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Old 23rd January 2014, 14:19   #10781
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Interesting. I never really wondered why Ross left, just thought he was taking a break. Shows how much I keep up to date with the behind the scenes stuff. It was an entertaining train wreck though, can't believe WWE are so serious, just a f'n game. It'll be ripped apart by all gaming websites dedicated to that shit. I'm not interested in the usual tag line of 'the graphics look amazing' which is basically what people who don't play games say and WWE hyping it's own game. I prefer a balanced view by people who know what they are on about not a biased one. I quit WWE games anyway, never felt any desire to go back to them.

Those viewers for Batista were interesting. I guess he has a few film fans now and maybe MMA... but still big numbers. WWE love those casual viewers more than us after all. They give us the Network so we can sit in a nostalgic daze and the casual fans live Raw every week. Re-reading that last bit, it doesn't make much sense because I'm implying casual fans would tune in every week so that would make them true fans..my rambling rarely does make sense. It's Rumble season, mostly everyone who once was a fan comes back to give it a chance again so that is probably why there are big numbers to watch the build up.
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Old 24th January 2014, 01:08   #10782

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Thoughts on Main Event

1.) This is the part where we supposedly crank it up. When R-Truth comes out for his match against Damien Sandow. Xavier Woods joined commentary. Damien Sandow hyped himself up for Royal Rumble, calling it the start of a domino effect where it leads to him winning the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Good luck with that, there's onnly one prize, and the pecking order shrunk. Xavier Woods and Miz got into it when the former was asked about the Rumble, and what he'd do with R-Truth. Work together until they're the last two, and Woods throws Truth out. Miz though took issue, and it led to a question of philosophy. Miz questioning Woods' dancing and all that, while Miz does...what? He didn't really say, but you definitely think it's talking about himself. Woods brought up Papa Shango and Flash Funk, Miz asked what he'd do to those guys if they were in the Royal Rumble. Eliminate them, duh. You know, I think in the future, Woods and Truth will come out, and have Flash Funk actually appear with them. The match was pretty uninteresting. What you'd expect. Damien Sandow takes control for most of the match, used that new submission move. He needs a name for that by the way, otherwise I'd have to refer to it as the Edgecator. Then Truth made his comeback, planted Sandow on his face, and that's it. UGH! So bland.

2.) Nikki bumped into sister Brie, thinking she was in on Bryan's ruse over the Wyatts. They argued about who was always the sneaky one, when Alicia Fox and Aksana came down. They had their arm on each others shoulder, so you're led to believe that they are friends now. They sure acted like friends, they both put down Brie and her relationship with Daniel Bryan. Fox touched Brie (not like that, sadly), and thought that there was something in Brie's hair. Fuzz, or maybe lice. That set Brie off, but no further action, that's for after the break. Fox used the "l" word, oowee! I thought it was decent, at least some personality is shown. On Aksana, her ring outfit is different. No one piece from top to bottom. The bottom is cut out, and covering her legs is what looks like fishnets. Nice. The match wasn't nice. Boring, flat, Bellas got their revenge. Hooray. Nikki's rack was nice. During the match, Miz talked about Randall messing with Cena's family, relating it to himself. That's funny because if Randall beats Cena at Royal Rumble, it proves that Randall is virtually untouchable. You can't get your payback on him. Miz never did, Cena might not, so Randall pretty much says "fuck you" to karma.

3.) On that note, a video package for Cena vs. Randall, including the fluke victory Kofi got over the Champ, the Man, the Measuring Stick. Then a numbers video on Royal Rumble. I didn't mind the videos, because I spent the long amount of time recording the times for a porn video to make GIFs out of. Pretty off topic, but ehh, nothing else to say until the next match. Oh wait, they mentioned the panel members for Royal Rumble. Ric Flair, 1992 Royal Rumble winner. Shawn Michaels, 1995 & 1996 winner. Jim Duggan, the first Royal Rumble winner in 1988. Those are numbers. Shawn Michaels has the all time record of eliminations, 39. Kane's at 37, so he's not far off. Speaking of Kane, I bet he will come in the Rumble and try to eliminate CM Punk. Looks like I had more to say.

