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Old 29th October 2013, 18:01   #10011
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Damien Sandow was absolutely buried last night. It wasn't who he lost to, but the circumstances around him losing that made this loss his worst thus far... yeah, even worse than that roll-up against Santino a few weeks ago. At least that was a fluke of a win. Cena soundly defeated Damien Sandow. Under normal circumstances, if this match was Cena at 100% and it went down almost exactly as it did (at least in terms of back and forth offense between the two), this would've been a great rub for Sandow. Hell, if Cena competed in a 5-10 match, won, and then Sandow cashed in and lost... it wouldn't have been good, but it wouldn't have been as ridiculous as what last night was. They somehow managed to exceed my expectations of disappointment in Sandow eventually cashing in and failing. Sandow has been getting jobbed out left and right for about a year now, but after winning the MITB it felt like there was a light at the end of the tunnel. That light was that Sandow was practically guaranteed to be World Champion. Now while the title itself doesn't mean much of anything, it at least would give Sandow TV time every week and he'd be somewhat credible because of it. Then they could focus on building him back up rather than constantly trying (and failing) to push and get Del Rio over. Sandow is someone who got decent heat facing BRODUS FUCKING CLAY, Del Rio couldn't get over feuding with Punk and Bryan combined right now. But I digress...

So back to the match itself, Sandow looked good out there. He looked great getting the better of Cena pre-match and absolutely assaulting that arm. He looked brilliant for doing that and cashing in as Cena basically only had one arm at that point. Sandow couldn't lose... I mean he shouldn't have lost. He went toe to toe with Cena, sure. But it was against a one-armed Cena. He didn't even dominate the match, but rather it was pretty back and forth with maybe Sandow having a slight edge. Again, the problem is that Cena's tricep by the time the match started should've been re-injured and he shouldn't have been able to put up a fight at all. But he did. Not only that, but he kicked out of everything Sandow threw at him. Every signature and finisher Sandow had/has, and Cena still kept kicking out. The only somewhat decent thing to happen for Sandow is it was a second AA that ended the match. But at the end of the day, he couldn't beat a crippled man. I don't care if it was Cena, that's a huge burial if I've ever seen one.

People talk about Sandow not being ready... well this is exactly why he's "not ready". Had he been successful here, he would've looked not only like a genius, but extremely vicious and credible. He didn't wait for Cena to wrestle a match and then pick the bones, Sandow did all the dirty work to put Cena in a vulnerable position. That pre-match assault made him credible. The loss took everything good that came from the assault and flushed it down the toilet. He's now the first person to cash-in and get pinned and he looks even less credible than before. And that match was proof that the whole "he's not ready because he's not a good worker" is bullshit as well. You give the man the time and the spotlight and he shines in the ring. He looked brilliant out there and it's arguably the best MITB cash-in match ever. We already know how great he is on the mic, he's charismatic, he can get over, and he can make his gimmick work in comedy situations or in serious situations. But last night he proved he can go in the ring. He's a full package and one of the best WWE has right now imho. Him "not being ready" is simply a way of saying "WWE doesn't book him correctly"... but yet, he looked more ready than anyone when he smashed that chair onto Cena's arm on the steel steps.

Sandow cashing in and losing was completely and 100% the wrong move. If he wasn't going to win it from Cena ever, wait until Cena loses the belt to someone and then cash-in and win. He's shown he can do it all. As devastating as the loss to crippled-Cena was, it could just be the catapult WWE needs to launch Sandow's character into the next level. Make this loss effect him so much that he just becomes an intense beast in the ring who can't be stopped. Sandow has the size to make it believable (he might be a bit chubby, but it'd still work).

Knowing WWE... he'll probably just be jobbing full-time in a year's time while Del Rio is on World Title reign number 5 or 6.

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Last edited by Rick Sanchez; 29th October 2013 at 23:21.
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Old 29th October 2013, 18:04   #10012
Alan Kellerman
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I really like the idea of this turning Sandow into ''something else'' thats why I said his new gimmick is being an idiot, but your idea isn't a joke. it would be nice.

but like you said, he could probably end up jobbing for the next year.

repackage him as Bruiser Sandow or Damien the Bruiser.

but this is probably more like what we will get.

