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Old 6th April 2014, 20:58   #11621

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Vickie is going to leave WWE.

The word going around in NOLA is that Vickie Guerrero will finish up with WWE this week. Vickie has been pursuing her degree in medical administration and should be fully certified this time next year.
Smart to get educated and plan a post-WWE career, especially now when she's barely used on TV. Not one to just sit and collect a paycheck I guess. Regardless, best of luck to her, it was a great run.


Also the Outlaws...

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Old 6th April 2014, 22:03   #11622
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Credit where it is due. Mr T can tell a story. Even if it had nothing to do with Wrestling. I'm pretty sure he didn't say Wrestling once.

I think Christian will be in there tonight. Thank you Vickie. Not a thank you for being off TV. It is a sincere thank you

Enjoy Wrestlemania everybody. I'll catch you later.

Warrior ultimate collection will be up tomorrow. I guess I never upload on Sunday, or I would have known not to bother. a link stopped, other links are going like 1% in 10 minutes. They wont be done tonight. This is 2000 style speeds Go to church people. Log off.
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Old 6th April 2014, 23:32   #11623

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Renee Looks really good
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Old 7th April 2014, 01:02   #11624

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Thoughts on the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, the red carpet pre-show.

1.) I was Christian! Joining Michael Cole in hosting this is Maria Menounos. She got to talk about inducting Bob Backlund last year (they booed the shit out of her, poor girl), and wrestling at Wrestlemania. 28 to be exact, and she's undefeated. Michael Cole too, but let's not detail that. Renee Young is also there to be a reporter, they treat this like the Oscars, Maria referenced this as her Oscar appearance earlier. Cole actually praised her as beautiful and stuff. Wow, but yeah she's beautiful. She can't wait for the speeches, and the outfits the inductees will work.

2.) Renee's first guest, Roman Reigns! His hair pulled back, he talked about being at the 2007 Hall of Fame to see his dad Sika inducted. Briefly hyped up the Shield match. Byron Saxton was another reporter, interviewing Miz, who brought Maryse! She showed off the ring, and he did all the talking. Can't wait to see Ultimate Warrior inducted, he's a mark for the guy. He talked other stuff about this being so cool, attending the Hall of Fame. Saxton cut him off, which was funny, because Renee caught up with Hulk Hogan. Yep, this was live, you can tell it wasn't scripted with that cutoff. Who the fuck is that woman with Hulk? His girl? SHUCKY DUCKY QUACK QUACK, she's fucking busty! Hogan interviewed, excited for this, the mic buzzed out for him. He brought his whole family, Nick and Brooke are there, the busty woman is his wife. I saw Sami Zayn in the background! Surprisingly not wearing a punk rock shirt.

3.) Back to the hosts, Maria talked about being bodyslammed by Hogan years ago. Cole's age was shown when he said Renee was a kid while Hogan battled Warrior at Wrestlemania 6. Oldie. Byron Saxton interviewed Pat Patterson, who's a master singer. He talked about how real and genuine it is to be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame. I agree, it gets more genuine and real each passing year, peaking last year specifically. Renee again, interviewed Randall! The Champ, the Man, and the Measuring Stick, until he loses the title. He talked about how huge the Hall of Fame is, while fans chanted "Hulk Hogan." He's got some arm candy, going public about his current girlfriend. Good for him. Randall and his girl are looking forward for the Warrior speech. He said Warrior wasn't in rehearsal. Oh shit, Renee assured this is unedited. Double shit! That got Randall's interest.

4.) Fandango interviewed by Cole and Maria. Summer Rae was there, apparently they danced together at Summerslam last year. Fandango said wrestling Jericho and beating him was a huge moment for him. I sensed he was about to say the battle royal is bigger, but he didn't. Maybe he stepped back on that, I just felt him trying to overhype that. He said it's huge, nonetheless. Maria got to plug her reality show thanks to Cole's segue from Summer in Total Divas. Fandango then compared himself to Fonz, hyping Total Divas. He and Cole did a "Ay!" together, which was pretty funny. Dango dressed like Hugh Hefner with that red blazer, ha!

