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Kinky Fetishes Sexual fetishisms. Body art, bondage, fisting, squirting, etc.

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Old 11th May 2020, 23:45   #10211
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Serve CEI

File: serve+cei_1080p.mp4
Size: 105432228 bytes (100.55 MiB), duration: 00:07:04, avg.bitrate: 1989 kb/s
Audio: aac, 24000 Hz, stereo (eng)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 608x1080, 25.00 fps(r) (und)

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Last edited by LarryO; 30th May 2020 at 07:29.
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Old 11th May 2020, 23:47   #10212
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File: sexy+joi+big+ass_480p.mp4
Size: 144233518 bytes (137.55 MiB), duration: 00:15:45, avg.bitrate: 1221 kb/s
Audio: aac, 24000 Hz, stereo (und)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 852x480, 30.00 fps(r) => 853x480 (und)

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Old 11th May 2020, 23:47   #10213
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Ass joi

File: ass+joi_1080p.mp4
Size: 143860977 bytes (137.20 MiB), duration: 00:05:37, avg.bitrate: 3415 kb/s
Audio: aac, 24000 Hz, stereo (eng)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1920x1080, 30.00 fps(r) (und)

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Old 11th May 2020, 23:48   #10214
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Ass Joi Bad Bhunsy

File: ass+joi+bad+bhunsy_720p.mp4
Size: 155762113 bytes (148.55 MiB), duration: 00:10:12, avg.bitrate: 2036 kb/s
Audio: aac, 24000 Hz, stereo (und)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 24.00 fps(r) (und)

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Old 11th May 2020, 23:49   #10215
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File: interactive_720p.mp4
Size: 117621893 bytes (112.17 MiB), duration: 00:09:10, avg.bitrate: 1711 kb/s
Audio: aac, 24000 Hz, stereo (und)
Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 30.00 fps(r) (und)

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Old 12th May 2020, 02:17   #10216
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HumiliationPOV - You Can't Beg For Forgiveness With A Cock In Your Mouth


14:46mins 1920x1080 1.06gb mp4

Goddess Sahrye! In addition to the visuals, Sahrye's voice has a mesmerizing, satanic echo, and there is a subliminal satanic voice talking down to faggots in the background!

In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit, isn't that what you religious fucks say? You go to church every Sunday. You get on your knees before bed and you beg for repentance. You beg god to forgive you for all your sins. And there are many, aren't there? You sin over and over again, don't you? Yes you do. Because no matter how much you love your fucking god, there's one thing that you love more. Yes, I know all about your disgusting, perverted fucking habits. You're a faggot, a god fearing faggot. And you love cock more than god.

You can't help but touch yourself thinking about huge cocks. Your dick gets rock hard every time you watch gay porn. What do you think your god has to say about that? What does your god think as you sit in front of your computer screen and search for gay porn? What does god think as you get down on your knees for cock instead of worshiping Him? What does your god think as you beg men to cum on your face? Your god tells you how much he hates you, you fucking faggot.

You've read the scriptures, you know god hates fags and you're going to face your fate in hell. But that doesn't stop you, does it? No, you worship cock more than you do your god. When you d i e and go to meet your maker he will look upon you with disgust because you're nothing more than a disgusting perverted faggot. A cum guzzling faggot. Your god doesn't accept your kind but every day you get on your knees and you fucking pray. I wonder if that's before or after you get off to the thought of a man stuffing his cock down your throat? Do you pray when you're down on your knees taking some fucking cock?

You can hide from the rest of the world but you can't hide from god. If people knew they would stone you until you lay lifeless in the streets for your cock sucking ways. And then you would depart to your god, only to be judged and sentenced to an eternity in hell. But you can't stop, you won't stop, you'll keep praying to your god and begging for forgiveness, hoping that he can understand that it's beyond your control. You just can't keep your dick from getting hard at the mere thought of a man's cock inside of your mouth.

Not only have you ruined your life in this world where people look down on you, but you've ruined your chances in the world to cum. You see at least a faggot has the balls to live in the open and proclaim that he is in fact a faggot. But you, you hide, you cower, you show one face to the world and another to god. And for this you will be judged. One moment you're praying on your knees and the next you're sucking cock on your knees. You have no convictions. You are an abomination.

God does not love you, god will not forgive you. There is no absolution for a dirty closet fag like you. There is no heaven for you. No, you just want to be surrounded by cocks waiting to fuck your face and dump loads down your throat. That would be heaven for you. But that's not where you're going. No. You're a sinner, god doesn't love faggots. And yet you still can't stop jerking your cock to other men. You don't care about the consequences. You've ruined your life and you've ruined your after life. You are a cock sucking abomination.

