeared in the opening segment to stop the Cena and Lesnar brawl. That doesn't count as a real appearance, and there were a lot of "Yes" signs. While RAW Supershow was mostly just RAW, with barely any SD stars in the show, it still makes me think that they are trying to be hands off on Bryan's support, and let it die down. Further proof that they didn't mean to create a monster.

As for the Bellas. Ehhh. I'm not sure about that. They could have their contracts renewed or something, and it wouldn't be surprising. I thought McMahon loved them. If they go, I'm happy. If they stay, I wouldn't be disappointed or anything.

2007 Chickfight streetfight between Cheerleader Melissa & Wesna Busic (they went to a 45 minute draw in a stiff brawl that had a few 'holy shit' moments. Just an awesome match.
I'm going to keep that in mind. I just started watching SHIMMER DVDs in chronological order. The first show had two tremendous closing matches. Hard to pick one, but the Sara Del Rey and Mercedes Martinez match was as hard hitting as a male strong style match, and it went to a 20 minute draw. Yeah, 20 minutes. Cheerleader Melissa was before that match, and twisted MsChif like a pretzel. She's as flexible as Melina, her own leg kicking her head, that flexible.

Lesnar and Cena at Extreme Rules, and no stip mentioned yet. All I hope is that this doesn't close the show. Punk and Jericho should. Chicago hero and whatnot.

- Scott Hall was arrested again in Seminole County, Florida back on April 6th at 9:31pm by deputies from the Seminole County Sheriff’s office. FloridaArrests.com does not list what Hall was arrested for.

This is the same area that Hall was arrested in back in the summer of 2011.

The last we heard on Hall was that he had been admitted back into rehab a few weeks ago. Apparently Hall was let out as the arrest happened just last Friday night.
Not again. What a shame.

Hey look, it's JTG
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Old 10th April 2012, 19:11   #4227
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I wont be surprised if Y2J wins in Chicago, I'm not sure that he will, but I wont be surprised. I thought Punk rambled on a bit last night, Jericho was very good.

Cena is going to get the Shawn Michaels treatment in Chicago vs Lesnar ( Survivor series 1996 vs Sid ) The blood really added to their brawl last night. I still think it is too soon for the match, but still very interested in it .

SixG wasn't that wide off the mark when he called Ryder useless, he is certainly getting presented as useless.

I swear, if the same thing happens to Cody again next week! I will not be happy. Lord Tensai to be repackaged as Albert within a month

If not for the Hogan impression, the stooges would have been up there with the worst guest hosts ever, just having them there makes me grateful that we don't have to put up with it every week.

Real shame about Scott Hall, hardly surprising but still sad.

I'm calling Swerve on The Bella's. They are going to reunite with Daniel Bryan, only this time it will be different.

Originally Posted by Karmafan View Post
As far as Rock/Cena I have been complaining all along you don't bring Rock back to beat your top babyface and then he is gone again. A guy that has had 1 match in 7 years beats the face of your company who wrestles full time? Someone is NOT looking to the future and building a future when you do that. Its just pushing a big payday NOW for today.
I agree.

I don't complain as much when I expect it to happen. I class myself as a loyal WWE Fan (whatever that means) but they are always doing stupid shit. I'm not saying they don't do anything good, of course they do. If Dean Douglas was rating the product, it would rarely get above C. I haven't booked a wrestling show in my life and I think there are at least 100000 things I could have done better.

I wanted Rocky to win the match, not going to lie, but the right thing to do for business was having Cena win. I'm still not counting out a rematch happening. That idiot MGK calling Cena an underdog. If they have a rematch, Cena would be the underdog because he lost first time, they could make a better story out of it. They wont, but they could.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 10th April 2012 at 22:35. Reason: there not their you idiot.
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Old 10th April 2012, 20:17   #4228

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Well since WWE claims to give fans what they want, a majority wanted Rock to win. While those fans don't share the consensus here about the future, the bottom line is that that majority got what they want. So in a way, Cena jobbing to Rock was good for business. Good for those fans' business. Good for WWE? Remains to be seen. In a way, some eyes are just not wide open the future. Part of that has to do with WWE really not looking towards the future, looking for the big money names right away.

I resemble Alan's thoughts on being a loyal fan. It's not all sunshines and roses though. No company really is perfect. However, the trend in WWE now seems to be plucking past stars. It really goes back about 2 decades, when WWE relied on Hogan to keep on trucking in the 90s. By the end of that decade, they had to make due with what they had. They NEEDED to make new stars, and lo and behold, the Attitude Era. Those older names were busy in WCW. Nostalgia sells too much.

- WWE officials who were involved in the Brock Lesnar and John Cena brawl on RAW included former WWE Superstars Jamie Noble, Mike Rotunda (I.R.S), The Road Dogg, Goldust and Bill DeMott.
Jamie Noble? Where?

- Christian is being advertised to face The Big Show for the Intercontinental Championship at SmackDown live events in June.

Also advertised for the events is Sheamus defending the World Heavyweight Championship against Daniel Bryan in a “Last Man Standing” match.
. Come on now, Christian and Big Show? What about a 4 way between Del Rio, Bryan, Christian, and Sheamus. It's been a long time since a 4 way for a world title has happened.
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Old 10th April 2012, 20:18   #4229
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question for you guys

I think it was on SD there was a segment where a guy with a beard
started rambling about entertainment and other things. Who is that guy?
Is he anygood?
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Old 10th April 2012, 20:20   #4230
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Originally Posted by Karmafan View Post
I like the Clay gimmick. It brings some "fun" back to WWE intros. I think its fine just the way it is.

As far as Rock/Cena I have been complaining all along you don't bring Rock back to beat your top babyface and then he is gone again. A guy that has had 1 match in 7 years beats the face of your company who wrestles full time? Someone is NOT looking to the future and building a future when you do that. Its just pushing a big payday NOW for today.
I want to see Brodus in storyline with A-train. They are both about the same size so it would make for a good fight.

As for the comments about Brock and Cena I agree that they should
have let the storyline play out more before they have a PPV match
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