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Old 28th June 2015, 22:34   #1771
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You gotta luv Kalina...

The WETTER the BETTER right!?

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Old 28th June 2015, 22:36   #1772
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- Phoenix in "Horny Asshole Demands No Waiting"

Phoenix treats Criss Strokes to a top tier sexual intercourse "Anal Freaks"...

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Old 28th June 2015, 22:38   #1773
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- Bailey in "Directly to Anal"

Off of "Anal Freaks" first instalment, Bailey puts on a great show with Manuel Ferrara...

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Old 28th June 2015, 22:40   #1774
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- Elektra thr0ated [March 3rd, 2015 update]

Elektra crawls to Anthony Rosano's lap and wastes no time knocking her THROAT all over his dick. Soon the scene finds Elektra on her knees, demanding with an flirtacious outstretched TONGUE. It was only right that Rosano treats her to a vigorous FACEFUCKING that clearly drives her past her comfort zone. It has her RETCHING, CHOKING and doing any kind of faces. "Stay still" he commands while PINCHING her nose and sticking his cock as far as he can.
he also does a great job at taking it FAR DOWN her THROAT from that position.

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Old 28th June 2015, 22:40   #1775
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- kasey thr0ated [March 10th, 2015 update]

"I enjoy slash am good at puting penises into the depths of my GULLET" boasts Kasey. And it shows right from the getgo when she effortlessly ENGULFS Tommy Pistol's schlong back. But reducing Kasey's oral skills to such a feature wouldn't do her justice cause she can take both IRRUMATIO and THROAT FUCKING like a fucking champ as well. The way she accomodates to having her THROAT wholeheartedly DRILLED is definitely a sight to behold. And those GARGLING songs are pretty mesmerizing as well...

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Nothing like EYE-CONTACT!!


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Old 28th June 2015, 22:42   #1776
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- Abella thr0ated [June 2nd, 2015 update]

You dont't get refered to as one "Spiegler Girl" from being soft. And Abella lives up to her moniker once she wraps her lips around Anthony Rosano's cock. Shorty wastes no time ENGULFING every inch of his cock with eager, ease and plenty of EYE-CONTACT to our viewing pleasure. "Just SWALLOW your all fucking penis" she prides herself at one point, "I rather CHOKE on it than to BREATHE" she further MOANS. Truth is she goes DOWN like she never wanna BREATHE and serves up that NOTHING but NECK treatment for the most part.
The ninth minutes mark finds Abella flipped on the couch, assuming that HEAD-HANGING-OFF-THE-END-OF-THE-COUCH position for some more THROAT BEATING. Rosano obliges PUMPING her THROAT from that dif'rent angle. It doesn't take that long before GAGSPIT spreads across her face, turning her pretty face into a slutty one.
Finally Rosano stands on his two feets, grabs the back of her head and treats her to a rough session of IRRUMATIO, allowing her an oportunity to further confirm her THROAT isn't made of paper mache. And she takes it mouth WIDE-OPEN, TONGUE STICKED OUT with those EYES on the camera: the mark of a seasoned performer...

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Something to tip your cap to right there!



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Old 28th June 2015, 22:54   #1777
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- Aspen in "Mouth Pussy" [June 8th, 2015 "Deep Thr0at L0ve" update]

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Now we're talking!!


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Old 13th December 2015, 12:00   #1778
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- Cathy in "Once upon a Throat" [November 1st, 2015 "legal P0rn0" update]

Cathy shares a bunch of cocks with Simony and outshines her with that STELLAR THROAT GAME of hers...

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"Wtf just happened!" material

Fuck yeah!!!!!

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- Cathy in "Ass Fucking Perfection" [September 15th, 2012 "Ana1 Rehab" update]

Cathy lubes up dude's throbbing cock DEEPTHROATIN' it and treats him to some BUTT STUFF...

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I am a quaterback & this board is my football field
Throwing out file passes, yall my wide receivers
Breathtaking post maker
Last edited by saliss; 27th December 2015 at 11:50.
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Old 13th December 2015, 12:05   #1780
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+ No Bra on [October 3rd, 2014 "PVblic Agent" update]

Director trades cash for Cathy's sexual favors. Cathy treats him to DEEPTHROATIN', ANAL SEX and cum SALLOWIN'...

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I am a quaterback & this board is my football field
Throwing out file passes, yall my wide receivers
Breathtaking post maker
Last edited by saliss; 27th December 2015 at 11:48.
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