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Old 17th September 2010, 00:42   #91
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Originally Posted by ebbie View Post
What an odd thread. Seems to be split between those who think marrying a porn performer would be an invitation to a non stop sex party, and those who wouldn't want to marry a public utility bicycle.

What absolutely no one has asked or even mentioned so far is who is the person concerned? Are we compatible? Do we have things in common? Will she be quitting or has she already done so? If not how will I cope with her having sex with multiple partners often at the same time and often for public consumption? Some of the people are emotional and psychological wrecks. Can I cope with that and help them if not to overcome their difficulties then at least learn to live with them?
And here's the biggie.
Are we in love or is this just a passing animal attraction?

Yes I know. The L word. Probably the last taboo on a pornography forum. But let's face it. If you love someone then almost anything about them can be ignored or overcome and if you are marrying for any other reason then it probably won't last, in which case why marry? Why not just share a few meals and some sport fucking and go your separate ways?

So. All of the joking and leering aside the real answer should be "that depends on who the person is, what we have in common and the circumstances under which we met and surrounding us. Anything else is bar room boasting and not worth a carrot.

Sorry to inject a little seriousness. Back to the locker room chatter now.
Your post is not serious at all, its hilarious!

Maybe the question should be, Would you LOVE a Pornstar, or to put it more accurately, Could you LOVE a Whore and deal with all the bullshit and baggage that entails!
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Old 17th September 2010, 00:44   #92
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Originally Posted by alexora View Post
That applies to any woman we are considering as wedding material.

The question in which this thread is rooted is, I think, whether the fact that a woman is a professional pornstar (ie: an on screen prostitute, one who fucks for money) would hold you back from taking her as your wife.

If we don't know a woman personally, all we have to go on is her appearance and sexiness: we get plenty of that from pornstars.

Upon meeting the individual, we (hopefully) get to find out what she is really like. Given that almost 50% of all marriages in the west end in divorce, one's chances are as as good with a porn performer as with any other person.

All that remains to answer the original question is: could you be confortable with the notion that millions of people have watched your wife getting fucked by many guys, often all at the same time, and degraded herself by agreeing to be used as an object of sexual fantasy for men to jack off to?

If you are happy to say to your friends and family: "Hi meet my wife, star of":

Then you would be one of the many in this thread who says: "Hell Yeah!!!.
LOL! I'm still very confused about the guys whove said, Hell Yeah, as long as she isn't working anymore. Doesn't a womans past matter to people?
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Old 17th September 2010, 14:07   #93
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I think not. Depends if she change her ways then I will marry her. LOL.
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Old 19th September 2010, 03:09   #94
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if is Silvia Saint, yes.
By the way someone know what happen with Devon and Krystal Steal, any news of her?
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Old 19th September 2010, 03:39   #95
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Originally Posted by KeepItReal View Post
LOL! I'm still very confused about the guys whove said, Hell Yeah, as long as she isn't working anymore. Doesn't a womans past matter to people?
that piece of their past IS relevant, IMHO. You can use that to gauge the likelihood of whether they will cheat on you

Case in point... if you marry a porn star, does that mean you are the man for her to settle down with, or are you another piece of meat and a meal ticket for her? If I knew there was a high likelihood of walking into my house and finding a strange man in bed with my wife, she would NEVER become my wife at all. I personally am a firm believer in a monogamous marriage.

Clear things up at all?
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Old 19th September 2010, 03:59   #96
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Not at all. Unless of course you define all people by what they do and hold their past against them forever, which would either make you a saint or the most appalling hypocrit. It also depends on whether one would marry for reasons other than love. I personally would not, but that's just me.
Love is not a rational emotion, nor is it a matter of choice. We've all known a friend whose choice of partner has left us dumbfounded and yet they were happy. So who can say?

I approached this question seriously, and in all seriousness I'm not sure I could marry someone who had a past in the pornography common today. How do you kiss someone knowing they've had a couple of hundred different penises in their mouth? How do you sleep with them knowing they've had everything but the kitchen sink inside them? how do you introduce them to friends and family knowing that Google is not your friend? I imagined my mother having a cardiac arrest as I walked up the path with Aurora Snow or Jenna Haze on my arm. I tried to envisage what it would be like at parties or meals with friends, How I'd feel knowing that at any time people could see my wife fucking the entire 5th Infantry. How many fights I'd get into because someone said something out of order, What kind of hell it would be just going shopping or to the movies, and I wondered whether I could put up with that.