Originally Posted by talltrekkie View Post
Who the heck did Sandow piss off to have that happen to him? I guess I should have known something fishy was up when we got a commercial as he went for the cash-in.

I'm guessing Kane had to shave his head for the movie. Guess he's Steph's new giant now and one who won't be conflicted about his orders. A foil for Big Show in the near future no doubt.

The Wyatt attacks are odd, probably setting up a Survivor Series match. But who joins the Wyatts to make it 5?
and the Kane and Bryan history with Team Hell No. I guess it could lead a renewed rivalry with them.

It was good that Bryan put Shawn in the yes lock.

who joins The Wyatt family? Bo Dallas and IRS
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Old 29th October 2013, 19:54   #10013

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Thoughts on RAW

1.) What the fuck? CM Punk vs. The Ryback, again?! This time the fans can pick the stipulation. Why? Wasn't Hell in a Cell enough? Isn't that the end of feuds or something? As advertised, new World Heavyweight Champion John Cena opens the show. Cena's talking made me think of how being at home for a while really affects his speech style. Cena typically sounds very white meat, but here he sounded a bit like being from Boston (he is) for a while. He singled out JBL as the one skeptic he wanted to thank. JBL claims he's only been wrong once. He called JBL a Texas Blowhard, and trying his best JBL impersonation. Not very accurate, and stereotypical, but whatever. Cena said he's back on RAW, and being world champion means he's back to being the "Friday Night Delight." So that means he's going to be on Smackdown more, which should help the attendances of those shows. He recognized Randall's WWE Championship celebration, and wanted to leave time for that. Respectful, and despite the change in speech, as if going back in time a bit, he sounded really good. After Cena dropped the mic, Damien Sandow came down, with a remixed version of his theme song. Sandow claims that he's not fooled, saying it's humanly impossible for a triceps to heal that quick. So he thinks Cena's talk is him hiding fear of having the briefcase cashed in on him. Is he going to cash in now? No, any night but tonight. He ended up attacking Cena with the briefcase, specifically on the elbow. He used the ring post, the barricade, and the steel steps. You know with commentary in the past saying Sandow's gotten more aggressive and shit, this would be the correct time to say it. Yet they didn't. Sandow used a chair on the elbow, and officially cashed in! The trouble though is that this started after the break. So Cena got time to heal. Uh oh...

2.) So the match starts, Cena is up enough to try and fight back with one arm. Sandow kept on the arm. JBL mentioned that Sandow's the third man to cash in the briefcase on Cena. That's true, Edge and Bob Van Dam were the two other guys. JBL though botched and said Cena gave Bob Van Dam a week's notice when he cashed in last year. Wrong, CM Punk. The match goes into another commercial break, so this isn't a typical cash in. It's a full match, with a perfectly clear story. They talked about Dr. Sampson, the ringside physician, speculating on whether the guy will call the match. That pretty much painted the finish of the match, a few minutes before it happened. Shortly after, Cena hit the AA on Sandow, but couldn't capitalize with a pin and didn't want to take a countout. He couldn't lock in the STF, Cena's selling! Shock and awe, no really, he's selling well. The nearfalls were racking up and getting more exciting, this isn't a fluke. Sandow locked in the crossface, Cena tried and counter into an STF. Sandow tried for the Silencer ("You're Welcome"), but Cena kicked out of it. The match is just getting more exciting as the minutes increase, and it's more on story than actual wrestling. Cena missed the crossbody, now tweaking the knee. Sandow tried to use a piledriver? Cena came back with a sudden AA, and the win. Awwww, that blew me away, and not in a good away. I was thinking they'd stop the match, and keep the briefcase on Sandow as a result. This is history though, retaining the world championship successfully from a cash-in. Despite Cena winning, it was an awesome match. Sandow gave a career highlight of a performance, and it's simple because he had a target, Cena's left arm. Cena gave an excellent performance, and it's simple because his goal was to sell an injury he just came back from. Also the fact this is only his second match back. The story makes sense, the performance accentuated it, and it's all very memorable. Very unfortunate for Sandow, but with this performance, he should be a World Heavyweight Champion.

