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Old 5th December 2013, 18:42   #10321
Alan Kellerman
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silly me. Cheers.

some slammy nominees

During the broadcast of WWE Main Event last night, it was announced that Daniel Bryan, John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar, are the nominees for 2013 Superstar of the Year Slammy this Monday which will be presented by Shawn Michaels. If Bryan wins (and he very well could), it will be interesting to see if they do an angle with Michaels.

WWE Total Diva of the Year will be presented by Eve Torres with the nominees being AJ, Naomi and Cameron (sharing one nomination), Kaitlyn Natalya, Eva Marie and The Bella Twins.

Doublecross of the Year Will be presented by the Shield with the nominees being:

-Triple H and Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam
-Shawn Michaels and Daniel Bryan at Hell in a Cell
-Mark Henry and John Cena retirement angle
-Paul Heyman screwing CM Punk at Money in the Bank,
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Old 5th December 2013, 22:28   #10322

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Thoughts on Main Event

1.) Miz is back on commentary, and he gave a free copy of his Christmas Bounty to Josh Matthews. He signed the copy too, they're exclusively sold at Walmart. Have you ever wondered what would happen if you put Goldust against Goldberg? Well here it is, only The Ryback is Goldberg, hehe. Miz talked about Goldust's speed, the best it's ever been. Yeah, Dean Ambrose said it best on Smackdown, he moves like he's 18/19 years old. Meanwhile, The Ryback, who's over 10 years his junior, moves like a brick house. As in, slow and rough. It was funny to hear Miz claim that he sees The Ryback in the gym. I didn't know Miz goes to the gym, because he doesn't look like someone who goes to those things. Eva Marie's nominated for Diva of the Year? Bull. Fucking. Shit, and Miz said it best. If Eva Marie somehow was voted in to win, it'd be a slap in the face. Anyways, on the action of the match, it was pretty nice. Something that wasn't nice, and proves the rough nature of The Ryback (excluding physical offense), is a powerslam that Goldie did. The Ryback didn't spin as fluidly as others, and as a result, landed on his head! That was pretty yucky. Moving on, Cody Rhodes got involved to stop Axel from interfering, flying over Goldust and The Ryback to hit a Shawn Michaels like forearm to Axel. Axel couldn't get enough and stopped the match, giving Goldust the DQ win. They took out those former Heyman guys. It makes me think of a big tag team match at TLC. With only 10 days until the PPV, there's only one gimmick match on the show. The big TLC match. Where's the table matches? Chairs? Ladders? I want to see a big tag team ladder match! The Rhodes, Usos, Real Americans, you can put The Ryback and Axel in it, and even add PTP.

2.) The Usos take on Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal. Apparently Heath Slater injured a vocal chord from a "gig." Right, he was probably doing karaoke for Judas Priest or King Diamond. Whatever the case, it's just some made up stuff. Commentary talked about the nominees for Double Cross of the Year. Strong nominees, but the winner is definitely Mark Henry's fake retirement segment. That was incredible. Anyways, solid performance from the Usos, nothing really new, but nothing bad at all. Eh, didn't think much of commentary talking about a possible 3MB split.

3.) The next big DVD set WWE's providing, the 20 greatest episodes of RAW. Uncut, unedited, fuckers, I want that. I just finished the MITB set, so next is History of WWE. Judging by the commercial, I think they'll have a bunch of night-after Wrestlemania RAWs. Seemingly 2012 and 2013, I saw the RAW where Shane McMahon announced that he owns WCW. With over 1000 episodes, it's tough to pick 20, especially when very few people, if any, saw every single episode. When it comes to lists, definitely WWE shows some bias, so who knows what that list is. Not to mention that the show's went from 1 hour to 2 hours to 3! So a total run time could be at least 24 hours!

4.) They recapped the closing segment with Cena and Randall, which helps in thinking more highly of Cena's promo. He basically justified him being the face of WWE, something Randall didn't strive for, as much as John. As good as his talking was, randall's facial expressions were so awesome. They showed some of HHH's interview with Cole this week.

