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Old 29th March 2012, 10:43   #3971
Alan Kellerman
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I heard that Miz Rumor on one of those wrestling observer shows. They do come up with some shit . I liked the rumor I made up better, Brock Lesnar gets shot out of a torpedo into Rock and Cena, they both get knocked out and just make it up before the 10 count, Cena hits Rock with the AA and finishes him off.

It's an out there idea but I'd accept it quicker than I'd accept Miz getting involved.

I don't think any of this will happen btw. It will stay 1 on 1 and Cena wins.


Thought this was interesting. The go home show number before each Wrestlemania.

I know times have changed but 3.0 is grim no matter how you look at it. The lowest number since 1997.

March 25 1996 - 2.8
March 17, 1997 - 2.4
March 23, 1998 - 3.6
March 22, 1999 - 6.4
March 27, 2000 - 6.6
March 26, 2001 - 4.7
March 11, 2002 - 4.5
March 24, 2003 - 3.4
March 8, 2004 - 3.8
March 28, 2005 - 4.0
March 27, 2006 - 4.2
March 26, 2007 - 3.9
March 24, 2008 - 3.4
March 30, 2009 - 3.6
March 22,2010 - 3.2
March 28, 2011 - 3.8
March 27, 2012 - 3.0
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 29th March 2012 at 12:01.
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Old 29th March 2012, 14:40   #3972
Alan Kellerman
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Originally Posted by Karmafan View Post
If Miz interfered and screwed the ending to Cena/Rock there would be such a riot. Hyping a match like that for a whole year only to have it end in a Dusty screwjob finish would seriously piss a lot of people off.

I think it will be a knock down drag out fight that will see lots of near finishes and Cena will win in the end. Then they shake hands and bury the hatchet unless....

Someone else shows up and crushes Cena and the Rock and they team up to fight the villians at SS.
unless Miz tried to alter the outcome, only Cena and Rock lay him out with an attitude adjustment and rock bottom before he gets the chance. I still think that would suck, I don't want anybody to get involved. I don't know what the worst idea is. The Undertaker getting beat or Miz interfering in the main event. It makes no sense to me.

Brock Lesnar is a dream, it would be amazing if he showed up, a feud with Cena is $$$$$$$$ . I can't see it happening though, but other than that dream happening, everybody else better stay out.

I think Another tag team match at survivor series would be lame, last year it sucked. This year it would get around 5 buys ( I'm joking by about 15 buys ) Miz and Truth were made to look like total jokes leading up to the match, the match itself was nothing special .

The Cena vs Rock trilogy idea is OK, but again, it is another rumor, there has been nothing to show me that they will have 3 matches. if Rock wins at Wrestlemania then I might see it.
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Old 29th March 2012, 22:30   #3973

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I just thought that if Cena wins, and people are too mad at it, bring Miz out to try and ruin the celebration. Rock and Cena crush him, and I guess that makes everyone go home happy. I don't necessarily believe the rumor of any interference happening. This Wrestlemania is set up to be their biggest. Everything should be clean and tight so as not to have a rematch. Unless that's their plan. Calling it "once in a lifetime," it pretty much eliminates the possibilities of a rematch. Plus Rock would have to win.

I think if it wasn't for Kharma's personal loss, and her not being in ring shape, Beth and her would've went at Wrestlemania. She pretty much got shoehorned into the Kelly/Eve rivalry. That likely developed as a replacement for Beth/Kharma. Where Eve would've been, Kane vs. Ryder. Now I think that went out in favor of Orton and Kane. That's because Barrett got injured, and I think those two would've had one more match.

That's just speculation, myself thinking that plans for Wrestlemania changed as far as their undercard. Anyways, I think Team Johnny should win, as a way to rebuild Mark Henry, and maybe debut Lord Tensai.
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Old 29th March 2012, 22:51   #3974
Alan Kellerman
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I think Lord Tensai will debut on Raw, not at Wrestlemania. I'd like Henry to get the win, he did well as champion, I'm not so sure he will get another push like last year. Once Sheamus and Bryan are finished and Sheamus is champion, Henry would be a good challenger, since he beat him at Summerslam last year . a count out is still a win.

Now that I think of it... Santino will get the win, he will pin Otunga, Teddy dances and makes out with Aksana while the blue team celebrate.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 29th March 2012 at 23:50.
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Old 30th March 2012, 01:16   #3975

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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
I think Lord Tensai will debut on Raw, not at Wrestlemania. I'd like Henry to get the win, he did well as champion, I'm not so sure he will get another push like last year. Once Sheamus and Bryan are finished and Sheamus is champion, Henry would be a good challenger, since he beat him at Summerslam last year . a count out is still a win.

Now that I think of it... Santino will get the win, he will pin Otunga, Teddy dances and makes out with Aksana while the blue team celebrate.
Sheamus never pinned or made Henry tap out. That would be a great boost for Sheamus, and Henry likely would do the job, no complaints. How you put the 12 man tag match, it seems like a total comedy match, and won't be taken seriously. Hornswoggle, Vickie, and Aksana are booked there. Expect shenanigans on their part. If it turns out to be a silly match, in some odd way, thank goodness that Christian couldn't compete. This is beneath him, especially if he is still set to have a prominent role on SD. Really, Mark Henry is another guy that this match would be beneath him.