4.) Sin Cara and Alberto Del Rio. The match was alright overall. It only picked up in the last 2 minutes. No matter how many times these two wrestled, the bottom line is that they paired up so many damn times over the past 2 months. WWE always overdoes a match. A thin main roster is why this always happens. Worse that they don't any story behind it. Differentiating between matches is pointless because for the most part, it comes off as the same. The last 2 minutes had some nice moves from both wrestlers, with decent quality nearfalls. One thing to question is 'Berto putting his knee pad down, as if that helps in his sidekick move. I don't see how, and he ended up using it to set up the cross armbreaker for the win.

Randall Orton: 2-1
John Cena: 1-0
CM Punk: 2-3
Roman Reigns: 4-2
Seth Rollins: 3-2
Dean Ambrose: 3-1
Big Show: 1-0
AJ Lee: 2-1
Tamina: 1-2
Cody Rhodes: 4-2
Goldust: 4-2
Daniel Bryan: 0-3
Erick Rowan: 0-3-1
Luke Harper: 0-3-1
Bray Wyatt: 0-2
The Usos: 7-0-1
The Ryback: 0-2
Curtis Axel: 0-5
Big E. Langston: 3-2
Alberto Del Rio: 5-1
Kofi Kingston: 3-3
Rey Mysterio: 3-2
Sin Cara/Hunico: 1-4
Jack Swagger 1-4
Antonio Cesaro: 2-3
Damien Sandow: 2-3
R-Truth: 2-1
Xavier Woods: 1-4
Fandango: 1-3
Naomi: 3-1
Cameron: 2-1
Alicia Fox: 1-2
Rosa Mendes: 0-1
Natalya: 1-1
Nikki Bella: 2-1
Brie Bella: 1-1
Aksana: 1-2
The Great Khali: 1-0
Heath Slater: 0-3
Jinder Mahal: 0-4
Drew McIntyre: 0-4
Summer Rae: 0-2
Tyson Kidd: 1-0
Los Matadores: 2-0 (El Torito: 1-0)
Justin Gabriel: 0-1
New Age Outlaws: 1-2 (Billy Gunn: 1-3)
Titus O'Neil: 1-0
Darren Young: 1-0

Thoughts on NXT

1.) 224. That's how many days Bo Dallas has been NXT Champion. If my math's right, only less than 5 months until he goes 1 full year. There's supposed to be a celebration of those 224 days. Until then, the first match is Adrian Neville and Wesley Blake. The latter making his NXT debut, the cowboy up guy from the NXT presentation videos that Ptenisnet posted. Well looking at his body, rather surprising. Tattoo on the upper back, looking like Randall's tattoo work. That doesn't fit with a supposed "cowboy," and "rodeo expert." Whatever the case, this was a showcase for Neville and his obvious talent. One thing to point out in the match, with the excited fans, Neville did a distinctly strong job in feeling the crowd. Feeding off of them and all. It worked, and made for a more viable babyface, more viable for a main roster spot. It will especially be something when he wrestles Bo again, an actually over heel (well he's not a face if he's getting overwhelmingly booed).

2.) Devin Taylor interviews the BFFs, all of them. Charlotte included, and it's been a few months since she was last seen. She got a different look, golden eye shadow, and her attitude changed a bit. More embracing of her family lineage, mentioning the jets, and the limousine, if you know what that means. Summer finished the promo, talking about her opponent Natalya. A way to start making this the year of the BFFs. I like the sound of that. Gutter thinking moment: Summer's boobs are like tennis balls. I'm a dog, I want play with those tennis balls...

3.) I should mention that the ring announcer for NXT is Cody Rhodes' wife, under the name of "Eden." So Xavier Woods wrestles Alexander Rusev, who's wearing shorter tights. It shows more of his treen trunk legs. Over the past couple of NXT tapings, there's a guy with a sign that says "Fire this person," always displayed when Rusev makes his entrance. Now there's a sign, not sure if it's the same fan, that says "Get rid of this guy." I take it Rusev's not so over. Yet he goes over talent, such as here with a short win over Woods. Despite being in the main roster, Woods is too much of a small fish on a big pond. When he'll grow into a big fish, will take years. You can tell that already based on his first couple months in the main roster. Anyways, Lana made a hand gesture to Rusev, meaning a continuation of the Camel Clutch (it's called the Accolade, but I'd rather call it the Camel Clutch). Sin Cara came down for the save, I'm surprised the fans didn't chant "Hunico," since he's wrestled in NXT a couple times as that.