5.) Jerry Lawler and Booker T will host the Slammies. Booker, hahahahaha! I can't wait for that. R-Truth makes his entrance, and no JBL yelling "WHAT'S UP!" Bradshaw sounds so white every time he does that. Damien Sandow is Truth's opponent, saying for the music to be off, mouths closed, because the "future face of the WWE" has something to say. Yeah, that will never happen Sandow. He said Truth will find out what happens when he plays with card-carrying halfwits. Pretty plain match, of course Sandow wins, he's going to challenge for the Intercontinental Championship (and lose). Looking to the new year, perhaps Sandow will have a better 2014 than 2013. Until then, it's just going to keep going with small match wins, big match losses. It's a shame, but at least the guy doesn't get complacent. Miz of course talking about himself, which turned out to be more interesting than this match. Reminding of Angry Miz Girl and taking her Slammy award away from her. He said he still has it! They mentioned the nominees for Superstar of the Year. CM Punk, John Cena, Randall Orton, Daniel Bryan, and Brock Lesnar. PLEASE! Daniel Bryan, win! Seriously, he should. Nobody's even touched Bryan in 2013. Superstar of the year, and I'll also add Match of the Year (if Cena/Bryan at Summerslam is a nominee). Anyways, Sandow wins, makes for an alright ending.

Thoughts on NXT

1.) The Women's Championship is on the line with Paige and Natalya. Starting out smoothly with chain wrestling, mostly led by Natalya. Commentary was Byron Saxton, Alex Riley, and Renee Young. Renee had a lovely line later on, saying Paige and Natalya "breathe this." As in living in wrestling. There's a legitimate feeling in this match, as the wrestling was strong from beginning, but also necessary in being slow and warming things up. Really, Natalya's barely matched in the ring, AJ Lee for example is one that can match with her. Paige proved that she could match her too. So on that end, it was awesome to see considering the overal standard of Divas matches being pretty low. It then moved into Natalya dominating Paige for the most part. Putting her down and locking in the Sharpshooter. Paige didn't tap out and moved the spot close to a corner. Using her leg strength to have Natalya hit the turnbuckle from the back of her head. A stalemate it seemed, until a sudden Paige Turner for the win. So it felt like a wrestling match, not a Divas match. Not only a wrestling match, but a very good one. So Paige got a big win, both women looked great. It begs the question though. When will Paige be in the main roster? I can only imagine an angle going into Wrestlemania XXX. She against AJ for the Divas Championship. Natalya and Paige hugged it out, all respect and such. Great match!

2.) Antonio Cesaro tried talking like an Englishmen, how Regal would talk. Addressing William Regal briefly. Leo Kruger came in and thanked Cesaro for taking him to another level. I guess in terms of their match a couple weeks ago, making Kruger step his game up. Kruger wanted to be a Real American. He can do a favor for Cesaro, with the guy whispering some kind of deal that involves Sami Zayn. Kruger as a Real American? Hmmm. Well I figure Kruger is a top prospect for the main roster in 2014. So who knows?

3.) Aiden English should be the star of a WWE Musical, if they ever make one. Look at that chest hair! Briefly, the match was a squash. I don't even know who exactly the guy wrestled. So that's small fish, moving onto bigger fish. Antonio Cesaro came on the stage and invited Byron Saxton to the stage. Apologize to him face to face for losing his temper and taking it out on Byron. He said sorry in 5 languages! Heehee. Saxton thanked Cesaro, but that's not all. He offered Byron a moment to do the "We The People" with him. Byron reluctantly did it, but Cesaro didn't like it. Now he's getting mad again, ripping his suit apart, asking where Regal is. He was expecting an attack from the guy, but he didn't appear. So he slapped the taste out of Saxton, making the goober collapse. Very funny, and it's nice to see Cesaro all alone and entertaining in the process.