3.) After that, Ambrose talked about this being the most important night in the show. Ambrose mentioned him being booked against Langston again. This time, he recognized Big E. Langston, and he has the scar to prove it (under his chin). Rollins said they will rectify the mistake of underestimating Langston. Ambrose then went into an aside on himself, saying he's the baddest man in the planet, he has the only title in the Shield. Notice Rollins and Reigns staring at Ambrose. Hmmmm? The match didn't last long, Reigns held the rope down when Langston ran, forcing him out of the ring, causing a DQ. The Shield tried to beat on Langston until the Usos made the save. Interrupting is Teddy Long, booking a 6 man tag match. Yeah, Teddy Long. Who the hell is Brad Maddox?

4.) Knowing that The Shield's been in a notable slump, this randomly booked 6 man is pretty important. Will they lose, and this be a possible storyline, leading a breakup? Now approaching 1 year since their debut by the way. Or, will they win and start up redemption? The match was pretty good, nothing to complain about. Langston didn't get a lot of ring time, most of it was the Usos. They closed the match, hitting Rollins, then couldn't hit Reigns because of a double spear! HA, I liked that. So Reigns got the pin, not Ambrose, so no opening for Ambrose to continue his ego boost. Unity displayed, but maybe it's something that it was Rollins and Reigns that specifically closed the match. Then again, Ambrose and Langston collided and spilled to the outside. The Shield wins, are they unstoppable now? Not really, but are they stoppable? Doesn't look like it now. Yeah, I hope that makes sense.

5.) I should turn on HBK, because of him, Daniel Bryan came out with no "Yes!" He's not happy at all, Shawn Michaels brought him out to offer an explanation. Fans are quick in turning on Shawn Michaels, but I am of the mindset that he simply reacted to his best friend getting struck in the face with a knee. So it was Bryan that screwed Bryan, but still, what's one match to put a friendship aside, compared to what, 20 years? Shawn Micahels gave his explanation, being best friends with Hunter supersedes everything, including business. Daniel Bryan didn't shake Shawn Michaels' hand. HBK though turned around and claimed that he is taking Bryan to school for one last lesson. To not trust anybody and stuff, including his fiance? HBK then said he's gracious and humbling himself to get a handshake. HBK then completely turned and said Bryan's a "self righteous little puke." He then said he's an A+ Player, and doesn't know anymore if Bryan isn't a B+ player. They shook hands, Bryan puts the Yes Lock on Shawn Michaels, and fans popped. That's the thing, fans loved it, he is pissed and he flipped, and they loved it. I liked it too, but the spin doctors for a field day. The truth is that Daniel Bryan did cost himself the match. However, nobody, and because Bryan's a face, won't look at that truth. Right and wrong is dictated by the fans. They look at Shawn Michaels' action as more wrong than right. So it's a bit of a debate, but we're supposed to side with Bryan. I'll play ball, because Shawn's a supporting character, Daniel Bryan's the star and the hero. Sometimes the hero had to unload some anger. He did so against the supporting character that's now being a villain. Shawn Michaels tapped out by the way, awesome! Shawn's not wrestling, but this further Bryan vs. HHH. However, notice Hunter didn't came to save HBK, only refs came. Hmmmm....

6.) After that entertaining segment, something random. Bryan is supposed to be interviewed by Renee Young. She backs off, sensing something. The lights went out, the tron video plays, it's the Wyatt Family. Harper and Rowan destroyed Bryan, Bray got his hands and said that the Devil made him do this. A kiss, his Sister Abigail, and using some cart to smash Bryan's head. So what's the point of this? Kane and Bryan reuniting, over Bryan vs. HHH? No thanks. This would've been nice to look at, if Bryan was a wasted midcarder, but he's not. So what the hell? Unless the Authority actually sent the Family after Daniel Bryan.