5.) There's commercial breaks, just ads for Wrestlemania. After that, Byron Saxton interviewed the Usos. Naomi is there, as she's married to one of the Usos. The mic kept cutting out, but you get the gist. Everyone excited, the Usos on Carlos Colon especially, and Naomi's favorite Lita being inducted. Renee Young was with Booker T! Hall of Famer, his wife Sharmell's there too. Both were interviewed briefly, Booker's most excited for Lita getting inducted. Since he's a "ladies man." As he talked again, there was a feedback noise, which was very annoying. It's live after all. The summary was him talking about husband and wife, stick by your woman (referencing Mr. T), that stuff. When they cut to Ziggler being interviewed by Cole and Maria, a split second shown of Booker talking to someone off camera. Maybe a tech guy on that audio botch.

6.) So Ziggler, yeah, interviewed. I see Zack Ryder's dad in the background. I think that's him, some old guy for sure. Ziggler revealed he's a fan of Maria, and especially her dad. He and Cole both wore pink, Ziggler more blatant with the collar/button shirt, Cole had a pink tie. He talked about the Hall of Fame of course, and getting to hang with Hall of Famers like Roddy Piper.

7.) A better shot of Renee's dress, oh my goodness! She interviewed Roddy Piper , who was with his son. Roddy was most interested in Mr. T's speech. HOOOO! I wonder why, but he talked respectfully. Piper loves Renee, if you didn't listen to the podcast they did weeks ago, and you can see it here. Byron Saxton interviewed Alicia Fox, how it's like to induct someone in the Hall. Yeah she and every other Diva at the time inducted Mae Young in 2010 if I'm not mistaken. She said it's nerve-wracking and stuff. She's of course very into Lita being inducted into the Hall, she said it could have room for a "Fox." HAHA! Don't get ahead of yourself. Cole and Maria. The latter reminded that she pulled a sunset flip on Alicia Fox before. Can't remember when was that, I assume on RAW. Then in comes Jerry Lawler and his girlfriend, who is probably 2 and 1/2 times younger than Lawler. He got his hand on Maria's back, as close to the butt area as possible. That ass, holy shit! Lawler talked and got to simultaneously embrace Maria and his girlfriend. I think the woman gave Jerry a little look, but he was firing away on stuff. Old habits die hard I guess. It was definitely telling of Lawler's pervy self. He got to talk about his most fond Hall of Fame memory, being inducted in 2007 by William Shatner. He did make funnies and recalled Wrestlemania 27 where Cole beat him. Said it was horrible, but that's what you get when work with Michael Cole.

8.) Only 4 Harts, Tyson Kidd said one Hart's in the city, not here. Natalya mentioned Teddy Hart, maybe that's the 5th one. Wow, only mention Teddy will ever get in WWE. This is unedited after all, let it rip. The 4 Harts, Natalya and her sisters, and hubby Kidd. She mostly talked about Summer Rae and the Divas title match, saying if a girl's not there to be the best, they don't belong. She said she's the best, but I'll see later if she'll prove that. Renee Young interviewed Kidd and Natalya by the way. Saxton interviewed Tamina, also excited, saying there is an unnamed goal to be inducted in the Hall of Fame. As Saxton interviewed Rock's daughter and his mother, there's a side shot of Steve Austin! She talked about her dad being inducted, Rock's dad being inducted, and wants to see her son inducted. Oh don't worry, Rock will be inducted, guarantee. Saxton interviewed Rock's daughter, which was a bit weird because I figured she's just stand there. Pretty tall by the way, she spoke briefly though. Happy to be there.

9.) Heyyy it's the Big Show! That's what Maria said, it's actually "Wellll" but whatever. Big Show was interviewed by Maria and Cole. Hyped up the battle royal, and as he talked, fans gave a loud "HOOOOOOOOO!" and it shows as Jim Duggan's in the building. Nice to see fans and wrestlers pay respect, Show said. Maria took a selfie of she and the guys, which was cute.

10.) Oh man, Renee Young interviewed Stone Cold Steve Austin! He spoke fast as always and talked about his time in Wrestlemania week. Rolled in on Thursday, talked with fans on the streets, guys for his podcast, audio whoop ass galore to be delivered. He put Renee over, liking her enthusiasm. Damn skippy, it's real, he loves real. He talked about his favorite Wrestlemania moments, and the one outside of himself, Savage and Steamboat. He even got a great plug for the WWE Network, you can see all those Wrestlemania moments he mentioned, but said he wouldn't look up Michael Cole in a singlet on the Network. Good choice.

11.) Byron Saxton with Cody Rhodes and his wife. He talked about inducting his daddy with brother Goldust. As he talked, you can see David Otunga in the background, with his thermos! Cody said it's motivation to hear the people getting inducted giving their speeches. Great point!