4.) Antonio Cesaro! He wrestles CJ Parker, but he can only dream to get a great reaction like Cesaro did. Short match, Cesaro made short work of the guy. Parker tried to fight back with an airplane spin over Cesaro. Parker got dizzy, but Cesaro wasn't. As such Cesaro showed how you spin a wrestler, doing his swing, and using the Neutralizer for the win. Afterwards, Sami Zayn came out with a crutch, a "medical situation" as he put it. Rocky start to 2014 there, but he fondly remembered 2013, specifically the classic match between him and Cesaro. However, Zayn lost that 2/3 Falls match, so he wants a rematch. That sounds sexy, but Cesaro doesn't want to get people off, he said "no." Coming up to Zayn, could've attacked him, but just grabbed his mic and gave his answer.

5.) Devin Taylor with The Miz. That's right, Mr. Mizanin. CJ Parker came through, interrupting Miz. He was frustrated at the fans for booing him. Miz didn't like being interrupted, and prior to the interference, he suggested doing MizTV. Well after Parker slapped him, maybe he will be Miz's guest? I don't know about everyone else, but I'd assume everyone likes Miz more than CJ Parker. I certainly do. I don't even need to list Miz's accomplishments, he'll tell you himself in an instant.

6.) Renee Young bringing estrogen to the commentary booth! Natalya with Bayley cornering her, against Summer with Sasha cornering her. Natalya had a backstage promo that played during her entrance. In it, she gave her New Year's Resolution. Get hungry, and forget her manners. There are two ways to interpret this. The more professional way where she's driven to wrestle and I guess bring out "ruthless aggression." Remember that? Or the dirtier, sexually implicit way, that sounds awesome. Short match, Summer did one high kick, those long legs help. Aside from that, it was mostly Natalya's match. She made her tap with the sharpshooter, and that was about it. It was nice to see the move though on Summer's long legs.

7.) Enzo Amore! He keeps changing his haircut every single time he's seen on camera. He's in a wheelchair, as he has a legit leg based injury. Knee or ankle. He and Colin Cassady came down, the former gave his own prognosis. Sayings and such, Cassady gave the simple version. He's on his way to recovery. Aiden English came down to spoil the good time, reminding that he beat Colin Cassady. Doesn't matter, Cassady exited stage left. Amore exited stage right, his wheelchair went over Aiden's foot, and he sold it. Hehehehe.

8.) Oh I got a better look, it wasn't a man with that "Enough of this guy" sign. A woman, wearing a Miz shirt. Hmmm. Bo 2:24 came out to celebrate his title reign. You can see some male fans turning their backs towards Bo. Just imagine if he can transplant this to the main roster, and at least half the crowd, hell, the entire crowd that's caught by the hard camera, turns their back on Bo. That would be a unique crowd experience, a different kind of heat. I would think, a good kind of heat. You can tell by now that the guy's just milking everything. He's clearly playing the annoying babyface, which nowadays makes you a heel. So it's a unique character in the wrestling landscape. He gave thanks to his cousin Charlie, his 4th grade teacher or whatever, stuff like that. He directed attention to a banner being lowered, mentioning the 224 days. I suppose the 224 signifies him being the longest reigning NXT Champion in history. Adrian Neville interrupted, telling him to shut up, on behalf of everyone. Some fans chanted "he's a wanker." Bo's a wanker? He looks like the guy addicted to masturbation, how come he always smiles? Eh? Bo mentioned Neville beating a nobody in 4 minutes and 45 seconds, the first match on the show. He thinks he can beat Neville in less time. Triple H interrupted on the tron, and the funny thing, where is JBL? Isn't he the GM of NXT? Yeah, nobody seems to remember that. He booked an immediate match between Neville vs. Bo. If Neville lasts 4 minutes and 45 seconds with Bo, then he gets a title match at the live NXT special.

