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Old 26th October 2015, 20:20   #15821
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Originally Posted by deputyduffy View Post
I also heard Vince is pissed off at all the Blood.
Sounds like a bullshit rumor, but if it's true, then tough shit. It's supposed to be The Devil's Playground, not Barney's Play Time.

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Old 26th October 2015, 23:21   #15822
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I like Del Rio, always kinda have. Loved his work as El Patron in Lucha Underground. This return though, with Zeb no less, I need to see/hear more before I get too excited about it. I worry what character we're getting, I'm not expecting the cars because that's an unneeded expense, but a first promo can tell a lot. He got cheered last night, but that can be explained as return pop, facing Cena(a cardboard cutout of Cena might get cheers against Cena) and being in LA(LU was filmed in the area). Need the promo, I want to know more.

Otherwise no major surprises from the results, I shouldn't have put too much stock in Xavier not being around in hindsight(damn thing is always 20/20) but I'd be surprised if the Dudleys don't get one last title run sometime. The end however, very interesting and again I need the promo to know more.

And if Vince is truly upset over the blood, he's a even bigger idiot than I sometimes think he is.
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Old 27th October 2015, 00:26   #15823
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Originally Posted by Love Buzz View Post
Do the fast forward Raw viewing. That's what I do, unless I feel like just leaving it lol.

I have to criticize Tyler. He has a weird accent, who the heck sounds like that? I don't think it helps at all. And he did that stupid selfie stick spot throwing Dolph into the corner, it looked fake as feck. But other than that he's great.

I said Miz had disappeared but I forgot he was on SmackDown lol. Why doesn't he feud with Sandow or something, get the guy on TV again. Miz is being wasted just hosting a segment.
I'd love to fast forward through Raw, but I actually still don't have a DVR or anything like that. So I try to multi-task, if I'm home and I watch it I can do work or tasks during the boring parts and commercials. And there are a lot boring parts and commercials!

I think Tyler is Canadian, and most Canadians have a bit of a strange accent, like Kevin Owens and Bret. But I think for the most part he's just doing an over the top impression of Zoolander, which is why he sounds weird. Yeah the selfie stick thing looked fake, but the beauty shot looked great so that made up for it for me.

I agree about Miz. I was wondering when the last time was that he actually had a match. Sandow has disappeared completely. What a waste of talent.

Originally Posted by Love Buzz View Post
Can't wait for the Twitt to become obsolete, just a bunch of privacy, ego, marketing, irrelevant bullshit invading nonsense..
I couldn't agree with you more, man! I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who's still not on Twitter. All these self-centered people with pointless messages about what they had to eat or what they're doing at this very moment, and delusional "followers" who think they're friends with these strangers who never met them.

As for the PPV... I thought it was pretty good, actually. Best match in my opinion was Wyatt/Reigns. That was about as brutal and inventive as you get in a PG Hell in the Cell match. Plus they were both doing things I would have never expected of them, so it was very impressive.

Taker/Lesnar was pretty good, but I wonder how much the blood and/or the wrestlers involved changed people's perception of it. Like, if Bray and Roman had the match Taker and Lesnar did without the blood, I doubt many people would have been impressed. But if Taker and Lesnar had the match Bray and Roman did, people would be saying it was the best match ever.

I was very disappointed at Del Rio being the mystery opponent. Put me in the camp of people that are bored by him. Plus he defeated Cena rather easily. He didn't even hit him with his finisher? Imagine Ziggler beating Cena for the US title after a famouser. All those great guys Cena beat in the US challenge, only to lose lamely to Del Rio seemed very anti-climactic to me.

Nothing else really stood out to me. New Day's match kind of sucked, Owens/Ryback was boring, the Kane match was lame. Charlotte is still a botch machine. Oh well. The hell in the cell matches made up for all that.
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Old 27th October 2015, 00:54   #15824
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Cena was selling an injury recently so that explains how easily he was beat.

Lesnar got 9 staples in his head to close the wound.

