28th October 2013, 19:31 | #9991 |
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Suprise TNA wrestling could be up for sale as the carter family is fed up with loosing money on the company and everything they have tried to earn money from taking the show to mondays,cutting ppvs and taking on the roard have failed.
So if the carters where to put it up for sale wwe would be one of three favorites to buy it the other viacom(owner of spike tv) and a group led by bischoff. If the wwe where to buy it I guess it fare the same as wcw did with wwe interested in the tape libary and maybe a couple of wrestlers. |
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28th October 2013, 21:06 | #9992 |
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Why was HHH in the ring in the first place. Wasnt that the whole purpose of having Shawn referee. Restore order.
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28th October 2013, 23:26 | #9993 | |
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Championship Celebration. that is new.
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29th October 2013, 00:08 | #9994 | |
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Thoughts on Hell in a Cell Kickoff 1.) The Hell in a Cell panel is R-Truth, Dolph Ziggler, and Kaitlyn with a dirty blonde hair color! Mmm yeah. Ziggler mentioned the world title match, calling Cena the "franchise player." I wonder if he threw up in his mouth during that. Why is Renee Young in some "Social Media Lounge?" She deserves better. She mentioned a poll on who is Mr. Hell in a Cell. Pretty good list, I'd go with Undertaker. ' 2.) Miz confronts Vickie Guerrero backstage, wanting Bray Wyatt in a match. He can't wrestle, he's not "medically cleared." Actually, Bray isn't, hehe, but Vickie doesn't know that. We're not supposed to know that. Despite not being in a match, he implied he will be in a fight. Ohhh, right. Miz...fighting. Teehee. 3.) Back to the panel, R-Truth said "Beat the Challenge Clock." Hehehehehe! Big E. Langston joins the panel here, no match with Axel unfortunately. Ziggler said he wants to steal a lot of stuff. Criminal! He meant stealing the show, but I think he's fooling himself. Josh Matthews revealed what's the first match in the main show, the triple threat tag team title match. Thanks you damn spoiler. 4.) This prompts an interview with The Shield, who are backstage, on the tron. They barked "injustice" at them having to be in this 3 team match, instead of straight 1 on 1. Rollins said that, Reigns said odds are always in their favor. Langston interrupted and said about Ambrose making the numbers game. Ambrose called him a rookie, Langston wants a match. A back and forth ensues, and it turns into Ambrose being goaded into putting the US title on the line against Langston. Oh snap. If Ambrose loses, blame Curtis Axel, that pussy! After that, they aired the Cena video. The clock is winding down for his return. Interesting that it's in the hometown of Dwayne Johnson... 5.) The preshow match that replaces Pussy Axel's is Sandow and Kingston. Sandow was talking, mentioned Cena's return and calling him the Ultimate False Idol. With this talk, he's implying the possibility of cashing in, saying he will watch the match "closely." Hehe, JBL said the Man of Steel is Clark Kent, not John Cena. Can't it be both? Cena's real too. JBL said Plato was an accomplished MMA fighter. WHAT?! MMA existed back in those times? Wrestling did, that's for sure. Rey Mysterio?! He's on the Spanish commentary, interesting. JBL thought that Rey's El Torito! Hehehe. Anyways, decent match, Kingston did some nice moves, Sandow won in the end. Sandow seemed to be getting a belly welly. His finisher was called the Silencer. Apparently Cole calls it now, the "You're Welcome." I prefer the Silencer. Good win for Sandow, not really surprised this time. 6.) Renee Young reads some tweets, like I care what some peons say. Winner of the poll, Undertaker at 81%. Obviously! Matthews botched, calling it the Hell in a Stell structure. Sigh...ah well. The panel on the main event. Kaitlyn said some stuff, R-Truth brought up conspiracy! Vintage heel R-Truth from 2011, he used a snowball reference. Dolph Ziggler talked, actually deriving JBL's stuff on Randall, that if you were to build a face of the company, he'd be Randall. He then called him "disgusting, sadistic," and uhhh, who is in the main event, Ziggler? Exactly! Anyways, that ends the pre-show. Thoughts on Hell in a Cell 2013 1.) So Triple H has a restraining order for the Big Show. That sure does guarantee that the rebel rouser won't do anything. The triple threat tag team match