9.) It's funny that Bo has to wrestle immediately, he's in a a pink buttoned up shirt, white cuffs, dress pants, cowboy boots, against a ring ready Neville. He did trip Neville up, causing a sick looking bump on the apron. Aside from that, the match went down to a cat and mouse game. Where Neville would send Bo out of the ring, and evade him until the clock winded down. It did, so Neville got the title shot. However, that kind of strategy is more heelish, so Neville made sure to save face. He beat on Bo, hit the Red Arrow, symbolically counted himself pinned on top of Bo, and stood tall in the end. Well, that sounds a bit heel too, but compared to his win in the match, it's a face thing. Good ending to the show. Beat the Clock matches counts towards the record, so Bo suffered his first loss in 2014.

Alexander Rusev: 3-1
Adrien Neville: 3-0
Bo Dallas: 1-1
Emma: 1-0
Mason Ryan: 0-1
Tyler Breeze: 1-1
Sami Zayn: 1-0
Leo Kruger: 0-1
Bayley: 1-0
Aiden English: 1-0
Colin Cassady: 0-1
Baron Corbin: 0-1
Camacho: 0-1
Conor O'Brian: 1-0
Rick Victor: 1-0
CJ Parker: 1-1
Mojo Rawley: 0-1
Jason Jordan: 0-1
Wesley Blake: 0-1

I don't watch this regularly, but this was a Zeb Colter edition of WWE Inbox. I thought it was funny.

Lastly, Batista vs. "Negative Smarks."

Just wanted to thank everyone who supported my return. I missed you guys!! All you other negative Smarks can suck my balls! Haha!!! #onelife

— Dave Bautista (@DaveBautista) January 23, 2014
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Old 24th January 2014, 02:50   #10783

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Random thought: Del Rio's sidekick is awesome! I like it better than HBK's superkick.
What's up with Batista stealing Eric Cartman's catchphrase?

Interesting interview with Big E...

When Big E Langston made his debut in the WWE, he did so with a resounding impact as he flattened the company’s megastar John Cena on live television. The bar was set extraordinarily high, but Langston has lived up to the hype. His massive frame, exceptional athleticism and penchant for a humorous one liner has turned him into a fan favorite. He’s also been rewarded with the company’s lauded Intercontinental Championship. Obviously, there are big things on the horizon for the former power lifter as he gears up for his first Royal Rumble. Before then, Knockout Nation spoke with Big E and discussed his WWE career, how social media has made him more than the musclebound bodyguard cliche and his affinity for underground hip hop.

Knockout Nation: Before you became a pro wrestler, you played NCAA football for Iowa. However, your career was derailed by injuries. Without those injuries, you likely wouldn’t be in the position you are today. Do you think that your life would have eventually led you to wrestling had it not been for those injuries?
Big E Langston: Honestly, no. After I had those injuries I went to graduate school. I actually wanted to be an athletic director but I was still floating around at Iowa and working out. The WWE thing kind of happened for me out of the blue. But if I didn’t have those injuries, I don’t think I would have had the same path. At the time those injuries were difficult to deal with but I don’t think I would be doing what I’m doing today. In a way it was a blessing in disguise.

Knockout Nation: You had a great run in NXT but made a big splash as part of a crew that featured Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee. However, it wasn’t just your in-ring ability as many noticed the natural chemistry you guys had outside of the ring. Did you know Dolph and AJ before you joined them in WWE?
Big E: I knew AJ from developmental a year before she was on NXT. I didn’t know Dolph at all. But when we started working together and traveling to different shows we realized that we shared a similar sense of humor. It didn’t take us long to realize that it was kind of an odd pairing but it worked. We had a lot of fun and it is something that I’ll always remember. I learned a lot from Dolph when I was ringside for all of the Cena matches at house shows. It was a positive way for me to start my career.