12.) Motherfucker, it's the man who "slightly" concussed Christian, Alberto Del Rio. Got to calm down, especially when he has his family with him. Shy son, nephew and cousin. Cole and Maria talked to him, I see Ambrose in attendance, in a suit. Yeah I know, he looked great! He inducted his uncle Mil Mascaras in the Hall, he talked about that. Del Rio's nephew was interviewed by Maria, which was random. He's excited, he has to be, first Wrestlemania, he's a kid, come on. HAHAHA Cena was shown entering, and fans booed!

13.) Renee Young interviewed Jim Duggan. He's pumped up from the fans giving the "HOOOO!" He got to plug Legends House, which is coming in a few weeks! He said Tony Atlas' a primadonna. Duggan's excited for Jake Roberts being inducted, said he was the head usher at his wedding. That's nice.

14.) Zeb Colter! Byron Saxton interviewed him while he worked on his facial hair. Colter got to work with a lot of the names that got inducted, Razor Ramon, Jake Roberts, and Carlos Colon. He's excited for them being inducted. Yeah, I'm saying "excited" a lot, but is that surprising? It shouldn't be. He said Swagger and Cesaro doesn't need to impart the importance of being in the Hall of Fame, they already know. Cesaro made his entrance, fans chanted "We the People" loudly! Awesome response.

15.) John Cena and Nikki Bella interviewed by Cole. He talked about this being the most important night of the year, company guy talking this vital company aspect. Cole reminded that Maria and Nikki have beef from last year's Summerslam. Yeah at Axxess, she competed against the Bellas. Maria got to show the picture of her having Nikki in a scissor lock. Cole botched and referred to Nikki as "Brie." Or maybe Maria as "Brie." Cena gave a sudden staring look to Cole, haha! Also Nikki gave a little stern look! Great hype from Cena about Wrestlemania this year being a proving ground for newer talent, and referencing Bray as one. Since this is unedited and all, I wonder if Cena prepared that promo, because it was so well delivered and came off a backstage segment interview. He had to have that in his bank, I liked it. He really put a great perspective of this Wrestlemania. He compared Wrestlemania XX briefly, as he had that proving ground against Big Show. Same show had Batista and Randall make their Wrestlemania debuts, and 10 years later? Yep.

16.) Cesaro interviewed by Saxton, said it's important to learn from history. He was asked about Warrior, how he would fare against him. He would spun the guy around, you kidding me? He said it would've been the ultimate match. For sure. Bruno Sammartino entered the building, cool. Oh I saw Bob Backlund too. HHH and Stephanie were interviewed. Stephanie talked about sharing memories and celebrating legends in the Hall of Fame. Hunter said the biggest night of the year is the Hall of Fame, saying he's a history buff and working hand in hand with Bob Backlund, Bruno Sammartino, and Ultimate Warrior. Yep, thank you HHH. No joke.

17.) Santino Marella broke kayfabe! He was with his daughter and girlfriend! What about the thing with Emma? Renee got to test out the Twitter mirror, which is a tablet that takes pictures and can immediately be tweeted. Man, technology is crazy these days, I wouldn't even predict that kind of gimmick existing last year. The setup, moreso than the function. Byron Saxton interviewed Arn Anderson. As he talked, Foley and his family entered the building. Anderson with some strong words, saying being inducted shows that you're part of the upper echelon, the "1%" as he said it. He also gave a nice line, it's the end of the rainbow. He paused and looked to the side, a bit awkward, but he closed his interview and such.

18.) Bruno Sammartino interviewed by Cole and Maria. Bruno reacted to the bronze statue of him, grateful for that and all. Daniel Bryan and very soon to be wife Brie Bella entered the building, fans showed love for him, as they should. Sammartino was asked about Bob Backlund, who Bruno put over a lot as a great wrestler and a great person. Obviously Maria loved that. Bruno was asked about the matches for Wrestlemania, the triple threat and Undertaker/Lesnar. Cool. Cole said Bruno would want to hear who Renee interviews next. Daniel Bryan! He made a great point that it's chaotic for wrestlers in Wrestlemania week, because there's no down time. They're always busy, and they have to prepare for the biggest show of the year for crying out loud. Brie talked more on that, but said they've been able to soak it in their hotel. She's most into the induction of Lita, and Bryan said that hopefully he and Brie both walk out as champions. Yes for Bryan. No for Brie. D-Bryan carried a bottle of water, which was pretty funny.