4.) Backstage, after losing against Adrian Neville. He was jumped from behind by Kruger for the win. I assume this came after Cesaro's proposition or whatever. Moving on, Tyson Kidd returns to NXT, with video showing February 10 of this year. Kidd was nursing the knee injury, getting attacked by Kruger. So those two wrestled, Alex Riley compared Kidd to...Eddie Guerrero. Based on the look and his walk to the ring.. Interesting. Now wait a second, did Renee say "Look at that bod," or "Look at that butt." She was referring to Tyson Kidd and his physique. So Kruger was in control for most of the match, specifically after the break. Sami Zayn came at the time, distracting Kruger. Obviously because of that backstage segment, but Alex Riley took issue with that. Kidd came from behind and rolled the dude up for the win.

5.) Hunico and Camacho talked about next week. Them against Ascension at NXT next week, for the tag titles. I paid attention to Hunico's tattoo work on the right arm, making me slap myself for not noticing this dude on RAW. I'm looking forward to two weeks, rather than next week. I read about a certain team taking on the Ascension. They are to debut on NXT, and I'd rather keep quiet until it happens. It's two guys that have been said to possibly come get signed to WWE by early 2014.

6.) Adrian Neville takes on the longest reigning NXT Champion currently, 195 days strong now. So last time Bo defended the NXT title, a turnbuckle pad mysteriously came off the corner. It seemed like the black ref there rigged in. Here? I really can't tell, showing better discretion. I don't think Bo had anything to do with it. Thankfully a ref came to fix that thing, and was a small part of the match. HAHA, there's a chant of "You are boring" to Bo Dallas, which fits because..."BO-ring." HA! The match wasn't so boring. Just Bo taking advantage for a long time, giving need for the eventual Adrian Neville comeback. Pretty standard and all, offense like that from Neville doesn't get old. Unfortunately the ending confirmed thoughts that Bo's title reign will be filled with questionable decisions. Not kayfabe wise, just for how it strengthens the prestige for a titleholder. After a giant crossbody from Neville on the outside, the man delivering it makes it in the ring by 10. Bo didn't. Neville wins by countout, but not the championship. Given this finish, that's not badly executed like the Sami Zayn match, it just makes me want Dallas to defend the title in a no DQ match. That way the only bullcrap that could possibly happen is interference. Alex Riley claims that before and after a match, Bo's a nice guy. Overly nice, but when the bell rings, the guy gets serious and takes control. That sounds right, but not completely. Bo could take it up a notch in a no DQ fashion, get angry. Get mean, then smile like a giant goober after the fact. Until then, this specific act of title retentions isn't any entertaining. Especially at the expense of deserving talent like Sami Zayn, and now Adrian Neville.

You can read all of the article with Sgt. Slaughter here, this one caught me the most.

When asked how he feels the Daniel Bryan character is being treated in WWE today, Slaughter doesn't hold back.

"I don't think he's being treated fairly. [The people at WWE] are making him work awfully hard to be successful and he's not letting them down. He's working harder than ever. He's like a giant slayer. He takes on the biggest and the best. Kind of like Dolph Ziggler -- he's another talent I thought he wasn't being used right, and I brought it up in several production meetings that they shouldn't do his character as they were.
I agree.
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Old 5th December 2013, 23:25   #10323
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How does Sandow/Rhodes not make double-cross of the year shortlist? Given the list, I suspect if AJ wins, and with it being an app vote odds are good on that, that she gives a rant about Total Divas(again). Daniel Bryan should win also, and isn't raw in Seattle this week? So about as close to home as he can get since he's billed from a smaller town in Washington state. Maybe we can get a 'Bryan loses, we riot' sign.
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Old 5th December 2013, 23:34   #10324
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Bryan should get it, but I can't help feeling that Cena will after his triumph coming back from injury and winning the world title. I think it is somebody else turn this year. Bryan or Orton. Hopefully Bryan.

I'd pick Brock Lesnar if it was up to me, but he has only had three matches, so he probably wont win.
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Old 6th December 2013, 02:09   #10325
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Hey Churches, do you happen to have a video of the Paige/Nattie match?

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Old 6th December 2013, 03:30   #10326

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Originally Posted by Psycho Man View Post
Hey Churches, do you happen to have a video of the Paige/Nattie match?
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Old 6th December 2013, 04:32   #10327
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Originally Posted by Ptenisnet View Post
See here.
I appreciate it very much. Thank you.

