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Old 9th February 2014, 04:48   #10981
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Old 9th February 2014, 05:00   #10982

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Thoughts on Smackdown

1.) Funny opening note, the WWE intro where they show WWE's slogan of "Then, Now, Forever," was in German. "Damals. Heute. Fuer alle zeiten!" Thank goodness for pre-US airings. It's Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler vs. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. There's a "we want Rollins" chant, as he's on commentary. This is fitting because Rollins is from Iowa, and Smackdown's in Des Moines this week. Reigns and Ambrose are teaming together for the first time, I believe. It's always been Rollins and Reigns, and in the earlier times, Rollins and Ambrose. This makes sense on a story sense because of what happened on RAW, Ambrose taking the win from Reigns. Rollins' agenda was protecting The Shield's image, while Cole's agenda was to bury the Shield's cohesiveness. Commentary talked about the US title, Dean hasn't defended it on TV/PPV since October 28. Rollins said that everyone's scared to challenge Ambrose. Well, at least he's trying to defend this quizzical thing. Good match with a better story. The action was all there and stuff. To specify on one moment, Ambrose took a kick to the head from Kofi. Normal move, but the selling makes it more special. Anyways, Dolph got the hot tag and was trying to channel his inner Daniel Bryan. I mention him because Bryan has the best hot tag offense in the business. He was all over the place, but was stopped by Reigns briefly. Ambrose tried to tag in, but Reigns remembers from RAW and walked forward a bit. Not do that deal, but he got DDTed from Ziggler. This could've meant a win for the faces, if one of them wasn't named Dolph Ziggler. When it comes to him, he jobs, plain and simple. Reigns got the better, Ambrose had already sent Kingston out of the equation. Superman Punch, Spear, and interesting ending. Reigns tagged Ambrose, and he took the win again. Either it was a backhanded thing for Ambrose, or just a way to show solidarity. The fact there's indecisiveness, makes it rather interesting. Sweet stuff. The Wyatts interrupted, Luke Harper whistling, Bray talking at first. He claimed the Shield members are trying to find out who has the sharpest teeth. He talked about the monster that lives behind his eyes, it's real. So basically the 6 man match will be Monsters vs. Soldiers. Sounds pretty interesting.

2.) WWE does remember history sometimes. Enter Daniel Bryan, talking about what happened on RAW, showing it too because recaps is WWE scientific law. Bryan mentioned Kane as an old friend, and wants to know how he went from a friend, to a big red corporate sellout. WWE remembers that Team Hell No carried the tag team division for 9 months. Kane came out, and he apologized for his actions. Bryan reminded of those classic times. "I'm the tag team champions," hugging it out, "Yes" and "No," such great times. What the "hell" happened to Kane? He emphasized "hell." Bryan told Kane to get rid of the cheap tie, and don the mask again. Kane said they have history, but it's just that, history. He's glad that his Team Hell No days are over, he and Bryan aren't friends. They never were friends. Kane mentioned that saying making friends or making money. Who invented that saying? A wise man apparently. Was it Ric Flair? Bryan wants to settle it like two guys that aren't friends, Kane said "no" to that. Instead, book him against Antonio Cesaro. SEXY! You know, this is more interesting than Punk and Kane. The history helps.

3.) So the German airing was out of order. Bryan in the segment with Kane, that was the opening one. Followed by the Shield match. Hearing the Shield's theme music play before this segment German only segment with Cesaro and the Real Americans. Cesaro and Colter were talking about the Elimination Chamber would be better if Swagger was in it. The guy came in and thought they were talking crap about him behind his back. Nothing to fret, Swagger though didn't sound convinced. Cesaro alternated between German for the viewers, English for obvious reasons. Then some little video on Alexander Rusev, with Lana. She called the guy "super athlete." Yeah hopefully he can prove that in the main roster. Aside from that term, what was said, I think, was the same. I think, because Rusev spoke in Bulgarian, or Russian. I don't know. Lana spoke in English.

4.) 240 days, AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella, aka, CM Punk vs. John Cena: the Diva Version. HAHAHAHA! I crack myself up. GRRR! AJ won by the way, that's not what bugged me. Short match, Nikki was distracted after Brie got blasted off the apron from a colliding AJ Lee. The Champ capitalized and used the Black Widow. That's what bugged me, Nikki didn't tap on AJ's butt. Instead, her leg, damn! AJ won though, so there's the solace.

