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Old 15th March 2012, 02:55   #11
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Originally Posted by baddfingerz View Post
my sister has been fighting breast cancer like hell for 8 years, has lost her entire reproductive system and more, and has suffered tremendously - even more as a last ditch attempt to beat it with an unconventional treatment.
I lost my older brother to Cancer the day after his 40th birthday. It's not fair and it's far from right. But I can tell you two things for sure 1) No one has ever taught me more about living then him. 2) I pray your sister will beat this torment... No human should ever go through what cancer patients go trough and no family should have to watch a loved one go through it.

In regards to the topic. Can cancer be cured? Yes, of course it "could be." Will it be cured? Nope! Not as long as Pharma and Wall St. are bed partners. Cancer brings in way to much in the form of dividends to Pharma's investors for them to ever willingly invest in finding "cures." It would be like asking McDonald's to find a cure for hunger or oil companies to find a viable fuel alternative... Happen? Ain't gonna!

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Old 15th March 2012, 03:39   #12

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Thanks for the replys guys but I need to rephrase my question because not all cancers are the same!!

I think some cancers have and can be treated well and cured but not all!!

If any of you watched the vid an Italian doctor found that most tumours are allways white and came to the conclusion that they are a fungus!!

He treated them with Bicarbonate Soda and found after a few weeks the tomours had gone!!
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Old 15th March 2012, 03:44   #13

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It has been scientifically proven Cannabis stops the growth and can also induce the death of cancer cells

They have tested it on mice with cancer tomours, injecting thc straight into the tomour and it disappeared!!

Here is a vid with 3 parts, please watch them all

I would appreciate your comments on this guys!!
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Old 15th March 2012, 03:54   #14
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As a 13/14 old sleeping downstairs looking after my gran, (Go waken mum upsairs) Gran had to have porrage put into the holes in her back made by cancer, I wanted to help but was shouted out of the room.
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Old 15th March 2012, 03:55   #15

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Old 15th March 2012, 04:13   #16

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Like this guy in the first video says, there would be no point pharmaceutical companys working on natural treatments because anything from nature cant be patented so they would make no money!!

And the FDA say its illegal unless they check it, make sure its safe!!!

These companys don't work on natural remedies, this is what you guys need to realize, if you go the doctors does he give you something natural??

No!! he gives you something synthetic!!
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Old 15th March 2012, 04:14   #17
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Originally Posted by alexora View Post
People are working around the clock to try and find ways of minimizing the death toll, from developing therapies that are able to cause a remission of the tumor, to devising better diagnostic procedures aimed at detecting early stages of cancer so as to be able to 'nip it in the bud'. Worthwhile research is also being carried out in identifying the genetic markers that indicate a likelihood of being afflicted by the condition.

There are indeed cures already - not just therapies - that have come about as a direct result of the most ambitious scientific undertaking in history being completed, the Human Genome project. It took thousands of experts over a decade to map out every gene on the human double-helix DNA strand, and it is paying off in spades. Unfortunately, the ongoing research is still exhaustive and very time-consuming as alexora implied, and very costly.

My information is several years old, but I know that one of the first fruits of the project yielded a cure for a certain type of childhood leukemia. When doctors call something a "cure" they mean that it is very effective and this treatment has over an 80% cure rate. Cures have been developed for other cancers, too, largely the result of more diligent research in the field of genetics. That science is revolutionary and our best hope for all manner of human frailties. Many dream that one day these terrible diseases, that have laid us to waste since the dawn of mankind, might be engineered right out of the gene pool or otherwise be negated before a child even comes into the world.

One of the biggest obstacles to the development of cures that are actually viable, approved buy the FDA and "on the market" is not even a obvious consequence, the problem of constraints or limitations that one would expect. It is what Sharon Begley M.D., medical editor of Newsweek, described in that magazine last year in a big article on this topic, and it really got me going. She refers to the concept as 'elegant research'; it is a huge part of the culture of Western medicine today and a reality that is hard for me to accept.

In a nutshell: It is not humanitarian concerns that dictate how resources and progress are ultimately used in the day-to-day development of treatments for cancer and other serious and fatal diseases [excepting contagions that pose a threat to the general populace, etc.] When scientists make that next "breakthrough" or discovery, the one that advances everything to the next level and proves their theories, and that would translate into higher efficacy for an existing treatment or even a new cure...what do you think the first thing they do with that hard-won knowledge is?

I know a hell of a lot of us are going to reflexively say "Use it to develop a new medicine! Or therapy! Or whatever - just help people!" It's hard to believe, but the way Dr. Begley was describing all of this - and she is an expert insider - is that most of the progress from these "breakthroughs" and the day-to-day efforts in the industry does not go into making an immediate, tangible difference in the lives of human beings. Much of it is used to set the bar for the next set of experiments and potential to advance science for science's sake.

And a shitload of $$$ rides on it.

All these doctors and biochemists, highly trained professionals with huge, pulsating brains - in a field that is supposed to exist primarily to heal people - have unwittingly built a community and culture that values prestige and the pursuit of knowledge in such a titillating way that it is defeating it's own purpose.

There is a whole lot of mental masturbation going on in an extremely competitive and lucrative field and it is taking precedence over saving the lives of millions people.

Sound like something's missing from my take? Probably. Read up on it if you like - 'Elegant Medical Research' - Sharon Begley M.D.

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Last edited by baddfingerz; 15th March 2012 at 12:35. Reason: clarification
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Old 15th March 2012, 04:35   #18

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The sad thing, very sad thing about all this is if no one got sick they would make no money, and they wouldn't like making no money

They can profit greatly from us being sick, dont ever think they would choose our health over their money because you know thats not how it works!

The cancer business is a mutilmillion dollar buiz!
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Old 15th March 2012, 04:46   #19
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Originally Posted by baddfingerz View Post
I think we should stick to facts here.
I was merely stating my opinion that something may be happening in in the world that is not reported in the media. You know you medical publications well, and perhaps we know everything that they know (although probably not), but governments and the military are known for doing off-the-radar research. Being that cancer affects so many people around the world, I don't think it's so crazy to think that they have been and are still doing research.
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Old 15th March 2012, 05:25   #20

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Sharon Begley "M.D." has an agenda. Just as Peter Breggin, M.D. has an agenda with psychiatry. Do we know if Sharon Begley has even taken her boards in anything or practiced medicine? You can walk out of medical school with an M.D., but it doesn't mean you have much more than the M.D. after your name. Nevertheless, if you think there aren't quacks in medicine with MDs, DOs, PAs, NPs, and other licensure or education, then you are sadly mistaken. I work with these people and often find some of them to be real out there. Most of them are following conventional therapies, but every now and then you run across a loon. RNs and NPs are especially good for being goofy IMO. Not all of them mind you, I am one myself, but they love to preach about alternative treatments.

Aside from that, I think it is sad that people really believe that CA researches are hiding cures from the public. If anyone knew how many individuals from all backgrounds worked in research and looked at the scientific data (pathophysiology) that is involved in cancer, you'd be amazed. You would have to believe that hundreds of thousands of people from all over the scientific community were hiding a truth that just can't be hidden. From lowly bachelor level research students working towards a masters or doctorate to researchers with years of experience, both private and government sector.

ETA: Here is Sharon Begley, "MD". She just looks like a quack, and she misrepresented data in another article regarding antidepressants, so....

Looks like ole Sharon isn't a doctor at all. Everything I find says she just has a degree from Yale. A bachelors and some honorary "doctorate" in bullshit.
Last edited by Sarcosis; 15th March 2012 at 05:50.
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