Knockout Nation: Some wrestlers debut by squashing the biggest name in wrestling and then fizzle out. You made your debut by destroying the company face in John Cena. Were you ever worried that the bar was set too high?
Big E: I can’t say I was worried. But I did take out the face of the company. That is John Cena. There’s no better way to debut. That is the highest you can go. I work with a chip on my shoulder and I put pressure on myself regardless of the situation. In a way, there is that pressure that I debuted at the top. But I always felt that I would be more than a bodyguard in this business. There’s definitely that anticipation that I’m getting that opportunity and I had to run with it.

Knockout Nation: Once upon a time, wrestlers only could make a name for themselves inside of the ring. But you have used social media to get your personality out there to a broader audience. How much has having a social media presence helped build your popularity as a wrestler?
Big E: Twitter has been a key to my success as far as connecting with people. They get to see different sides of me that they probably wouldn’t expect. With the limited amount of time that we have on Raw and Smackdown, we don’t really get to show that much of our personality. If it wasn’t for Twitter I wouldn’t get to show all these sides of me. When people see me, they don’t expect me to have the personality that I do but they realize that I’m both flippant and relatable and that’s been a positive. Like you said, if this had been 20 years ago, people would know me as the big dude in the ring and never see the other side of me.

Knockout Nation: What’s Big E doing when he’s not on the road 300 days out of the year?
Big E: I’m pretty much a homebody when I’m off the road. I get really immersed into TV. I’m a big fan of Homeland and Bored To Death. I’m also always digging through hip hop and trying to find new artists that I can listen to on the road. I’m a gamer as well. I haven’t had a chance to get a PS4 yet but it’s coming.

Knockout Nation: I heard that you were a hip hop head. And not only into what is on the radio and TV. You dig pretty deep when it comes to your favorite artists. How do you find what you like and what about those rappers connect with you?
Big E: I have a lot of people that I’m cool with on the road that are big hip hop heads. Chris Hero, when he was here, was a big hip hop fan. I go through the blogs all the time to see what is released. I follow guys like A$AP Yams on Twitter. I actually had the opportunity to connect with the Flatbush Zombies outside of twitter. One of the cool parts is that a lot of the artists that I’m into were big wrestling fans. Not like only when they were kids but they are dropping references now. I’ve watched some of the Flatbush Zombie interviews where they talk about their favorite wrestlers and that’s cool. Guys like Action Bronson I dig because they are different and have a nice sound and voice. I think that a lot of the up and coming artists are unique and pretty cool. When I first heard Flatbush Zombies I expected them to just be horrorcore and nothing more but they have a great boom bap sound from the 90’s. I really enjoy Eric’s production and it feels fresh. I can’t always say why I like a certain artist but they have to bring something new and refreshing to the music.

Knockout Nation: I’m going to put you on the spot here. Name your top five rappers dead or alive.
Big E: In no particular order: Tupac, Nas, Biggie, Jay Z and…AZ.

Knockout Nation: AZ?
Big E: AZ is really underrated. I don’t know if he fits in a lot of people’s top 5 but I put him in there.

Knockout Nation: Who are you listening to right now?
Big E: Right now I’m listening to Flatbush Zombies, Action Bronson and Ghostface Killah.

Knockout Nation: If you could pick any of the rappers that you just mentioned to walk you out for Wrestlemania, who would it be?
Big E: For me it would be the Flatbush Zombies. That would be perfect fit for me to do when my ring entrance at Wrestlemania.

Knockout Nation: Favorite wrestler?
Big E: Big Van Vader is one of my favorites. When I watched it as a kid, I didn’t realize how great he was. Now I watch his old matches and I appreciate him just as much, if not more, than I did back then. He was down in developmental when I was there and I got to sit down with him. I was really amazed at how technical he was.

Knockout Nation: The WWE merged the world heavyweight title, if the same were to happen with the US and Intercontinental titles, which would you want to take precedence over the other?
Big E: If I had to pick one I’d pick the Intercontinental because it has the most prestige. It’s not just because it is the title I hold. If you look at the list of wrestlers who have held the IC title, the list is ridiculous.

Knockout Nation: The Royal Rumble is around the corner, what’s your favorite moment?
Big E: When you think of Kane’s record for eliminations, that was pretty cool. In the modern era, the stuff that Kofi Kingston has done – from the handstand to the chair – is pretty cool moments. But from a dominant perspective, Kane has the nod with the most eliminations.