5.) 731 days, that's the number Titus O'Neil gave in his interview with Renee Young. Yes, he interviewed Renee Young, sort of. He held the mic, not Renee, and he talked about himself. 731 days must be how long Primetime Players were together. That's 2 years and one day, and they got together on a leap year, hence the extra day. Anyways, 731 days, claiming that Darren Young was always off. Too long with no progress, that's for sure, and so he broke out. He made some funny little remarks, said Renee did a great job in the interview, even though she just stood there. Darren Young jumped the guy, so he's not dead and buried. At least not yet. Refs and other guys had to break up this assault.

6.) Alberto Del Rio, wearing the same thing he wore on RAW. I thought the guy was rich! Why is he wearing the same casual clothes? He's interviewed by Renee Young. He said he's the tamer to the Animal, Batista. Good luck with that bro, I do like the tamer bit.

7.) Well Cole references something Colter said earlier in the show, that Bryan might not make it to the Elimination Chamber. That promo wasn't included on the video, but I'll let it slide. Daniel Bryan takes on Cesaro. Good thing these two made my "sexy" comment fitting. They had a pretty exciting match, some of the stuff that Bryan did were things that seemingly only Cesaro can take as far as selling. The locking of hands, leading to a hurricanrana, and the ending. Before the ending, there was some hard hitting stuff, submission attempts, uppercuts and a knee to the face of the Jack Swagger. The ending was Bryan spinning around, 2 or 3 full rotations, and turning that into a Yes Lock for the win. Only Cesaro would keep up with that kind of speed. The chemistry these two have is conducive to beautiful wrestling matches, and this was one example. All that's missing is a feud, a story to back the wrestling and make it an epic moment in time. All it is here, a tasty appetizer. Ruining that appetizer, after it was served by the way, is Kane. Cesaro jumped Bryan from behind, Kane capitalized by picking the guy up and chokeslamming him. So Kane and Daniel Bryan are on a collision course, to TV, please not Wrestlemania.

8.) Randall, the Champ, the Man, the Measuring Stick. He's interviewed by Renee Young. He didn't talk about his relationship with the Authority, and only talked about himself and the upcoming matches. Beat Christian, Cena, Sheamus, Cesaro, then beat them all and Bryan at the Elimination Chamber, and be the undisputed King of WWE or whatever. Short, simple, good. It sounds better when Randall doesn't complain, not even talk about the Authority. Screw them.

9.) There's a CM Punk 3:16 sign, seen before the bell rung for this Sheamus vs. The Ryback match. Well, CM Punk 3:16 says that he took his ball and went home. So, not really a line to admire. Regardless, there was also a Phil Brooks sign shown before Kane attacked Bryan. Phil Brooks is Punk's real name. Clever! Anyways, enough of CM Punk, this match. Curtis Axel was in The Ryback's corner. He got Brogue Kicked for his attempts to screw Sheamus, and early on too. The Ryback did the weirdest thing in his career, in this match. He tried to do a splash! That was funny too, not just weird. He missed, Sheamus didn't try anything new. Regardless, the match got pretty interesting as it went on. Not just the splash, but The Ryback powerbombing Sheamus, that looking a bit rough. He got kicked in the head shortly after, Brogue Kick for the win. During the match, JBL speculated that Sheamus' boot is loaded, maybe a steel tipped one. Nah, he just kicks hard. Surprisingly nice match, it was not slow at all, something that might've been expected for two talent with similar styles.

10.) There was a PIP promo before this match, Goldust referencing Cody Rhodes taking a big risk on RAW. Now he'll do the same thing, supposedly wrestling Bray Wyatt. Pretty short match. The only guy that took a risk was Cody Rhodes. By being at Goldust's corner, he ended up being a target for Rowan and Harper. This distracted Goldust, and it led to Bray winning. That's pretty much it, the stuff before it wasn't much to talk about. Doing more talking though is The Shield. Ambrose on the tron, Rollins specifically said he will scrape the beards off the Wyatts with his boot. Reigns said the Shield has methods to make the Wyatts understand. He mentioned that if not for the Wyatts, one of them could've been the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. When he said that, Dean Ambrose looked up and stared at Reigns briefly. Small things count. Ambrose closed by saying justice is going to be delivered. Believe in that. Bray spoke without a mic, saying he believes in the Shield, when their eyes are battered shut. These kind of promos and stuff really build towards a war. I can't wait.