7.) Having a hard time to move on after that segment, it's 3MB (all of them) vs. Los Matadores. Slater had a giant net with him. Despite the decent action in the match, the story was Slater trying to capture Torito. He failed, the little guy went under the ring, and soon after, fire extinguisher smoke came out from under the ring. Slater's ass was Gored, he was captured in a net, and his uhh...eye, was gored by Torito. He did a sweet springboard move and his horn seemed to hit Slater's face. It's too bad that Torito can't wrestle a guy of his size, I bet it'd be great. The bits here are sweet though. The bottom line though, this is 3MB vs. Los Matadores...5? 5 times?! I lost count dammit.

8.) AJ Lee and Tamina vs. the Bella Twins. An update for Daniel Bryan is given, right when Brie's giving the face of concern. Tamina wrestled for most of the match, but with Brie's apparently selling of concern for her fiance, this meant Nikki spent a good deal of time, and was dissected from Tamina. So that was fun, and AJ was impressed. She got tagged in to finish Nikki, using the Black Widow. So pretty cool for a one-sided match.

9.) The Miz vs. Kane. JBL said that The Miz's troubles must be because nobody likes MizTV. HAHA! Kane made short work of The Miz. Pretty simple, the dude tried to fight, but got chokeslammed for the loss. Kane got a mic and called out...Stephanie?! She appears on the stage, and he buries Steph as someone on a power trip, and ruining lives with abuse of power. Kane said though in this day and age, it is what's best for business. So, he offered his services to Stephanie. Now wait a second? Somebody flipped WWE 180. A MITB cash in doesn't work, Shawn Michaels is a heel, Daniel Bryan gets destroyed by the Wyatt Family, Kane sells out, what the hell is up with creative? They forgot about the past and creating an alternative present and thus an alternative future.

10.) Now Primetime Players try to prove they are the best salesman in the WWE. Looks like this is a regular part of WWE. Darren Young's afro is immaculate, I wish mine was as perfect and symmetrical like that. He should give me his pick, because my hair's starting to be larger than that dude. I'd rather talk about my hair than this commercial.

11.) HAHAHAHAHA! David Otunga in his dotcom video where he talked about Big Show's lawsuit. Yeah, "fraudulent" stuff. JBL called Otunga a bowtie wearing bozo! HAHA.

12.) CM Punk, all smiles because of what he did to Paul Heyman. So yeah, he talks about that. What's next for the guy? He mentions The Ryback, calling him a knuckle-dragging neanderthal. Pretty accurate. I'm waiting for Punk to state intentions of being the WWE Champion. Yeah, this feud is over, move onto bigger and better things. Randall's wide open for a challenger. He didn't say that, just all on The Ryback, "promising" to beat him and stuff. Alright then. So the result is a Street Fight. The Ryback comes out, no Heyman, no chance? Yeah, no chance. The match was pretty much the same feel than Hell in a Cell, minus the obvious elements. The Cell, and Heyman. Kendo stick used, table used, the same elbow drop through the table. All too similar. For TV, that's great, but because I already saw this yesterday, it's really not so fresh for me. Good stuff from Punk, plus the submission made it different. Yeah, The Ryback tapped out, I think it's the first time! Anaconda Vice.

12.) What? The Wyatt Family now targets another main event face in CM Punk. They make their traditional entrance, with CM Punk suffering from Harper and Rowan. They take out Punk, with blood coming down his forehead! Punk tried one last offense streak, headbutting Wyatt, but quickly got put back down by all members of the Family. He said the Devil made him do it, again. I think he's referring to HHH, going back to his interview with Cole, where he implied that he's the Devil. Well now the attacks have to be connected, but it's still a bummer that Bryan goes from main eventing 5 PPVs to this. Perhaps forming a 5 on 5 match for Survivor Series? It's the typical questions and answers. More questions given than answers. It bothers me more though because it's how Punk and Bryan are being used after Hell in a Cell. I figured Bryan would go after HHH, Punk aiming for the WWE Championship. Instead, this?