starts the show. The match dedicated a large portion to Goldust being dominated. The guy being the most over in the match, Rollins and mostly Reign made sure to really take the fans out of the equation, and whip them up for a hot tag. Just when it seemed to happen, Cody was knocked off the apron, and Rollins and Reigns wisely took the Usos out of their corner. So Goldust was stranded, worked on some more, and Cody finally got the hot tag tag. So the pace went quick and ring time for guys decreased. Cody was soon tagged in blindly by an Usos, keeping things fast paced. Then it broke down, and only three guys were alive for a period. Rollins, Cody, and an Usos. Yeah I still can't tell which Uso is which, regardless of one having a tattoo on their chest. How can you tell when there is action? Things kept cooking, including an awesome superplex from Rhodes to Rollins, onto everyone but the aforementioned Uso. All of the guys got involved, it got chaotic and ended with the Brothers Rhodes using teamwork to retain their titles! The "Cinderella Story" continues. Rollins got pinned, so the Usos are protected, the Shield continues an unfortunate path of losses. Overall, a great match. It built up for so long, and the payoff greatly justified this. Pretty simple story to follow as a result, sweet opener. 2.) There's a small backstage segment where Hunter and Shawn Michaels are laughing and talking, not too audible. Hmm? 3.) How to follow such an exciting opener? The Miz, isn't that awesome? HAHA, no! He's selling the unseen assault from the Wyatt Family on Smackdown. He got a mic and talked. Aw man, PPVs are for wrestling, not in-ring promos. He pretty much said what he said in the preshow, this time telling Bray to get off his "cracker barrel" rocking chair, and calling Harper and Rowan, "Hillbilly Bushwhackers." Hehe. He calls out Bray Wyatt, but the dude appears on the tron, rocking his chair and singing a lullaby. Then referring to Miz as "Hollywood." He said Miz's words mean less than salt, and threatened the guy with the monster behind his eyes. Evil laugh, lights go out, come back on with the bearded brutes beating on Miz. There was a "We want Bray" chant, hilariously enough! Suddenly the segment gained a purpose, I guess the fans chanted "Kane" not Bray. Kane returned and beat on the bearded brutes, couldn't lift Luke Harper though. Redeeming that botch, after the Wyatt Family left, Kane chokeslammed The Miz! That was funny. Good to see Kane back. 4.) Fandango? Damn unadvertised stuff. A mixed tag match though, Summer makes her in-ring main roster debut! Fandango talks, shushing the fans first. He talked about Salsa dancing, but who cares about salsa in wrestling? Fandango does apparently and says he's the only master of it. Salsa music plays, and the Fandangos dance. Shortly into that, their opponents come out. Khali and Natalya. The only good part of this match, were the women. Summer Rae did fine in her debut, and stuck together with a very experienced and skilled wrestler in Natalya. So I paid more attention to the women wrestling, not for the looks, mind you. I liked what I see, and with Khali and Fandango, meh. One should know the deal by now, Dango is a decent wrestler working with an indecent giant. Doesn't make for a good pairing, but Natalya with her technique, Summer with those educated legs, that was a whole lot more interesting. Maybe WWE agrees, the women had more ring time, and they closed the match, Summer stacking Natalya up for the win! Successful returns and debuts so far in this show, and there's still one's return to come. Good match, thanks to the ladies. 5.) The panel talked about the show so far. During that, there's the vintage "Let's go Cena/Cena sucks" chant! The dude's not even out yet, that's why Cena's one of the best of all time. He's so over, people respond before the guy shows one bit of his face in front of a camera. Anyways, Kaitlyn talked about the Divas title match, saying not to underestimate AJ's pigtails. Ziggler knows that all too well, but is there some strange symbolism in that? I don't know... 6.) The third straight unadvertised segment of this show, Big E. Langston vs. Dean Ambrose for the US title. The match coasted for a while. Not too bad because of Langston's moves looking nice, and Ambrose's selling. What really popped me and the fans was the unintentional blood! It appeared suddenly though as it was from a simple Langston collision clothesline. However, a slow motion after the match showed it well, Ambrose's chin and cheek cutting the skin under Langston's eye. Momentum did that, because of Langston, and you can see the blood in that spot, and Ambrose's chin was cut open from impact too. I thought it was just Langston's blood getting on Ambrose's skin. Before that, there was a small blood spot on Langston's elbow. Also, a spear that sent the men to the outside, made another highlight in the match. So for those spots, the match was above flat and average. However, ruining that was that Ambrose didn't answer the count from that movie. He stayed on the outside of the ring, didn't bother going back. Langston wins by countout, hits the Big Ending on Ambrose. Bummer finisher, but some highlights here make for some memorable stuff. 