Raw tonight kicks off a tournament to choose the #1 contender to face Rollins.
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Old 27th October 2015, 01:27   #15825
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On December 29th Smackdown will be taped at the Providence Civic Center. A couple advertiised matches are Dean Ambrose vs. Kevin Owens for Intercontinental Championship and John Cena vs. Shaemus for US Championship.
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Old 27th October 2015, 07:48   #15826
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Well, I'll give them credit for not completely telegraphing Roman being #1 contender by having the heels win the other 3 matches but there was still a good sense of inevitability about it. Cesaro/Owens was annoying to me because I like them both and we've had the match often enough in recent months. Still not sold on this new Del Rio.
Tonight was the perfect time for a Paige turn, if it hadn't already happened 3-4 weeks ago.

So Bray has Taker and Kane off to parts unknown, if he gets Show next then he's got the market cornered on giants between them and his own. These last 2 days have shown just how damn big Stroman is, pretty sure he was taller than Kane.
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Old 27th October 2015, 08:43   #15827
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Originally Posted by talltrekkie View Post
Tonight was the perfect time for a Paige turn, if it hadn't already happened 3-4 weeks ago.

These last 2 days have shown just how damn big Stroman is, pretty sure he was taller than Kane.
Charlotte and Becky have to be total idiots to keep trusting Paige. This is now what, the 3rd or 4th time she's turned on them?

I think Kane might have been slightly taller (his head was looking down at first, instead of them being eye to eye). Regardless, Stroman is certainly is built more powerfully than Kane. He's a huge dude.
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Old 27th October 2015, 11:43   #15828
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Lol Tom Phillips on the pre-show, talking to the Dudleyz.

"So you'll be facing the Dudleyz..."

"We are the Dudleyz" said in a screw this guy, he's an idiot tone.

On the new Botchamania they showed the other goof drop the N word on the Raw pre-show. How they're not both fired idk.

I won't bore everyone with my more or less repeating opinions now Raw has happened but I wasn't thrilled at the fact nobody came out to help the Undertaker after his HIAC. I know it's to generate heat on the Wyatts but I can't help but feel like I'm being insulted.

Bray and Roman was decent. I'm not a fan of multiple table spots in a match and when Roman slammed Bray through a table, goes for the immediate cover and he kicks out then I'm sorry but that just takes away from the table spots impact right there, especially with Xavier out "injured" because of one.

Great moment when Brock shoved the doc on his ass. It pussifies the product having him go in there and clean them up. I could do with them ditching this specific gimmick PPV concept. That was a good last match to finish it and come up with some other generic crap to replace and let the Cell matches be a surprise like they were before. Won't happen though.
Last edited by Love Buzz; 27th October 2015 at 11:48.
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Old 28th October 2015, 00:35   #15829
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Originally Posted by Vile View Post
I couldn't agree with you more, man! I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who's still not on Twitter. All these self-centered people with pointless messages about what they had to eat or what they're doing at this very moment, and delusional "followers" who think they're friends with these strangers who never met them.
Unfortunately that's the world we live in now, man. Society has changed so badly with technology that people don't even know how to communicate or socialize in person. They're too busy on there phones, snap chatting and tweeting all the time.

Originally Posted by Karmafan View Post
Cena was selling an injury recently so that explains how easily he was beat.
Lol well there's the excuse. Of course it's not because Del Floppo was the better man or anything
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Old 28th October 2015, 10:00   #15830
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Del Rio called Neville an immigrant and Rio is from a made up country now lolz. His promo was horrible. I enjoyed their match though, Rio looked like he was really laying his shots in.

Austin on TV for 30 seconds, was likely filmed last week. Although I thought that about Sting and the trash truck and he was there after all. I don't know if my hearing is going but I could hardly hear what Austin was saying.

Paige vs. Charlotte at SSeries should be good.

I'm glad New Day pointed out Roman needs a wardrobe change. Thought I was the only one left who gave a shit. I can't say it enough, I hate this one man Shield gimmick. They took something great and packaged it into the one guy they want to shove down our throats. He still does the entrance, the attire, the slightly edited music. In five years time will he still be doing that shit? I'm thinking yea, he will. He hasn't made that character his own. It was part of a group and that group is gone. Roman is basically a stubborn stain.

Dean has been made irrelevant and he's turned into Roman Reigns life coach. I'm thinking he does a heel turn at SSeries and costs Roman the belt or something.
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