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Old 30th January 2015, 17:50   #1731
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+ "Dr. Rotten's Erotic Experiments" [July 7th, 2014 "D0ct0r Adventures" update]

"Bonnie Rotten is a mad scientist who has set out to find the perfect sexual partner. So far, she's had no luck, and every single subject she's brought back to the lab cums way too quickly! She runs test after test, but nothing seems to work. Nothing, that is, until she gets a new specimen for her erotic experiments: Brick Danger. It turns out that Brick has everything Bonnie has been looking for this whole time, from his big fat cock to his impressive stamina. In order to prep her subject, Dr. Rotten gives Brick some super sloppy head, slobbering all over his big dick and deepthroating it down to the base. She takes it balls deep in her pink pussy, pretty face, and finally in her tight little asshole, pussy squirting as she cums all over her lab. Finally, Brick gives her a big facial cumshot, officially making himself Bonnie's best experiment ever!"

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Fucked in the pooper!!!!

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Old 25th February 2015, 00:47   #1732
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+ Vicki thr0ated [September 23rd, 2014 update]

"I always use my THROAT when i use my mouth" teases Vicki right from the getgo. So when she drops down her knees a couple minutes later one can't tell she will not hold anything back. She OPENS WIDE, STUFFS David Loso's schlong in her mouth and GRABS his nutsack for dramatic effects. Dude doesn't stay lazy and actually makes sure to SLAM the BACK OF HER THROAT for the rest of us to enjoy the THROATFUCKING action. But Vicki meant business and literally prides herself to take the upper hands on things anytime he slows his pelvis work. And believe me seeing Vicki DRIBBLING her face on his cock is a sight to behold.
By the twelfth minutes mark, Loso flips her on the couch and has her in that HEAD-HANGING-OFF6tHE-END-OF-THE-COUCH position. And Loso starts the THROAT PUMPIING as she does her utmost possible to keep up. She produces alot of saliva, flashes WATERY EYES and CHOKES on dude's member.
"Feed me your load" lasciviously whispers Vicki as the scene comes to its end. Loso obliges, FUCKING her THROAT some more at FULL SPEED until he gets to spurt his load on her outstretched tongue. ..

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Vicki nailed it!!!

On some J0hn Cena "You C me" type of stuff!!!

Side glancin'!

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Old 25th February 2015, 00:50   #1733
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- Siri thr0ated [September 30th, 2014 update]

Siri offers up her THROAT to Dane Cross for what turns out to be one of the website's more powerful scene in a minute. Siri leverages Dane's small and limp prick to take the oral to another level. Shorty pulls out all the tricks from sneaking it in nice and slow to DRIBBLING her THROAT over dude's cock.Her nose CRUSHED to his lower tummy is definitely a sight to behold just as her FACE buried UP his GROIN...


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Old 25th February 2015, 00:51   #1734
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Now we're talking!


Nothing like EYE-CONTACT!!!

Reviewing dud's satisfaction...


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Last edited by saliss; 25th February 2015 at 00:57.
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Old 25th February 2015, 00:53   #1735
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- Alexis in "Anal Queen Is Back For An Intimate Anal Slam"

Off of "Deep Anal Drilling #6", Alexis puts on a memorable show many viewers won't soon forget. First she sets her mind on Johnny's foot long cock and takes it ALL THE WAY DOWN her THROAT. She literally takes it upon herself not to do it slowly for everyone to enjoy it every step of the way. Then he sticks his glistening knob in her pussy...
By the 22:00 minutes mark in she shoves his cock up her asshole and rides it senseless...

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Alexis went ALL-IN!!!

You gotta luv her!!!

Hi-REZ FANS: Saliss...

...got yall still!!!!!

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Old 25th February 2015, 01:05   #1736
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- Franceska DP'ed

Franceska gets herself between James Dean and Chris Strokes, sucks em good and finally gets DOUBLE-DICKED...

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Fuck YeeaaaH!!!!

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Old 25th February 2015, 01:08   #1737
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- Juelz blowbanged [June 21st, 2014 "Br0bang" update]

Juelz works the pole and has them studs throwin ones and eventually pulling out their knobs for some action...

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This is why Juelz is hot!!!


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Old 25th February 2015, 01:09   #1738
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- Damaris in "Please Mr Milkman" [August 25th, 2013 "Give Me Spvnk" update]

"Quiero que me folla la boca!" whispers Damaris in dire need of cock sucking. It brings Max Cortès to the yard and he obviously obliges with no gentle prelude. He
then he bends her and fucks her cunt until spurting his load on her face...

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You gotta luv...


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Old 25th April 2015, 13:17   #1739
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- Mercedes in "Dr. Carrera's orders" [January 18th, 2015 "D0ct0r Adventvres" update]

"Dr Mercedes Carrera isn't above doing whatever it takes to rehabilitate her patients. When she couldn't motivate her patient Ramon to walk on his own, she took out her big beautiful tits as an incentive. You can bet Ramon found the will to walk over close enough to touch her boobs and get his big dick sucked on right then and there. With his legs working, and his penis on over-drive, Ramon made use of his new-found strength to screw Mercedes like she hadn't been screwed in years! Even when his girlfriend walked in on them boning, Ramon and Mercedes kept going, and had themselves a wild afternoon in the doctor's office!"

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Old 25th April 2015, 13:18   #1740
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- Mercedes Blows Best [October 29th, 2014 "M0mmy Bl0ws Best" update]

Mercedes caters to Dane cross' cock...

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Drippin' fluids at the effort...

Picture Perfect: the epitome of DEEPTHROATIN'

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I am a quaterback & this board is my football field
Throwing out file passes, yall my wide receivers
Breathtaking post maker
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