7.) The first Hell in a Cell match, CM Punk vs. The Ryback and Paul Heyman. The latter's entrance was delayed, as he came in like the motor entrances in Wrestlemania 3. The guy operating it though made Heyman's entrance wayyyyyyyy too long. Heyman said he's the best in...Hell! He got the mic and said he is Satan, and the machine elevates Heyman to the top of the Cell! He ascended from the depths of Hell, ending up on top of the world, on top of the Cell, symbolically. So Punk and The Ryback wrestle in the Cell. Boy if Heyman fell! Holy cow. 1 year ago, these two wrestled in a Hell in a Cell match, 1 year later, not much has changed. The roles are reversed, and no Brad Maddox. Similar to that match, The Ryback's strength is used, with the flavor of the Cell. Using it as a weapon and stuff. Elements added to make it better than the first go was the use of the kendo stick, and the unique application of a table. On the latter, that might've caused CM Punk to get swollen testicles, errrr, that was pretty bad to see. Take out the Cell, it's pretty normal, where the big man crushes, the smaller guy comes back, gets the win. With the Cell, it was made stronger. Then there was another usage of the table, the elbow drop from Punk. That being more standard, started The Ryback's demise. Then came the GTS for the win. So the wrestling here was pretty good. but the icing on the cake came. In this case, the icing is more necessary and made the cake taste very well. Punk climbed the Cell, whacked Heyman with the kendo stick, then hit a GTS on the top of the Cell. So is this feud over? I hope so, it's the perfect ending too. Thankfully the two guys didn't fall through the Cell. I kept thinking of a serious accident, and it has nothing to do with Heyman's weight. You just never know. WWE does a great job with making sure that Cell's unbreakable. 8.) Renee Young, best interviewer in the world, interviews the best in the world. Daniel Bryan! He talks about the main event, saying HBK being a fair referee, as best for business. He reminded that the "Yes" revolution started in Miami, the night after Wrestlemania 28! Ah yeah, classic times, Lesnar also returned there. So come back over a year later and be the WWE Champion? We'll see. Good stuff. 9.) So El Torito in a black costume rather than brown, made JBL think that it's a second guy in a different costume, still thinking Rey's the original Torito. Zeb Colter came out, said 80% of Miami are just like Los Matadores, illegal immigrants and stuff. Furthermore, he called Los Matadores as "Border hopping banditos." Haha, now JBL thinks a fake Rey Mysterio's on commentary, and the real one is wearing the Torito bull costume! The Cesaro Swing featured a big pop, fans counting the rotations, but giving up. Then when it seemed like Cesaro was slowing down, he went faster, one of the Matadores elevated higher. That was awesome, but all good things come to an end. Good stuff continued when Swagger locked in the Ankle Lock, making me think that Los Matadores would lose! However, that was countered, tag, their finisher is hit, and that's it. Awww man! That was a decent match, but I wished the Real Americans won. Ugh, Torito then used moves on Cesaro, Gored Colter on his ass, forcing him out of the ring, and then he flew onto Swagger. The Real Americans had to sell that?! I understand Colter, but dammit. Despite some decent stuff, big sigh. 10.) Looks like the time for sighing is over, here it is! John Cena returns! The video package showed Cena's road to recovery, but footage of Del Rio and his Cross Ambreaker cut in. Wow, Cole gave a great fact. Del Rio won the world title from Big Show earlier in the year at this very Miami arena. As expected, Del Rio attacks Cena's arm, sporting a black elbow pad, which is safe and smart. Pretty much stopping speculation of Sandow cashing in is simply showing the dude backstage, watching the match. So with that out of the way, Cena and Del Rio are alone. He could still do a drop kick, he could still do his comeback sequence, the power aspect not