And then I started to ask myself what I would do if I felt that spark that would let me forgive pretty much anything and do pretty much anything and the truth is I have no answer to the conflict that would engender and have no idea how I would react or deal with it.
Even so, I considered the question alot more carefully than how much matress gymnastics I could get up to with Vanessa Lane before screaming "Yes! Yes! A thousand times YES!". It's an impossible question to answer, because ultimately we aren't talking about a curiosity fuck or an opportunistic fuck. We are talking about taking vows that should mean something and making promises that should last longer than the novelty.

Originally Posted by KeepItReal View Post
Your post is not serious at all, its hilarious!

Maybe the question should be, Would you LOVE a Pornstar, or to put it more accurately, Could you LOVE a Whore and deal with all the bullshit and baggage that entails!
Last edited by ebbie; 19th September 2010 at 04:52.
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Old 19th September 2010, 09:50   #97
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Originally Posted by phantom_2040 View Post
if is Silvia Saint, yes.
Unfortunately she's taken: she married a Czech millionaire and bore him one child...

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Old 19th September 2010, 10:57   #98
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Originally Posted by blozier2006 View Post
that piece of their past IS relevant, IMHO. You can use that to gauge the likelihood of whether they will cheat on you

Case in point... if you marry a porn star, does that mean you are the man for her to settle down with, or are you another piece of meat and a meal ticket for her? If I knew there was a high likelihood of walking into my house and finding a strange man in bed with my wife, she would NEVER become my wife at all. I personally am a firm believer in a monogamous marriage.

Clear things up at all?
Exactly! How can anybody ever trust a pornchick?
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Old 19th September 2010, 11:05   #99
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Originally Posted by ebbie View Post
Not at all. Unless of course you define all people by what they do and hold their past against them forever, which would either make you a saint or the most appalling hypocrit. It also depends on whether one would marry for reasons other than love. I personally would not, but that's just me.
Love is not a rational emotion, nor is it a matter of choice. We've all known a friend whose choice of partner has left us dumbfounded and yet they were happy. So who can say?
Love is an over-rated emotion that is most often confused with lust! And looking at the the number of broken relationships out there, it is very much a temporary feeling these days anyway!

I approached this question seriously, and in all seriousness I'm not sure I could marry someone who had a past in the pornography common today. How do you kiss someone knowing they've had a couple of hundred different penises in their mouth? How do you sleep with them knowing they've had everything but the kitchen sink inside them? how do you introduce them to friends and family knowing that Google is not your friend? I imagined my mother having a cardiac arrest as I walked up the path with Aurora Snow or Jenna Haze on my arm. I tried to envisage what it would be like at parties or meals with friends, How I'd feel knowing that at any time people could see my wife fucking the entire 5th Infantry. How many fights I'd get into because someone said something out of order, What kind of hell it would be just going shopping or to the movies, and I wondered whether I could put up with that.
This is precisely what I mean! How can anybody love a woman who brings all this crap with her to deal with?

Now explain to me why your mother knows about Aurora and Jenna!

And then I started to ask myself what I would do if I felt that spark that would let me forgive pretty much anything and do pretty much anything and the truth is I have no answer to the conflict that would engender and have no idea how I would react or deal with it.
Even so, I considered the question alot more carefully than how much matress gymnastics I could get up to with Vanessa Lane before screaming "Yes! Yes! A thousand times YES!". It's an impossible question to answer, because ultimately we aren't talking about a curiosity fuck or an opportunistic fuck. We are talking about taking vows that should mean something and making promises that should last longer than the novelty.
Which is why, imho, the answer to the question should be an emphatic no!
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Old 19th September 2010, 11:07   #100
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Originally Posted by alexora View Post
Unfortunately she's taken: she married a Czech millionaire and bore him one child...
Why? Couldn't this millionaire afford a virgin?
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