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Old 6th December 2013, 23:40   #10328
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match of the year nominees

I'd put my money on CM Punk vs The Undertaker. I'm hoping Punk goes all HBK and he wants a rematch, then Brock comes out and F5 off the stage. he takes the slammy and challenges The Undertaker.

*The Undertaker vs. CM Punk - Wrestlemania 29

*John Cena vs. The Rock - Wrestlemania 29

*Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar - WWE Extreme Rules.

*Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. The Shield - WWE Battleground.
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Old 7th December 2013, 04:24   #10329

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Thoughts on Smackdown

1.) The show immediately starts with Fandango in the ring, Damien Sandow on commentary with Cole and Leyfield. It's Big E. Langston vs. Fandango, whose name is coming under fire by some movie ticket website, fandango.com. They are looking to sue WWE for copyright or whatever. Originally Fandango was to debut with that name, but add an "O," at the end. If you remember the first vignette, it had two os at the end. So I read WWE's confident they'll win that case. Ehhh, I think so, because hey, who exactly knew there was a "fandango.com?" Sandow said Langston suffers from diarrhea of the mouth, and constipation of the brain! Hilarious! Pretty short match, but Fandango sure tried to make you remember that he wrestled this match. For example, an explosive clothesline to Big E. Langston. Of course, Langston, the Intercontinental Champion, won. Sandow's commentary continued, where he put himself on the same level as Stone Cole, The Rock, and Bret Hart. Pretty funny, but seriously, he claimed Langston only does strength and mistakes. Sandow capitalizes on mistakes. That's what he said, and when the two went face to face, I was thinking Sandow would try and attack Langston, making me think of the attack from Sandow on John Cena. Yeah and then he cashed in...and fucking lost!!! Damn, I reminded myself of that moment. Sigh. Moving on...

2.) It's not 10 days, Randall, it's 9. The WWE Champion came out and claimed he will overcome what John Cena will bring. Showing a recap of the closing segment to RAW. Randall claimed to have torn ligaments and such, but he's not complaining like everyone else in the back. Randall doesn't care about likeability, as he doesn't like the fans, or anyone in the back. He does like HHH and Stephanie, apologizing to them. Oh that's just so Hunter and Steph will make it so Randall can't lose at TLC. It's a ploy, otherwise it just sounds pretty lame. Daniel Bryan interfered! He said Randall should apologize to the fans for him impersonating a champion. He pointed out that Randall's never legitimately beaten him in a title match. Yeah! Bryan said the winner of the TLC match better watch out for him, getting first crack at the Undisputed WWE Champion (still, fuck "Unified Champion"). Bryan wants a match against the Champ, Randall said "no." The fans said "Yes." Yes for me, and by the way, I got the thought that Bryan's beard here looked more like Gandalf, minus the fact it's not gray. Nice stuff here. I will say that Randall should win at TLC. Here's one reason why, unlike Cena, he appears on both shows! Dammit John.

3.) The Rhodes take on Rybaxel...or Axelback. JBL trying to come up with names. The tag match was alright, JBL tried justifying this pairing of Axel and The Ryback. Saying they are coming into their own already as a tag team. Ehhh, I wouldn't say so, and I'm on the thought process that this team will be very short-lived anyways. Some stuff was done, with action spilling to the outside between Goldust and Mr. Back. Cody cut in to hurt The Ryback, and Axel capitalized with a cradle for the win. That just indicates a tag team title match between the two at TLC. Tables or ladders, please.

4.) Bad News Barrett. He doesn't want to give the good news of the fans being important and all. Bad news is that they are "cowardly, gullible sheep." Eventually all will be led to the slaughter. Hehehe. Right after that little deal came Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio. Well the match didn't start, and Del Rio attacking Kingston from behind. Obviously mad because he jobbed to the new Sin Cara (aka the original Mistico). I don't blame him, plus Kofi deserves this for being an asshole to Miz! Del Rio was forced off by referees, and he left. Not without a wink and saying "perro." Where's the "gringo" part?