missed, since Cena hit that slam thing he always does. It actually was the first power move, and the match was over 5 minutes in. That portion was dominated by Del Rio. Cnea mounting an offense, he actually did a Tornado DDT, of all things. They showed Sandow more than once by the way. Later into the match, at least for me, Cole's voice went fuzzy, everyone else was fine. It was temporary. Anyways, Cena's STF was the first successful submission attempt though. Del Rio got his fingers on the rope, not his hand, fingers. That counted apparently, and then the Cross Armbreaker made its way. That was the focus of the match, eventually Cena forced that to break. Things came down to another attempt at the Cross Armbreaker, Cena hit the AA suddenly for the win. 14 times! Jesus Christ, but a very successful return! Cena didn't show any ring rust, and his elbow looked fine. He sold it of course, and the elbow padd was pulled, exposing the elbow for a bit. Despite all that, Cena the Superman overcomes, and nothing but positive things for this. Solid match, made better only by the fact it's Cena's return from a 2 month layoff. If it was while Cena's active, it's just good. The Champ is back! 11.) The panel: Ziggler commented on Cena's return, Truth brought up the main event, Kaitlyn brought up the upcoming match featuring her former best friend. Overall, Kaitlyn in this panel, some awkward pauses and flubs. Then again, how often has she been on TV recently? Yeah. 12.) "OHHHHHHH my God!" That is exactly what I said when they showed an AJ fan, blonde with pigtails. Oh my goodness, hot! That pretty much opened things up for more good looking women, as it's the Divas Championship match. Just to note, I'm probably the only one who knows the ref. I think the name is Rudy Charles. He used to be in TNA as a ref, and recently became a ref in NXT. I believe this is his main roster debut, as he referees this match. I won't talk shit on Brie. There was no holes in her work here, looking the best I've ever seen of her. I'm going to backtrack though and speculate that AJ taught Brie some moves. Seriously, how else is that Brie's actually tolerable in wrestling? It's only through AJ so far. The proof is there, and the match was good. More importantly, a calming down period after Cena's grand return, and coast until the main event. AJ won thanks to Brie screwing up and striking sister Nikki inadvertently. 13.) bob Backlund?! He has a problem with PTP playing the WWE 2K14 game, and just video games in general. The dude's sweaty for some weird reason. PTP trying to make Backlund hip, doing the Million Dollar Dance. Funny, but what's next? 14.) Laughs at first, the complete opposite in this small inaudible talk between HHH and Shawn Michaels. That signifies the main event coming up next! 15.) This is the last chance for Daniel Bryan and Randall Orton to surpass their Street Fight from June of this year. The ref, the two wrestlers make their way, and HHH gets his big nose in, with the WWE Championship title in his hand. The Cell didn't come down yet, he comes in the ring, shaking hands with Randall. Offers his hand to Daniel Bryan, but no. The dude winked at Bryan. Hmmm? The Cell comes down, Hunter's gone, the match gets underway. There's a trading of the advantage, usage of the ring steps, and things go very well so far. Bryan did 3 suicide dives, the third one was dodged by Randall. So that meant Randall was in control, and in a spot where you can hear a Randall fan, being all "YEAAAAAH," which sounded very silly. Interesting part of the match was Randall's selling earlier in the head shots to the wall and steel step base. Soon after, the guy did some headbutts, one of them making a loud sound. Loud physical noise came back with an uppercut exchange by the guys. Daniel Bryan introduces the weapons aspect of the match, a steel chair, wearing out Randall's back. The guy threw multiple chairs in the ring, prompting an "ECW" chant. 10 in the ring, one in his hand, I might've been wrong in the count, but you get the idea. Randall turned things around with a vintage thumb to the eye, now he used the chairs. You know, this does remind a bit of the Undertaker/HHH Hell in a Cell match, Shawn Michaels watching the numerous usages of a chair. Randall's use of it made louder sounds on the back than Bryan's usage. Further into familiar territory is Shawn Michaels selling the moves. A superplex from Randall onto a pile of chairs. That was a kick out, but Randall questioned it, with HHH coming down, with an "asshole" chant! Shawn Michaels and Hunter argued, Randall had a pin on Bryan during that, and that aspect spilled over into the