Knockout Nation: So I’m assuming that you want to do better than Kane this year?
Big E: Of course! My goal is to break that record. This is my first Royal Rumble and I’m excited but the goal is to do something that people remember. Obviously, winning is the #1 priority but having the most eliminations is definitely on my mind.

Knockout Nation: If you had to choose whether to come in the Royal Rumble at #1 and take the most difficult path or #30 and have the easiest path to victory, which would you choose?
Big E: That’s a good question! Winning either way is the goal. But coming in at #1 and winning is tougher and would be remembered for a long time. 30 is the easier route but the challenge of being #1 and making it all the way through is something I would like to do.
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Old 24th January 2014, 02:54   #10784
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I think the only way to turn Zeb and the Real Americans face is to cut promos like that WWE Inbox he just did. Basically, cut down on the sneak into our country stuff and become more anti-U.S. government.

It's kinda popular to hate on the government and Obama Administration.
Brock: Where's Planetsuzy?
Heyman: Right over there.
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Old 24th January 2014, 03:37   #10785

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I just found out that today marks the 30th anniversary of when Hulkamania started. Fittingly, a WWE.com interview with the man who had to do the honors, because Bob Backlund reportedly didn't want to, a filtered Iron Sheik.

Thirty years ago on this date, the face of the wrestling industry as we knew it was forever changed. In front of a raucous sellout crowd in New York’s Madison Square Garden, Hulkamania was born, as Hulk Hogan became WWE Champion by dethroning The Iron Sheik. I had the pleasure of making the ring announcement that evening, verbally anointing Hogan as WWE’s standard bearer. But as there was a victor, there was also a man who tasted defeat.

Recently, WWE.com had an opportunity to discuss that fateful evening with my good friend and truly one of the all-time greats, WWE Hall of Famer The Iron Sheik, who was very candid in his thoughts about being a significant part of mat history.– HOWARD FINKEL

WWE.COM: After you beat Bob Backlund for the WWE Championship, did you think anyone could defeat you?

IRON SHEIK: Well, like all my wrestling fans round the world know, I was the first Iranian come to America. I was in Minnesota, and Mr. McMahon called me up to New York. Like everybody know, six years, nobody beat Mr. Bob Backlund. I beat him in most famous arena in the world, Madison Square Garden. And all of a sudden, Hulk Hogan come to New York, and I lost on one bad day, lost my belt to Hulk Hogan. But all the intelligent wrestling fans around the world, WWE fans and Iron Sheik fans, they know: Without Iron Sheik, no Hulkamania.

WWE.COM: How much did you know about Hogan going into the match?

SHEIK: Only thing I notice about him, I had started in [the AWA in] Minnesota. I left Minnesota, I heard Hulk Hogan was in Minnesota and he was a big bodybuilder wrestling in Minnesota. I’m in New York, but I didn’t know nothing about Hulk Hogan. Only thing I know is he was a bodybuilder and a big man. But I was real Iranian, and my background come from wrestling background, Olympics in Munich, Germany and Olympic coach. And I was most hated wrestler in America because I had the Ayatollah picture on my flag. I was the most hated wrestler in WWE, No. 1 company in the world. But I only heard about Hulk Hogan until I met him in New York.

WWE.COM: Did you think Hogan was worthy of stepping into the ring with you?

SHEIK: Like I said, I was three times All-American AAU champ when Mr. Hulk Hogan never competed in the AAU. No. 1 wrestling company in the world was WWE. But Hulk Hogan, the only thing he had was he was a bodybuilder and going to gym, work hard with the dumbbells. But he didn’t have that Iron Sheik background, because Mr. Bob Backlund grew up with wrestling and I grew up with wrestling all my life. But Hulk Hogan, only thing he had was luck. I have one bad night I lost my belt to Hulk Hogan.

WWE.COM: Is there any truth to the rumor that Verne Gagne offered you a bribe before the match?