Otunga is seen as a joke, Swagger rarely wins, Ziggler rarely wins, Drew goes without saying, Miz is low on the totem pole right now, and he's practically in Drew's level as far as losing. Kofi is a midcard hell face, Santino is midcard and comedy, R-Truth has never been as hot as he was late in the Summer, Khali is a loon, Ryder is back to goofball. WOW, Booker is the only star here, unless Henry really dominates. Describing all these guys, this isn't as serious as it really is.

Now say this was when the brand extension was fresh and it was Stephanie vs. Eric Bischoff, that would be very much better.
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Old 30th March 2012, 03:15   #3976
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I don't see them dragging the Rocky vs. Cena feud out. You don't prolong a match for a year only to give people an incomplete story when it gets here.

On the contrary, I foresee a new stable forming between Rocky and Cena at Mania. They'll put on a good match, but there has to be a hook. I think they'll put their differences aside after it's over and team up to dominate the brand. Despite what you guys believe, I still think of Cena as a heel, and Rocky isn't far from it.
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Old 30th March 2012, 04:28   #3977

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Originally Posted by evilmonkey View Post
this is a bit off topic but I really wish someone could do the JAX multislam move in pro-wrestling...that would be cool

Mortal Kombat 4 Jax Multi Slam - YouTube
I don't know why it took me so long to reply to this directly. I read this and thought of another move from Mortal Kombat that would be awesome in pro-wrestling. By the way, Jax's multislam could be done with a Colin Delaney in WWECW and either Big Show or Mark Henry.

Liu Kang's Flying Bicycle Kick

Speaking of video games, Guile from Street Fighter 2 can do a mean German Suplex.

One random reference: one of my favorite action movies is Jackie Chan's Legend of Drunken Master (in the early 90s, technically a sequel to the 1970s movie, which was also awesome). I'd like to see a pro wrestler perform his moves in a (maybe kayfabe) drunken behavior. It would throw off opponents, and surprise everyone at how good the guy actually is. Stone Cold Steve Austin would be jealous.

To make this post on current times, Edge apparently cut his hair.

I always had thoughts of Shawn Michaels getting a haircut. Stuff like that are so weird, because you are well conditioned to accept the look they have weekly on TV. When CM Punk's hair was shaved, not only it made me mad, but it was hard to accept. Then he shaved his chest and put some ink on it. Now I'm used to his look. He looked like Jesus by the way.
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Old 30th March 2012, 06:04   #3978
Who Cut The Cheese?

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Edge's movie looks bloody awful. Like TV movie of the week awful on a low budget cable channel. I dunno if Edge is a terrible actor or the script itself is terrible but no wonder it made small money in the theaters.
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Old 30th March 2012, 06:20   #3979
Alan Kellerman
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I'm not expecting Edge to be the next leading man in Hollywood.The WWE movies are always rubbish. 12 rounds ? the chaperone ? I'd say only the most diehard fan would buy or watch their movies, I'll stick to Raw and Smackdown. I've only watched bits of their movies if I'm flicking through the channels and I want a laugh. I watched a bit of Legendary, it was alright. I see Orton will be the star of marine 3.

I would have been interested if it had all 3 marines... Cena, Orton and a 30 second cameo from Ted. The credits start and Ted ends up getting blown up before they end. Just to make it seem as real as possible.

Originally Posted by Seven Churches View Post
I always had thoughts of Shawn Michaels getting a haircut. Stuff like that are so weird, because you are well conditioned to accept the look they have weekly on TV. When CM Punk's hair was shaved, not only it made me mad, but it was hard to accept. Then he shaved his chest and put some ink on it. Now I'm used to his look. He looked like Jesus by the way.
I know what you mean. Image is everything.

The shorter hair is better than the previous ''style''. I wanted Edge to get shaved way back when he wrestled Kurt Angle in 2002, he was due a haircut. We did get the look Kurt Angle is known for when he got shaved, but the old generic rocker Edge hairstyle takes me back to Wrestlemania 6. Shawn has still not conceded.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 30th March 2012 at 07:13.
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Old 30th March 2012, 07:48   #3980
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I cringe when they throw words like "movie star" around in on-screen interactions. I can't think of anyone who came out of the WWE who has done a legitimate movie. Sure, Rocky made it acceptable for guys to go from wrestling to movies, but how many of these guys are serious actors? Kane wasn't. Nor was Cena, Batista, or RVD. Rocky did a ton of movies, but he failed at it too. He did a lot of high-intake blockbusters, but when did he ever take a serious role? "Southland Tales" was the closest thing to it, but the rest of the movies he has made have been kiddie movies or shitty action movies. He's pulled the fandom he had when he was in the WWE to follow him into an acting career, but he's never made a serious go of it.

Pro-wrestlers are actors in a way, but their acting is in a world much different than Hollywood. What they do plays with the minds of live crowds, and that's really quite amazing, but I don't think any of them can turn into the mainstream type of actor because they have been conditioned to such a degree. Rocky was the shit in his glory days, and he can be good now, but I think his time away has fucked with his head and he's realized that what I'm saying is true. You just can't make the transfer and produce a quality product.

Edge is no different. I don't think he's making a career move, though- he's making a cheap comedy to stay in the spotlight.
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