5.) You can't put The Shield to sleep, Roman Reigns said. He got into a bit of an aside, saying he'd spear Punk alone and break him apart. Rollins calmed him down, and said they have to leave him ready for TLC, where all 3 can beat them down. Notice that Reigns is leading in the promo, in the center. Usually that's Dean Ambrose. Ambrose cut in after Reigns said the baddest member of The Shield will take on CM Punk here. Ambrose cut in and said that's him. See, the little things do count, just the light teases of dissension here, Reigns getting too into it and Rollins calming him down. Analyzing it more, Rollins was the only guy who clearly spoke for the team. I like it, just take it very slow.

6.) So, awesome! CM Punk vs. Dean Ambrose for the first time on TV. CM Punk took him on while he was WWE Champion, in an FCW event, back when Ambrose just got into developmental. The match had Ambrose take control of CM Punk for a long time, with Punk selling a rib injury. They aren't taped by the way, that'd be too obvious a target. Ambrose, getting to into it, felt like mocking CM Punk, by doing the elbow drop. Clearly missed, and Punk hit some offense. Not for long, with Dean using one of Jericho's 1001 holds, an armbar. Hehehehe, there was a near submission from the Anaconda Vise, but quickly back to Ambrose in control, using an armbar. It transitioned to some back and forth action, making the match pretty exciting, not knowing who would win. Eventually CM Punk won, babyface and his "gutsy" performance. If anything, this makes me want a future matchup between the two to be very

7.) You know, someone needs to be more discrete on rigging Renee Young. I mean the mic gimmick that's placed on the back of someone. Watching Jerry Springer, I recognize that kind of gimmick. I suppose in WWE, with male interviewers, it's easy to hide the gimmick, they're wearing suits. For a dress wearing woman like Renee, it looks like a sore thumb, clunky looking growth on her back. You only see it for a split second, but I can't help but go off tangent on that. She interviews Rey Mysterio, by the way. He was asked about being World Heavyweight Champion and WWE Champion. Rey knows that, but let's not forget, he only held the latter title for only almost 2 hours. John Cena beat him for that title, remember? Anyways, I can never get into Rey talking on the mic. To be nice, he should simply never talk. That simple, but he does, and interrupting is Zeb Colter and the Real Americans! He does his anti-immigration gimmick to Rey, saying the only test Rey needs to take, is a Citizenship one. More funny stuff, calling out Rey for a tag match. Find a partner against the Real Americans. Rey said the Real Americans are hypocrites. Hey, shut up, you're not Chris Jericho!

8.) Natalya and Tamina. Too short, unfortunately, and the finish of simply pinning Tamina after a missed Supafly Splash is a bummer. Most of the focus is really on AJ's commentary. Great commentary though. She justified herself as a better role model than Natalya, and makes a good thing. Natalya, family lineage, and that's what got her foot in the door of WWE. AJ, born dirt poor and working hard to be a success. That's not to say Natalya didn't work hard. More on Natalya, AJ said she's "bland and generic." Whoa now! I wish she said that in a promo battle with Natalya, something like that would be met with an "Oooooh" reaction from fans. The only think bland and generic though was this match. Haha! AJ better win the Diva of the Year.

9.) I was thinking Rey would pick Sin Cara as his partner. Instead, it's the Big Show. When David and Goliath team up. Bret Hart took part of some interview recently, and put over Antonio Cesaro highly. He definitely deserves the praise. Hehehe, Cole said Swagger looks angry all the time. I was thinking that Swagger's that because he's not allowed to smoke weed. Of course, I have no idea if I'm right on any of that, just trying to be funny. HAHAHA! JBL talked about Rey wearing a mask, saying that a man "driving through" with a mask on is rather suspicious. Is he implying that Rey's a burglar? The laughs continued with Angry Zeb facial expressions. So this match was just comedy for me, indirectly, I might add. The wrestling was serious and all, but pretty short. Rey was dominated, tagged in Big Show, who came in like a house of fire. He let Rey finish that, with a splash from off the shoulders of Big Show. Yep, pretty nice though!