13.) They briefly showed a Youtube video of Dustin putting on the face paint. I just realized that he was doing the bizarre face paint before Jeff Hardy took that to unprecedented levels. The fans were very receptive for Goldust, saying that he still got it. The Rhodes wrestle the Real Americans. Colter calls his movement, "Zebetarianism?" Sounds right, hehe. Great tag team match that was surprising. Surprising because the Real Americans have been a tag team with so much potential, but nobody backstage seems to realize it. Only there to job to other tag teams, and facilitate a beef with Los Matadores. Finally, after months of teaming, their potential is realized a bit. A clean win over the tag team champions. Yes, they beat Goldust and Cody Rhodes. The tag team champions have been pretty dominant, and this poses an interesting title match. Now comes the part of the reign where Cody and Goldust has to maintain. That old saying that it's harder to keep something than to win it. So now they have a challenge, and the attempt is to make the Real Americans a legitimate threat. Awesome, and with a show that's been filled with confusing booking with new angles and stuff, this one's so clear and easy to take in and enjoy. Swagger got the win with the Ankle Lock, and look at Cesaro's reaction to winning. "Whoa, we got a big win, finally!" He didn't say that, but is that farfetched?

14.) Alberto Del Rio had a short promo on the stage, Mexican flag planted. He talked about targeting Cena, he has a rematch. The target is the world title, the gameplan is to keep attacking the arm until he breaks it. Keeping it simple stupid, I expect a rematch, but I also think of a three way with those two and Sandow. Sandow can win by pinning Del Rio, Cena's protected. Please make it happen, it's nothing against Cena, just that Sandow failed the cash in. To make up for it, give him the world title soon, otherwise his steam wears off and everything's a forgotten memory. That would mean killing the future (Sandow) in favor of Cena. Then again, him as world champion, adds prestige to that title.

15.) The Undertaker vs. Goldberg won a poll, over Hulk Hogan vs. John Cena? On a Wrestlemania match to be simulated in WWE2K14. Wow, perhaps they were hoping for Cena vs. Hogan to win.

16.) Mrs. Fandango! She's making her in-ring RAW debut, singles match against Natalya. Rudy Charles is the ref here, his name now is Dan Engler, which sounds like a pornstar name. Anyways, despite Summer being pretty solid and willing to try submissions that are accentuated by her long legs, nobody cared. I cared, but the fans were completely uninterested. The match was filled with rest hold action from Summer and putting down Natalya for a long time. Natalya did make a little comeback, but what popped the fans, a little bit, was the outside stuff. Khali avenging Hornswoggle after getting thrown around by Fandango. Summer was too distracted, and put into a Sharpshooter for the win. I liked the match, Summer showed she can work on a wrestler's leg, but I guess people wanted something more fast paced. It was slow, yeah, and it lasted a bit longer than a normal Divas match. So it's all solid, but apparently that's not enough for some people...

17.) Hmmm, the whole roster is on stage for the Championship Celebration for Randall, and I think this took away the possibility of interference from Daniel Bryan, and CM Punk as sort of a backup. It all tells me that there's a method to the Wyatt's madness. HHH, Stephanie, and the Shield are in the ring. HHH talked about Vince asking him 10 years ago who he thought should be the face of the company. Taking him in Evolution, nurturing him, watching him be a guy who tormented HHH and his family at one point. He's matured into an A+ Player, and became the Face of the WWE, winning the WWE Championship. Randall Orton! Group hug with Randall, HHH, and Stephanie! Steph said that Randall's "your" champion, all the roster aspires to be him, and respect the dude. I agree, in my opinion, of all the guys on the stage, and Bryan and Punk not there, Randall's better than all of those people. I don't see Cena on the stage by the way. Randall said he's better than "you." The fans, and the roster. His voice sounded a bit rough, yelling a lot the night before? Suddenly, Big Show came out...in a standard entrance? I thought he was banned. The Shield got on Big Show, the Rhodes and Usos made the save, leaving Show to go after the Authority and Randall. They clear the ring, Big Show gets a mic. By the time he talks, the roster suddenly is gone from the stage. He mentioned the lawsuit costing HHH millions of dollars. Randall attacked, but got knocked out. Hunter took off his jacket and tie, but doesn't get in the ring. Stephanie sort of holds him back. He doesn't get in the ring, and that's it.