11.) Randall, the Champ, the Man, the Measuring Stick, and Christian. What's up with JBL and Christian's face? He said he's better under a mask. During this match, I think the commercial break, Randall got the mic and cheap heated Des Moines. He talked about being stuck in Des Moines, bad weather, can't charter a plane. Des Moines sucks! I laughed, that was the best promo Randall cut since the RAW after TLC 2013, where he told everyone to kiss his ass! Good times, I remember that. Sweet stuff, and it helps, get the fans hot coming back from commercial break. Something like this sounds more off the cuff than the generally play in the box nature of WWE, so I welcomed it positively. The fans chanted "Randy sucks," so you know he got the fans good. Ah man. I might be the only guy who can vividly reference the 2011 feud between Randall and Christian, because I loved it when it happened. Knowing the stuff these guys did, it's nice to know that magic hasn't really been lost, despite the fact the roles have reversed. There was no cheating, no controversial stuff that their feud had to delay and justify multiple rematches. The only big similarity is...Christian lost. He loses 9 times out of 10 when it comes to Randall, and a clean win for even less. So as the match went on, it made me reminisce on those good times. Some stuff came off predictable, in a good way, knowing how their feud went. Specifically the RKO finish, it was a direct rip from their first bout. When Randall beat Christian for the world title, two days after the man won it in a ladder match. I called it so well, it was coming from a mile away. Satisfying main event, Randall is 1-1 in his little trial series. I went back and forgot to note the clubbing Sheamus like blows Randall gave to Christian's chest. These matter because the guy had a seriously red chest shortly after. Randall's seem to hurt because they're executed quicker. Sheamus gives the chest time to take the blows, in between blows. Randall doesn't. So by that, you can tell whose clubbing blows are better. The Champ...

Well, RAW is coming, Cena vs. Randall XV or whatever. In a typically hot crowd, Los Angeles, I wouldn't be surprised if they shit on the match like Pittsburgh did. If not, at least let out a giant CM Punk chant. One another thing, I follow the buzzards and believe in The Shield. You can do both things at once.

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Old 9th February 2014, 05:03   #10983

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Randall Orton: 4-2
John Cena: 2-1
Christian: 2-1
Daniel Bryan: 3-5
CM Punk: 2-3
Batista: 1-0
Sheamus: 3-1
Brock Lesnar: 1-0
Roman Reigns: 7-3-1
Seth Rollins: 5-3-1
Dean Ambrose: 7-2-1
Cody Rhodes: 6-4-1
Goldust: 5-5-1
Bray Wyatt: 3-2
Erick Rowan: 2-3-1
Luke Harper: 2-3-1
The Usos: 9-0-2
Big Show: 2-1
The Miz: 3-1
Dolph Ziggler: 1-3
AJ Lee: 5-2
Tamina: 1-4
New Age Outlaws: 3-4-1 (Billy Gunn: 3-4-1)
The Ryback: 2-3
Curtis Axel: 2-8
Big E. Langston: 5-4-0
Alberto Del Rio: 8-1
Kofi Kingston: 5-6
Rey Mysterio: 4-5
Sin Cara/Hunico: 1-6
Jack Swagger 2-7
Antonio Cesaro: 4-5
Damien Sandow: 2-4
R-Truth: 3-3
Xavier Woods: 1-6
Fandango: 2-6
Brodus Clay: 0-1
Naomi: 5-1
Cameron: 3-2
Alicia Fox: 1-5
Rosa Mendes: 0-1
Natalya: 2-1
Nikki Bella: 3-2
Brie Bella: 2-1
Aksana: 1-4
The Great Khali: 1-0
Heath Slater: 0-4
Jinder Mahal: 0-5
Drew McIntyre: 0-5
Summer Rae: 0-2
Tyson Kidd: 2-0
Los Matadores: 2-1 (El Torito: 1-0)
Justin Gabriel: 0-1
Titus O'Neil: 2-2
Darren Young: 1-2
Zack Ryder: 0-2

On the JBL & Cole show, Cody recapped what happened last week. He said Stone Cold getting run over happened last week, but then backtracked to the fact.

Did they find out who ran Austin over?

JBL and Cody Rhodes are riding together in a car, heading to a place to meet Wade Barrett, who has Clem. JBL was asked to get something to eat for Cody and himself, but ended up getting ditched.