SHEIK: Absolutely. Like I said, I started in Minnesota and after I was assistant coach in Olympics Munich, Germany ’72. I started ’73 with Ric Flair, Greg Gagne, myself in Minnesota. Mr. [Verne] Gagne was our coach. After I break in this business, Mr. Gagne give me the ring truck, I have to drive the ring around Minneapolis; Chicago from Minneapolis to Winnipeg and Denver, Colorado all over Midwest. I had the truck with the ring. I have to put up the ring, pick up the ring, [act as] referee and wrestle, I had the toughest job in my life. From Shah of Iran bodyguard and All-American AAU champ, I had some rough jobs. But I know that someday it gonna be changed and I’m not always gonna drive the truck and put up the ring, pick up the ring, referee.

All of a sudden, everything change when – God bless – Mr. McMahon call me and I come to New York. Everything made sense for me and I cannot forget Mr. McMahon and all the people in New York. Mr. Gagne call me, “Khosrow, Kaz, give me a favor. Mr. McMahon take Hulk Hogan from our company to New York. I like you to break the jabroni’s leg, take the belt, come to Minnesota. I take care of you and Jimmy Crockett take care of you, Bill Watts gonna take care of you, we gonna give you money, anything you want.” He told me, “We’re gonna take care of you with money. $100,000, break his leg, bring the belt to Minnesota and you have a job the rest of your life.”

I said, “Coach let me think about it, I’ll call you back.” I talk to my wife about it and my good friend Sgt. Slaughter. I said, “Coach called me and he told me break the Hulk Hogan leg, take the belt to Minnesota.” But the hand feed me, I cannot bite that hand. Mr. McMahon was the first promoter in the world give me a break at World Championship. I cannot double-cross that company. I didn’t go and I didn’t lose my respect next to Mr. McMahon, Sr. and Jr. I thank him before I go in the ring. I thank him in the locker room and I tell him, “He call me last night and told me don’t wrestle that jabroni Hulk Hogan, just break his leg, take the belt and come back to Minnesota.” But I said, “No, I cannot do that.” Even now, bad ankle, bad knee, but at least I respect myself next to God and Jesus. I didn’t double-cross my company WWE.

WWE.COM: Was Gagne mad that you said no?

SHEIK: I saw him again I said, “I’m sorry Coach, I cannot do that, because I had rough time after Olympics in Munich, Germany. I was three times AAU All-American World Champion and I had rough time. I was broke, no money and everything was bad for me until WWE. I cannot cross Mr. McMahon’s company and I’m sorry.” And he accept my apology and he said, “Don’t worry about it, and if you want to again come work for my company, welcome.” But I could never work for that company after that.

WWE.COM: Was Freddie Blassie, your manager at the time, a help against Hogan?

SHEIK: God bless him as a matter of fact yes. Mr. Blassie was the first manager I had in WWE. He was great manager, great charisma, I learn lot of things from Mr. Blassie. He was great manager, he was the best. As a matter of fact, I talked to him about that situation. God bless him. He was the best.

WWE.COM: What was it like when you got in the ring with Hogan?

SHEIK: He was good. Hogan was a big man, he had a bodybuilder body and charisma. I had so much hate, people want to hurt me wherever I go. He win and make all his All-American fans happy. Since then he become Hulkamania, but everybody remember, without Iron Sheik, no Hulkamania.

WWE.COM: If the night had gone differently, do you think The Iron Sheik would have been as big as Hulk Hogan was? Might we have seen “Sheikamania”?

SHEIK: Absolutely. If I break his leg, then everything gonna change after that, because Iron Sheik didn’t lost the belt to Hulk Hogan and everything gonna be completely different after that, you’re absolutely right, sir.

WWE.COM: Do you think The Iron Sheik in his prime could have beaten a John Cena or a Randy Orton?

SHEIK: Well in my prime and all my wrestling fans around the world know I was a Olympic wrestler. I can beat new generation in my prime time, but not now. Now is different situation and I’m watching John Cena and Randy Orton, Triple H, all of them. They’re doing a great job, they’re excellent.

WWE.COM: How is your relationship with Hogan today?

SHEIK: Well, I be honest with you, last time I saw Hulk Hogan was at a summer wrestling convention. I saw him, he say hello, I say hello to him. I talk to him, but nobody talk bad about the past. I get along with him. I say hello to him, but no any bad mouth or nothing. Just, ”Hello, how are you?“ and, ”Goodbye.”