match. Randall at HBK's face. Shawn got back to doing his job, Hunter stayed cageside, even climbing the thing in his suit for a bit. Oh no! Ref bump, dammit. Taking pages from TNA, another ref bump in these guys' series of matches. Hunter got access to the cage to tend to Shawn, with him forcing Bryan out of Shawn's way. Hunter turned around into a knee strike to the face. Shawn's response was Sweet Chin Music to Randall, and a reluctant count from HBK, Randall is the new WWE Champion! Overall, this was the closest they came to topping the Street Fight, but like the two previous main events with these two, ref business prevents the quality from surpassing that TV classic. It was handled in a way that actually left fans silent. I think that's worse than heat. When Randall and Hunter stood in the ring, seats were already empty. The traditional sending the fans home happy didn't happen here, but I don't think this is as controversial as Battleground. It's a bummer really, I was hoping for the two wrestlers to be left completely alone, not caring to think about HBK getting any more involved than just being a referee. Sadly, I didn't get that, but the match still ended up being of main event quality. The finish? Not so much. So that brings to whether Shawn Michaels actually turned on Daniel Bryan. I am looking at it as just Shawn sticking up for his best friend. When Shawn appears on RAW, then what happens there will determine if it's just reaction or actually turning heel. Also the fact that Shawn hesitated before counting Bryan's shoulders down. So it's not like a heel turn for me. If that's what they're going for here, just by this moment alone, it wasn't enough. That's why RAW's important. Now with that out of the way, and since Bryan made physical contact with HHH, this is it. These two have to wrestle, and Daniel Bryan has to win. Measuring up to his match with Cena, if this match happens, it's must win. Bryan has been screwed out of the WWE Championship in favor of the Authority and Randall returning to the main event. This has been the case for months now, and if winning the title isn't any longer in the cards, then the next best thing is defeating Hunter. Please, otherwise, it proves critics right that this is just yet another attempt from Hunter to get his big nose over and ruin one's hot streak. This happened 2 years ago with CM Punk, though the man's turned it around later with a 434 day title reign. Still, Hunter poisoned that hot streak. I hope it doesn't happen here with Daniel Bryan. There has to be a happy ending to this. Hell in a Cell unfortunately wasn't that, but it has to come. If it turns out there isn't one, then this story is pointless in the end. So far the feud's PPV spots have been used as fodder for Monday Night RAW. It started with Bryan winning his first WWE Championship. Cash in, Hunter and Randall turned heel. Night Of Champions, Bryan wins, is stripped the the next night because of a ref's botched (kayfabe) count. Battleground, a no-contest, tune into RAW for this PPV's main event to be formed. Now? Same deal, major questions, nothing is put to rest, RAW is "must see" for continuing what could've perfectly ended in this show. All things considered, the show was better than Night of Champions and Battleground, but not as good as Summerslam. More memorable stuff here too, what with Cena's return and Heyman being destroyed, and an exciting tag team title match. The main event was memorable too, but definitely could've been better. So, nothing truly awesome, nothing horribly bad though. Once again, it's in the middle, continuing a streak of just average shows. Survivor Series is one of the big 4 shows, and hopefully will measure up to the other 3 big shows of 2013. |
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29th October 2013, 00:14 | #9995 |
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29th October 2013, 00:16 | #9996 |
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29th October 2013, 00:19 | #9997 |
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29th October 2013, 00:37 | #9998 |
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As with the tna going for sale it's just a rumor but dixie mother is getting impatient since all they have tried turns out to be a money looser and the next post 10k
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29th October 2013, 01:17 | #9999 |
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29th October 2013, 01:22 | #10000 |
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Congrats Alan!
Also....ahem, Sandow cashed it in. Fingers crossed.
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