Cody must've intentionally done that, so he can lay eyes on Clem. Apparently a deal was struck, as if Clem was kidnapped by Barrett. A trade was made...

I had to Google what shepherd's pie is. Meat casserole with mashed potato crust, sounds yummy. Cody didn't know what that term meant, but he was allowed to take a look at Clem Leyfield. I couldn't help but think he's Goldust...

Fucking cliffhanger...

As for the anonymous guy that buried CM Punk. It's not Batista this time because he names Dave as a friend of HHH. I'd say Randall, but he's tight with Hunter, though not named here. The Ryback sounds right based on the language and attitude, but it might be too long to come from The Ryback. The only other guy I can think of immediately, is The Miz. Mentioning the media stuff, Miz is a stickler for it. Not to mention Punk hates the Miz, so I figure the feeling is mutual. It has to come from a guy who isn't of the upper echelon, because they note preferential pushes and all from Hunter. Anyways, the AJ thing I'm most willing to defend. Before getting to that, the media stuff and Punk complaining about that. Speculating, the guy was the WWE Champion for 434 days, and holding that title means a whole lot more media bookings. Punk had to be overexhausted from that, and wouldn't therefore want to do a whole lot more. The Beadle thing might be a case of Punk making himself the victim, it does seem a bit too random that the woman would just flat out call Punk a fuckface and be serious. On AJ though, come on man. I think she and Punk weren't even dating when she won the Divas title, including the "pipebomb" she did in July. If anything, that probably turned Punk on and got them to date. Also, the guy's been gone for a few weeks now, and it hasn't reflected badly on AJ. So his status and her booking aren't really related. At least not significantly. This person brought up an interesting perspective with fans being screwed over by Punk for his leaving. At the same time, nobody's looking it like that, rather, WWE doing Punk wrong, so let's go and chant for the guy even though he left on his own terms. Something to note, no side going public about this, it's a good thing. Really, both sides can go public if Punk's contract expires. Until then, it should stay quiet because it could end as soon as tomorrow and be swept under the rug as a shoot, and be turned into a work.
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Old 9th February 2014, 13:05   #10984
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The Deadman is coming back, the date is down. Can't wait to get my nostalgia fix that night. I really don't know if I should be writing spoiler warnings for this stuff but I just gotta type about it. I listened to that piano version that Johnston did of his theme. He mentioned it on the podcast then I just stumbled across it on YT. It's a bit soppy so only listen to it if your feeling hardcore so you don't end up blubbering. There are a few other demo's and my goodness, they suck, especially HHH.
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Old 9th February 2014, 17:29   #10985
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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
Alright mate. Married now. Congratulations.

Daniel Bryan left the Wyatts a couple of weeks after joining. It all felt a biy strange, but it made sense because of Bryan popularity. Batista won the royal rumble and the fans in attendance shit on it because they wanted Daniel Bryan. It was funny.

I agree with you on Batista. his heel run in 2010 was one of my favorites. I don't know if we will see anything like that since he is a face at the minute. that might change at wrestlemania or soon after.

Ziggler is doing what he always did. he is stealing the show every single night and losing every single night.

I'm liking the usual suspects. Daniel Bryan is still my favorite wrestler to watch. You should watch his match with Bray Wyatt from the Royal Rumble. CM Punk walked out on Raw a couple of weeks ago. Not sure if you know that. didn't like the direction apparently. You can never know for sure unless you hear it from the horse mouth. So he is gone for now.

I wouldn't be considered a vip because I don't really post anywhere else except this thread. That is cool though. I'm glad I was never offered because I would feel rude turning it down.
Thanks brother. Just sort of sprung up fast. And the marriage too.

Fuck, that was lame.

Eh, I'm not surprised Batista is returning as a face. I haven't seen him since his return, I just saw the video packages from before Rumble. He's good at doing the Ultimate Warrior thing and pumping you up when he's a face, but to me, it's such a waste when you have a natural born villain in his personality. Punk is much the same, only Punk flat out makes me sick when he's a face.

I'm sure what Punk said about not liking the direction is the truth, though perhaps not the whole truth. We'll see where he goes with it-- maybe he just needed some time off, which is understandable seeing as he hasn't been out of action in a couple years. It's not like there are greener pastures anywhere else, so he'll be back.