You'd be crucified in this life if people knew you sucked off cocks in alley ways. And you'd be castrated in the world to come because that's what they do to faggots. But you don't care, you'll keep sucking cocks and begging for forgiveness that will never come. Your cock is hard right now because you're weak, you're easily tempted, and that's why your god will smite you down. There's nothing you can do about it because you can't stop. You're a prisoner of your own desires. And not even the threat of hell can keep you from cocks. You're going to burn in hell for your sins, a hell designed just for pathetic closet fags like you. Because god hates faggots, especially closeted fags. You go against every thing that you believe in, you're pathetic.

Category: MAKE ME BI

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Old 12th May 2020, 02:18   #10217
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Annabel Fatale - Locked Up


9:25mins 1280x720 604mb mp4

You're locked up in chastity and I hold the key, I love seeing you suffer, I love seeing you frustrated, I love you begging me for release...Maybe I will let you out of your cage for a set amount of time, making you look at your throbbing cock in frustration not able to touch it without my permission...I'm going to tease you until your cock drips.

Chastity, Cock Tease

Chastity Device, Chastity Male, Chastity Tease, Cock Control, Cum in Chastity, Frustration, Mental Chastity, Tease and Denial,
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Old 12th May 2020, 02:18   #10218
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Dommelia - Jerk Off Over My Mouth, Freak!


7:26mins 1818x1080 410mb mp4

You're a loser, a freak, a weirdo, and as such you do not deserve to jerk over my hot body. So instead, I'm going to make you jerk your cock whilst staring at the inside of my mouth. Yep, look at my teeth and tongue and spit. I mean, my mouth is warm and wet, like my pussy! But OBVIOUSLY i'll never let you jerk off over that you dumb cunt! So my mouth is the next best thing. Enjoy!


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Old 12th May 2020, 02:19   #10219
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Goddess Blonde Kitty - Morning Affirmations


11:16mins 1920x1080 821mb mp4

Every morning is a new chance to be a Good Boy. This clip will help you to centre your focus, and start your day off right. Watch daily to calm your mind and body an target your adoration.

Goddess Worship, Mesmerize

Ass Worship, Financial Domination, Goddess Worship, Mantras, Meditation, Mesmerize, Mind Fuck, Slave Training, Tit Worship,
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Old 12th May 2020, 02:21   #10220
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HumiliationPOV - Customer Service Operator Laughs At Your Username, ‘littleweenie’


9:59mins 1920x1080 737mb mp4

Goddess Sahrye

Imagine you're a member of HumiliationPOV and you lose your password. You have to call customer service to retrieve your password. And in order to give it to you, the operator needs your username, which is 'littleweenie. You are so embarrassed but you need your password so you can get back into the site and jerk your little dick. When you call, the operator can't help but giggle as you reveal the site and your username. You get so turned on at her laughing at you that you start jerking off to the operator laughing at you. She realizes what you are doing and becomes disgusted. She then humiliates you and hangs up on you. Goddess Sahrye carries this out to perfection!

Good afternoon and thank you for calling credit card services, my name is Sahrye, how may I assist you? So I understand that you can't remember your password and you cannot access your account. I can certainly help you with that. First I need the name of the website. Ok now I'm going to need your username, and please be advised that this is on a recorded line but any information you give me will not used or distributed to any other third party. I just want you to know that this is a safe and secure line. Now I need your username.

No need to be embarrassed, this happens to a lot of people. So your username is a little unusual, I understand. But I do need it in order to get your password. Ummm could you repeat that? Now would the be 'little' as in l i t t l e? Could you spell it for me? LOL! No sir, I'm sorry I'm not laughing at you. 'L i t t l e W e e n i e'. Ok now I'm going to spell it back to you, lol. (Giggles) Oh no, sorry, really I'm not laughing at you. (Can't stop laughing.) Would you please hold. (Bursts out laughing to herself.)

Ok I'm back. So when was the last time you logged into HumiliationPOV? Oh last night? So you login to that website and your username is 'littleweenie'? LOL! Ok well I'm trying to locate your password, lol. Oh you're embarrassed by your username? Well you know a lot of people use usernames they can remember because of associations. So does that mean that you have a little weenie? LOL! I don't want to be offensive, I'm just trying to understand to pass the time while I locate your password.

I'm really sorry for laughing lol! Are you ok because it sounds like you're breathing really heavy? Oh so you're just running from room to room? So do you go on this site because you're into people making fun of your little weenie? You must not have a girlfriend, do you? Sir you're making really strange noises. You know you could have picked so many other names I'm just wondering why someone would want the username 'littleweenie'? It really must be because you have one. You must have a teeny tiny little weenie LOL!

Sir, Sir, are you....? Sir I think that what you're doing is highly inappropriate! What do I think you're doing?? I think that you're wanking your disgusting tiny little penis. Yes your little weenie. You're absolutely disgusting and that's not what I'm here for! I hope you never find your password and that you can never masturbate to anything, you disgusting fucking pervert! How dare you! (Hangs up the phone.)

Femdom POV, Humiliation, Degradation, SPH, Small Penis Humiliation
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