WWE.COM: If a rematch was made today, do you think history would repeat itself?

SHEIK: Well, today different situation. After many years wrestling all my life, bad knee, bad ankle, different situation. But young man, everybody know I was a tiger in the ring. I was Olympic wrestler, and Hulk Hogan cannot handle me. No way. He was lucky.

Cool interview with Seth Rollins.

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Old 24th January 2014, 04:51   #10786

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Originally Posted by 1994 View Post
I think the only way to turn Zeb and the Real Americans face is to cut promos like that WWE Inbox he just did. Basically, cut down on the sneak into our country stuff and become more anti-U.S. government.

It's kinda popular to hate on the government and Obama Administration.
He should bring this Deport Justin Bieber sign for next week's RAW.
That would be a good start.

Originally Posted by Seven Churches View Post
I just found out that today marks the 30th anniversary of when Hulkamania started. Fittingly, a WWE.com interview with the man who had to do the honors, because Bob Backlund reportedly didn't want to, a filtered Iron Sheik.
According to some reports I read, it appears the Hollywood Blonde Jabroni won't be wrestling anybody at Wrestlemania. That's a relief!
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Old 24th January 2014, 06:18   #10787
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Originally Posted by Ptenisnet View Post
Is it just me or does Batista looks smaller than Randy in this picture?
No doubt he is still in decent shape but it looks like he's shrunk a few inches.
Look at where his feet are standing in comparison to Orton's. He is positioned lower down in the ring, so that's going to make him look shorter. I can't remember from before, but I think they were around the same height anyway. Orton's a tall guy.

Originally Posted by Ptenisnet View Post
I like Seth Rollins' finisher. I think he calls it The Blackout or The Blackout Stomp; not sure which one but I've never heard any of the commentators mention that name. Cole always says something stupid like "a kick to the head" or "what a move!" and that annoys me.
Yeah, it's one of my favorite finishers in WWE nowadays too. The Shield all have some cool finishers. I don't think they've ever mentioned a name for Dean Ambrose's finisher, either. But yeah I think Rollins' is officially called The Blackout.

Originally Posted by Seven Churches View Post
Damien Sandow takes control for most of the match, used that new submission move. He needs a name for that by the way, otherwise I'd have to refer to it as the Edgecator.
Now, this one actually does have a name! I've heard the announcers refer to it several times as "The Royal Arch." Not sure what exactly that is, it makes me think of McDonald's.
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Old 24th January 2014, 09:37   #10788
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I'm confident Mr. Neville will win the title on the live special NXT . After that Bo gets his promotion.

I wonder if any NXT guys get into the Royal Rumble this year.

Originally Posted by Ptenisnet View Post

According to some reports I read, it appears the Hollywood Blonde Jabroni won't be wrestling anybody at Wrestlemania. That's a relief!
respect your elders kid haha, I've no right to say anything because I've said some shit in my time about the old timers. I still can't wait to see the old Hollywood Blonde Jabroni. yep, once again that powerful drug named nostalgia is kicking in.

It is a relief though because as powerful as that drug can be, it doesn't totally blind me. The last thing or close to the last thing I want to see is a Hulk Hogan match. get a pop, do a pose or something. That is all I need.
Last edited by Alan Kellerman; 24th January 2014 at 10:57.
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Old 24th January 2014, 12:14   #10789
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The name CJ Parker still cracks me up. I just picture Pamela Anderson doing a slow motion run to the ring, while the baywatch theme plays. I probably said that before. I'm the king of repeats, worse than Raw probably. I saw a comment on a youtube video and it made me laugh. somebody said his sister thought Chris Jericho sang the Baywatch theme. haha. I listened again and at times I can picture it, especially the ''don't you worry'' bit

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Old 24th January 2014, 12:15   #10790
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Troll Dallas might make his way into the Rumble again. I would laugh rather than be angry.

Have they still only got 3 matches to fill up nearly 2 hours..? Makes me think the Rumble may be rather extra lengthy this year. Maybe 1h20-30mins
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