So, where are they going here? Big Show and Randall for the WWE Championship? Punk and Bryan having to team up against the Wyatt Family, Del Rio and Cena in a rematch with Sandow possibly, Rhodes vs. Real Americans? More questions than answers, and it's bugging me this time. About this "Devil." Alright, thinking it's HHH, but whoever it is, I suppose this is similar to the "Higher Power" being revealed as Vince McMahon way back in the day. Where the ritualistic oddities in the Ministry turned corporate. So the Wyatt Family being something of a new age Ministry...turning corporate?

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Old 29th October 2013, 19:56   #10014

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Old 29th October 2013, 20:12   #10015
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I'm hearing it is 4v4 at Survivor Series. this is to try and elevate the Wyatt family. they should get a good match or matches vs Punk and Bryan. it isn't about demoting Bryan, but more about trying to pull the other guys up. I think it could be good. I said Bryan vs Triple H at Wrestlemania, so still lots of time to fill there since it is looking like Big Show vs Triple H is happening now.

Maybe Punk goes for the WWE title after this. Not sure who gets the shot now. any ideas? I guess Show. Show is now the top guy

Notice Rollins and Reigns staring at Ambrose. Hmmmm?
First time I've seen some tension. They are now on borrowed time. just wonder how long that time will be.
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Old 29th October 2013, 20:22   #10016
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Old 30th October 2013, 00:25   #10017

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Originally Posted by Love Buzz View Post
Glad I got some agreement on the Rhodes theme. It really is shitty, guess nobody picked it up on Raw the first time they played it. Hit me like a bad smell straight away, wtf is that remixed garbage? Still twas an enjoyable match and dare I say, maybe the best of the night..
The remix crap is nothing new I suppose.
They did that before with Rated RKO and ShoMiz.
ShoMiz theme was terrible . Rated RKO was OK.

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Old 30th October 2013, 00:54   #10018

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Originally Posted by Alan Kellerman View Post
I'm hearing it is 4v4 at Survivor Series. this is to try and elevate the Wyatt family.
The Wyatts, The Ryback, and Kane vs. Bryan, Punk, Miz, Kingston, Ziggler. Sounds about right. At least here, it won't have Bryan screwed a bunch of times.

The first two episodes of Chris Jericho's webseries "But I'm Chris Jericho" are up on Youtube.

They're pretty good. The first one's about Jericho being so uptight to his roommate, and taking up a bet that he won't lose his cool for a weekend. The loser has to wear a French maid's outfit. It's comedy, but something to point out, what's wrong with being uptight? The roommate's a total slob, and his excuses for his behavior are bad. Also, couldn't Jericho still be "cool" and say "no?"

The roommate brings his nudist dad over, Jericho giving a funny face when he first saw him.

The dad sleeps on the couch that Jericho spent $20,000 for. Virgin Dough couch? Anyways, the dad's making sausages and eggs...

Jericho lost his cool when he discovered a skid mark on the couch. I'd be pissed too.

Then Jericho tried to rape the guy.

So Jericho lost the bet.

The second episode is him trying to get an acting job, and the place has an opening for some drama role, and a pirate for a pirate themed pet commercial.

This is the agency Jericho works for.

Phil being the agent, confirmed that he's in the right place, despite the weirdo pirates. He auditions, and one of the women knows Jericho's wrestling past.

Me too, but she didn't quite like his acting. He couldn't complete his stuff because of the loud pirate making sounds. The two women told him to ignore it. Back to the woman who liked his wrestling...

Say what? Jericho ended up telling the pirate to shut up, but the next distraction came with the black woman on her phone.

That's not PG .

Neither is that.
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Old 30th October 2013, 02:17   #10019
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Stephanie's boobies looked nice and big last night! Maybe another boobjob?
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Old 30th October 2013, 03:39   #10020
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