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Old 26th September 2012, 22:53   #31
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Max Hardcore was in prison for few years cuz the obscene porn that he was doing. he out not that long time ago.
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Old 27th September 2012, 01:54   #32
Who Cut The Cheese?

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Shyla is gonna go to prison if she isn't careful. She is escorting and supposedly hanging out with bad people. Its gonna come back to bite her in the ass. Watch and see....
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Old 27th September 2012, 20:42   #33
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Originally Posted by Karmafan View Post
Shyla is gonna go to prison if she isn't careful. She is escorting and supposedly hanging out with bad people. Its gonna come back to bite her in the ass. Watch and see....
its not that easy bro. i mean there are two ways in that whole "what happened to Shyla Stylez?" story that started 1.5 year ago.

1. she has everyone in the ass. fans, industry ppl, friends etc and this is how she choose to be a escorter and Bobbi is her best friend now

2. she is blackmailing and pimping by Bobbi and her husband. they also not letting her shooting porn anymore. also they making most of their money on Shyla now so no way that they let her go. Shyla wanted make some fast and easy money then she wanted leave it and got in to troubles and now she cant

how i got 2.? for last 6 months i was in contact with one of Shyla's close friends and 2. is what that friend of Shyla think about it and told me. Shyla never told that friend something like "yes im blackmailing" but after a lot conversations with Shyla that friend think that this is it.

so man i dont know where is truth. after 1.5 year of trying to find truth i can tell u that for 100% one of these two is truth. its ur choose witch one look more believable for u.

also that whole talking around about her and that she escort not helping her probably. now a lot industry hearing about what she doing. even if she want to come back it maybe too hard for her cuz her reputation is devastating now.

that friend of her also told me that she has stalker and this is a reason why she not giving any connections addresses or addresses where fans would send her gifs etc. i dont know any details that friend only told me this: "u cant imagine what that stalker did and i even wont say"

so as u can see pal its all mess and looks like things not gonna be better soon. i feel really sorry for her. shit i want her back
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Old 27th September 2012, 20:49   #34
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Is the first time I read somethig about a pornstar and a issue with a stalker... I wonder If other pornstars had problems with stalkers?

Originally Posted by Songokuu View Post
its not that easy bro. i mean there are two ways in that whole "what happened to Shyla Stylez?" story that started 1.5 year ago.

1. she has everyone in the ass. fans, industry ppl, friends etc and this is how she choose to be a escorter and Bobbi is her best friend now

2. she is blackmailing and pimping by Bobbi and her husband. they also not letting her shooting porn anymore. also they making most of their money on Shyla now so no way that they let her go. Shyla wanted make some fast and easy money then she wanted leave it and got in to troubles and now she cant

how i got 2.? for last 6 months i was in contact with one of Shyla's close friends and 2. is what that friend of Shyla think about it and told me. Shyla never told that friend something like "yes im blackmailing" but after a lot conversations with Shyla that friend think that this is it.

so man i dont know where is truth. after 1.5 year of trying to find truth i can tell u that for 100% one of these two is truth. its ur choose witch one look more believable for u.

also that whole talking around about her and that she escort not helping her probably. now a lot industry hearing about what she doing. even if she want to come back it maybe too hard for her cuz her reputation is devastating now.

that friend of her also told me that she has stalker and this is a reason why she not giving any connections addresses or addresses where fans would send her gifs etc. i dont know any details that friend only told me this: "u cant imagine what that stalker did and i even wont say"

so as u can see pal its all mess and looks like things not gonna be better soon. i feel really sorry for her. shit i want her back
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Old 28th September 2012, 00:34   #35
Who Cut The Cheese?

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Many girls have had that problem. Its why they use aliases and keep their real names and personal info private. Thats why Pornwikileaks scared the shit out of the whole industry.
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Old 27th August 2013, 19:08   #36
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WillyCee is on a distinguished road
Default Kacey Kox is interesting, sad IMHO

Originally Posted by bbenson67 View Post
Ummm, she stabbed him in the back with a knife according to her own twitter. She's probably sad because this could get elevated to assault with a deadly weapon or attempted murder. She's so blasted on meth most of the time jail is probably the safest place for her.
Hasn't anyone else ever noticed Kacey Kox's look and eyes.... from the first Video I ever saw... she definitely has the look and mannerisms of someone either on drugs, or with some mental issues. I'm not trying to be rude or hurtful... just look! Unfocused and distant... It's sad there was never anyone there to help her out... and I don't mean out of porn, just mean as a person. Any of those actors or directors or who ever (camera people) could see it, WTF is up with that???
Last edited by WillyCee; 27th August 2013 at 19:08. Reason: spelling
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Old 27th August 2013, 21:00   #37
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Former Porn Star "Cameron Caine" Found in Florida Big Lots Parking Lot With a Crack Pipe and an Infant


she has been arested 7 times arrest reports

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Old 28th August 2013, 01:46   #38
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It's an ugly industry. Despite the fact that so many Americans love porn, it carries a deep stigma in our society, due in large part to the type of people it attracts. Being a porn star does not do wonders for a woman's self-esteem either.

That's the primary reason I never plan to shoot porn in Los Angeles. There's a lot of crazy shit going on out there. If you stay local and stick with amateurs who just want some quick cash, or who want to do porn for the novelty and/or the chance to explore their sexuality, you don't run into these problems too often.

Now, I won't lie. I have encountered a couple girls with serious issues. One girl came to a shoot high on some kind of stimulant - we turned her away and gave her information on rehab facilities in the area. The other girl is notorious all over campus for being a shameless attention-whoring party animal. She's professional enough to stay sober for a shoot, and she doesn't strike me as an addict, but her partying lifestyle takes its toll and I've heard stories through the grapevine about things she's done and drugs she's taken. Those types of girls are attracted to this industry at every level. It's sad, but unavoidable.

However, on the whole, the girls I've worked with are well-adjusted, clean people who just want to get through college, and in some cases, they're actually highly intelligent. I've shot with honor students. One of my models is even interested in co-managing the business with me. For the most part, they just need the money and they're willing to accept society's judgment of what they did to get it.

Trust me, if you ever decide to shoot porn, stay local, and if you must shoot with established stars based in Los Angeles, limit those shoots and spend most of your time working with amateurs from college campuses. You'll find a surprising number of girls who are willing to give you a shot, and a little money goes a long way. Just remember, you can't make money without spending money, so be prepared to negotiate if you want the girls to do the really nasty stuff like anal and creampies, and find a good clinic for STD tests. (Again, college campuses are great for this because students can usually get free tests.)

Although Eastern Europe isn't too bad either.

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