19.) Michael Cole and Maria, who marked out again over being in the Hall of Fame. "Geeking out" was how she put it. She did a "HOOOO" after fans did it in response to her saying Jim Duggan was there. Sounded more like an "OHHHH" Of course I wouldn't insinuate that Maria is a ho, that's speculation. Ted DiBiase was interviewed by Byron Saxton. He gave a different description for the Hall of Fame and being inducted. "Humbling" was the key word used, and I definitely agree with that. He also talked a bit about his history in New Orleans, working for Mid South at the time, thus having the vested interest in Jake Roberts being inducted. He also mentioned Axxess being a treat because of fans coming from all around the world and sharing their memories of Ted with the man himself. Humble pie.

20.) Zack Ryder interviewed by Renee, haha! Lifelong WWE fan though, so he says his stuff. Of note was the Battle Royal, as he's in it. He said he hopes to win and restart his career, this is his "last resort." He said that for real. Yeah right buddy, but good speech sir. Maria marking out again, showing her fandom for Ultimate Warrior. Cole challenged her to do a Warrior pose, and she tried to do it with that tight dress of hers. Shucky ducky quack quack! Oh if only Booker T said that here.

22.) Sgt. Slaughter, oh my. He siad stuff expected on the magnitude of being inducted in the Hall of Fame. The most interesting part however was on Warrior. He called him the Ultimate Puke, maybe kayfabe because he called him that in their feud, he took the WWE title from the guy at Royal Rumble 1991 (I know my history). He got me big time when he said he hopes Warrior checks his ego at the door. I hope so too, but yeah, sounds like there's no love lost from Slaugher, I remember the comments he made towards Jim Helwig in that documentary. That's really now a hot button topic with Warrior as a Hall of Famer, and the new Ultimate Collection just getting released. A commercial for that played earlier in the show, and you hear Warrior's comments, saying he's going to tell the "right" story. Oh man. Anyways, interesting words from Slaughter.

23.) Damien Sandow in the only time ever that he speaks out of character, interviewed by Renee Young. He talked about this night being a tribute deal for the legends, and he mentioned Carlos Colon especially. He worked for Colon in Puerto Rico before going to WWE, and said this is his favorite Hall of Fame class of all time. After that, Saxton with Foley. He got the vintage cheap pop with the fans, but gave a serious request. Don't show reaction shots of him while Jake Roberts gets inducted. Otherwise you'll show the man crying. Yeah, Foley knows best, but that shows genuine interest in someone getting inducted, and cameras would love to catch that to sell how important the ceremony is. Foley's case makes sense though. Maria and Cole closed the show, with them quickly sharing their favorite speeches. Maria obviously picked Bob Backlund (that was hilarious and moving in so many different spots) while Cole picked Booker T. Both from last year, the only ceremony I saw in its entirety before this one, so I can relate to their choices.

I want to get this in before Wrestlemania, knowing that I can't get both this and the Hall of Fame in time. So this might feel incomplete, but by tomorrow, I will share Hall of Fame thoughts, and Wrestlemania thoughts too. This though was really good, get a feel of the crowd and listen to wrestlers praise this tradition to death. Nothing to complain about, but one can gravitate towards the unique bits in this show. Slaughter's Warrior comments, Hogan's busty wife (FAP! MILF! ZING!), Cena's nice promo, and others.

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Old 7th April 2014, 01:03   #11625

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Again, my own rip of the show.

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Old 7th April 2014, 01:09   #11626
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wow...Hogan is embarrassing
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Old 7th April 2014, 03:06   #11627
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I hate Cena. I hate him so much.
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Old 7th April 2014, 04:09   #11628
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the streak is over
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Old 7th April 2014, 04:10   #11629
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WTF--Brock is the one to break the Streak thats messed up
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Old 7th April 2014, 04:25   #11630
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It only shows that the undertaker didn't have anything left in the tank to compete next year as he knew as long as the streak was alive he would be convenced to have a match at wrestlemania and I wouldn't be suprissed if we got a retirement speech tommorow on raw and a induction on next years hof.

And we all know how mark callway (undertaker) personaly loves mma or ufc and has said if he was younger or ufc was as popolar when he was younger he would love to compete there, so I guess lesnar ufc run was the one thing that mark decided to end the streak.

But u can always argue that a guy like cm punkwould have benefited more of ending the streak, but lesnar is bether then cena
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