Yeah, Bryan is good. I thought the feud with the Wyatt's might send him in an edgier direction character-wise, but I'm not disappointed to hear that it ended. He's a damn good wrestler and probably one of the most real guys in the industry-- I just feel he needs a deeper gimmick than 'I have a beard'. Not that he should lose it, I too am bearded and his is glorious, but it's not exactly a strong focal point.

Well, I always said that no community, no matter how small, should be looked down upon by the staff here. You are a pillar of this one, and you deserve something for that. But yeah, my opposition always said what you just did.

SC, it's good to see you too.
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Old 9th February 2014, 20:18   #10986
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I want to join the Planetsuzy WWE fans thread hall of fame class of 2019. Lets hope I'm here to accept it and make my long rambling speech. Did you know Warrior is going into hall of fame this year? Jake the Snake as well. He came back on old school Raw and put his snake on Dean Ambrose. Ambrose earned cool points by marking out while is was happening. I loved it. Paul Bearer has to be going in the hall of fame as well.

Batista as a face makes sense with the direction they are going. I think it is a waste too and I would change it. Maybe he stays face forever. 2010 is a different lifetime now.

I thought the Wyatt/Bryan connection was going to send Bryan in a edgier direction as well. I kept expecting him to start killing people and having to be held back by Bray or something, but no. he came out got abused and then left just like that. He did get to beat up Bray in the cage before Bray beat him at the Royal Rumble. There was interest to see where it could go. I was happy enough Bryan came back to the light.

back to the underdog getting screwed by the authority gimmick only this time the underdog gets his ( please) They have still to pull the trigger on that one epic moment you know Vince wants to put in his achievement book. have the whole building chanting yes as the underdog wins the world title. I think that time is coming although it might be wishful thinking. I think I'm staying real. Mr Idealist.

Originally Posted by Love Buzz View Post
The Deadman is coming back, the date is down. Can't wait to get my nostalgia fix that night. I really don't know if I should be writing spoiler warnings for this stuff but I just gotta type about it. I listened to that piano version that Johnston did of his theme. He mentioned it on the podcast then I just stumbled across it on YT. It's a bit soppy so only listen to it if your feeling hardcore so you don't end up blubbering. There are a few other demo's and my goodness, they suck, especially HHH.
I like that Undertaker piano version. very nice.

the usual routine then. lets just hope he comes for Brock Lesnar. Yeah, I'm looking forward to that.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 9th February 2014 at 20:36.
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Old 10th February 2014, 00:54   #10987

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Originally Posted by SaintsDecay View Post
SC, it's good to see you too.
Likewise, I would visit your profile page everyday or so to see if you got online. October 28, 2013, was when you were last online for the longest time. It's funny too because that's the same date that Dean Ambrose last defended his US title on TV/PPV. On RAW against Big E. Langston. So you came back before Dean Ambrose defended his title. The time since he's defended it is going to exceed how long he's been in developmental, and how long people cried for his debut. Either that or he will drop it to Roman Reigns...

I was reading a Cracked article today on fictional characters making hilarious songs. One of the entries, was Undertaker...

Steve Austin should've asked Jim Johnston about that, assuming he made it. So cheesy. CM Punk and Paul Heyman should've done a duet, covering that song. It would fit because their feud last year consisted of disrespecting and mocking The Undertaker.
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Old 10th February 2014, 04:26   #10988

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Good to have you back Santa! Congratulations!

Some random thoughts...
CM Punk may not be back anytime soon from the looks of it. Should he decide to return in the near future, he could come back and cut a promo saying that he just wanted to take a break from the WWE but the authority tried to erase him from history and pretend he didn't exist, which is exactly what they are doing...sort of.

I was disappointed with Batista's performance at the Royal Rumble but still not giving up on him! I was saying Bootista!

What's up with JBL and Christian's face?
Nothing at all! JBL can be really annoying on commentary sometimes. I think Christian looks a little like a 40 year old Sebastian Vettel and that's a good thing!
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Old 10th February 2014, 04:54   #10989
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I can see that.

JBL is always annoying. part of his charm I guess.
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Old 10th February 2014, 15:30   #10990
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I was thinking what if we get a tag match at Mania. Bryan&Punk v HHH&Kane. Punk might come back on March 3rd.. I think it'd be a decent way to settle everything or Punk could turn heel on Bryan and join the Authority, become champion, then face Bryan and we get epic matches. Punk can then leave if he wishes when his contract expires after a last good run and putting over Bryan, not that he needs it...
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