10.) A video package on the prestige of the two world championships. There's talk from some former world/WWE Champions on being champion. Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Stone Cold Steve Austin, older footage there. Shawn Michaels and Booker T as well. I liked it. This segued into Cole's interview with HHH this week. He said it's the biggest match of this generation, and only "one of" the biggest matches in history. That's not such a big hyperbole, so at least Hunter's more real here. But WWE will contradict themselves if there's a screwy finish...

11.) Bad News Barrett with some good news. There will be a Champion of Champions at TLC. The bad news? He will have a target on his back, will be the envy of the locker room, and doomed to destruction. Damn, I was just hoping the guy would put himself into this. As in saying he'd challenge, beat down that Undisputed WWE Champion. Plus, come on now, he pretty much painted the Champion of Champions as basically a pariah, and that nobody should strive to be that kind of guy. Sort of contradicting the dreams and desires of people wanting to be the WWE Champion.

12.) The 44th WWE Champion takes on the 37th WWE Champion, Daniel Bryan vs. Randall Orton respectively. I hope I'm right on Randall, I just backtracked on the easy fact that The Miz is the 40th WWE Champion. For Bryan, just count up from Miz. I did go on Wikipedia, Randall's current title reign is the 116th one. Knowledge is power! Anyways, dammit Cole, he downplayed Jericho's moment where he unified the two world championships. He said it was the WWE and "WCW" World Title. Uhhh, you dumbass, the WCW title is the same title that dates back to 1906 as the one introduced in 2002. The only difference was dropping the WCW name. Cole did backtrack, noting the epic moment Jericho had, but come on, he still essentially bitch slapped Jericho's title unification. You doucher, it's the same damn thing essentially! Goodness, that really irritated me, but come on, what about this match? Randall and Bryan, what a rivalry right? When the WWE title wasn't involved, they had some great matches, only with questionable finishes that Bryan for example called out on. Culminating in the TV Match of the Year, him and Randall on RAW in a street fight. Bryan made Randall tap out, super happy stuff there. With the WWE title, on the line, or in this case, not on the line, Bryan can't fucking catch a break! He's never beaten cleanly by the man. Knowing this fact, I expected the Wyatts to interfere in some way. It's a good thing because I hate to see Bryan cleanly beaten in this fashion. Random TV match and all. I could still try and enjoy the bout. It was alright, and despite the 6 week or so layoff between these two, there's still a feeling of familiarity. They main evented 3 straight PPVs after all, resulting in the same thing. Daniel Bryan being screwed. As a result, there's a tiring factor, wanting these guys separated for a long time. 6 weeks just isn't enough, but it's never a knock on the actual in-ring performance. All similar and nice, what's expected, happens. Including interference. Rowan and Harper appearing ringside, staring at Daniel Bryan. That's it, allowing Randall to come in and hit the RKO. I loved the specific set up of the RKO, so that was the biggest highlight for me. Closing the show is the lights going off, spotlight on Daniel Bryan as he sees Bray on the tron. He didn't say "Open your eyes," this time. He said "Join us." I wonder though sometimes if they will have Daniel Bryan as a member of the Wyatt Family. At the same time though, I'd rather see the man, in a perfect world, beat the Wyatts, get momentum heading into the Royal Rumble, eliminate himself and CM Punk from the Rumble, as the final two guys. Yes, they wrestle on a RAW to determine who should get the title shot, HHH screws Daniel Bryan, setting those two up for Wrestlemania. In another perfect world, make up some scenario where Punk and Bryan main event Wrestlemania for the WWE Championship. Let's say, Punk beating Randall at Royal Rumble, Bryan winning the Royal Rumble match. Those are two perfect worlds, but nothing is perfect...

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Old 7th December 2013, 04:26   #10330

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I'd personally have Daniel Bryan and Cena from Summerslam as the Match of the Year. Certainly that over Lesnar and Hunter. Regardless. For that, definitely Undertaker and Punk.
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