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Old 16th August 2010, 08:24   #1
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Default Les Vices caches d'Eva Blue (1979)

Default audio is English. You can select track 2 (French) in your media player.
There is so little dialogue, that it hardly matters!

This is a new rip in H.264 to replace my previous XviD version.

Alt screencaps from my XviD version (almost as good)

Original Title

* Jouissances perverses

Alternate Titles

* 100 Ans de X (Canal Plus title)
* Les Jours et nuits d'Eva Blue
* Perversions secrètes (Alpha France, video reissue title)
* Les Vices caches d'Eva Blue (Blue One DVD)


My own rip from the French DVD, encoded with x264 at high quality, bluray compatible settings.

This is another beautifully restored print from the amazing folks at Bleu One DVD.

Sample clip

Here is a short sample (53 MB) from the first sex scene:

*** dead links removed

Full Movie

1.09 GB -- 61:44 -- H.264 -- 688x496

*** dead links removed

Released: 1979
Director: Francis Leroi
Notes: Framo Diffusion [Distributor and/or production company]


* Jenny Feeling as Eva Paurey
* Lucie Doll, frizzy-haired redhead in orgy [anal DP]
* Maria Catala uncredited, petite brunette in orgy
* Mika Barthel as Mika, swimming pool scene [anal]
* Morgane as Marianne Fournier, office scene

Egafd lists Beatrice Lancel and Micheline Aventi, but they are not linked to any other films.


* Andre Miller as Herve Amalou
* Claude Valmont
* Jean-Pierre Armand as Max Pardos
* Joel Charvier
* Michel de Nyokynos
* Pjotr Stanislas as Ivan Slave
* Victor Samana

My notes

Scene 1. Jenny Feeling, Victor Samana
Scene 2. Jenny Feeling, 2 guys in taxi
Scene 3. Andre Miller, Claude Valmont, Jenny Feeling, Morgane
Scene 4. Andre Miller, Jenny Feeling, Joel Charvier, Lucie Doll, Maria Catala, redhead, Michel de Nyokynos, Pjotr Stanislas
Scene 5. Jean-Pierre Armand, Jenny Feeling, Mika Barthel
Scene 6. Jenny Feeling, Pjotr Stanislas

Edit (21 April 2009) -- additional info from boa @ Egafd:

The Blue One DVD is missing 17 minutes from the original movie... [Also,] its storyline is simply an intelligent and interesting variation - including the idea of almost no dialogue - of THE PRIVATE AFTERNOONS OF PAMELA MANN.
I recently posted another Jenny Feeling film (L'Infirmiere), but she looks very different and plays a completely different role in this film -- in fact, it's hard to believe it's the same actress who plays the lead in both films.

This film is unusual in several ways. First, there is virtually no dialogue until the final scene. Nevertheless, a very clever story emerges, without any talking or captions. Second, much of the footage was shot with a handheld camera, and the viewer's perspective is constantly changing. This is a style that is more common in films today but was uncommon back in the 1970s when this was made.

Third, there are a few segments shot in sepia-tinged black and white, although most of the film is in color. There is a reason for this which may not be immediately obvious. Again, this is a technique that's been used more in films in the past 20 years, but was rare 30 years ago.

Finally, there is a short segment during the swimming pool scene which is done in split-screen mode, with -- not two, but four images, each filling one quarter of the screen. (See screencaps.)

In the pool scene, there is some fabulous underwater sex footage, beautifully shot and well edited.

In the orgy scene, Lucie Doll gets a DP (clearly shown, with no cuts).

Maria Catala is uncredited and not listed at any of the databases, but I recognized her as the petite brunette wearing red face paint in the orgy. The unknown redhead wearing blue face paint is probably Beatrice Lancel or Micheline Aventi, but neither Egafd nor IMDb has much info on either actress.

Source DVD has extreme variations in clarity -- some scenes are crystal sharp, others are soft and grainy. I used Didee's seesaw and spresso (avisynth scripts) to bring out finer details.

File specs

H.264 (x264 core 84 r1416kGIT)
1.09 GB
runtime 61:44
resolution 688x496 (black borders cropped, no resizing)
bitrate 2400 kbps
framerate 25.00 fps
PAL 4:3
Qf 0.281 bits/pixel

audio: 2 tracks (En+Fr), AAC, 64 kbps each track VBR, stereo, 48.0 KHz

x264 settings (bluray compliant)

--level 4 --preset slower --tune film
--ref 6 --b-pyramid strict --keyint 50
--min-keyint 2 --pass 2 --bitrate 2400
--vbv-maxrate 15000 --vbv-bufsize 24000
--aud --nal-hrd --sar 12:11

avisynth filters

a= last

Originally posted 09-10-2007, this is a repost.
My avvy is Jeane Manson, pl@b0y centerfold from Aug 1974.
Last edited by Denaniel; 31st January 2012 at 02:13. Reason: re-upped and new link added
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Old 23rd November 2010, 06:46   #2
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Default Jouissances Perverses (1979) DVD5

This is a DVD 5 version of Les Vices Caches d'Eva Blue (Blue One DVD). Play or burn to your favorite media.

All credit and thanks to Vaga for the original upload.

Part Size............: 50,000,000 bytes
Number of Parts......: 11
Compression Format...: RAR + 10%
RAR Recovery.............: +/- 5%
Image Size...........: 2.19 GB
Running Time.........: 01:01:44
Image Format.........: VIDEO_TS folder
Image Created with...: DVD Decrypter, PgcEdit, VobBlanker
Burn Tested..........: Yes

Video Format.........: DVD-5 PAL
Source...............: DVD-9 PAL
Original Menus.......: Yes
Genre................: Adult
Movie Information....: http://egafd.com/films/details.php/id/j0114
http://imdb.com/title/tt0432910/ [rate:4.7/10] 11 votes [rate:4.7/10] 11 votes [rate:4.7/10] 11 votes [rate:4.7/10] 11 votes

Thanks to Denaniel for the notes and post above.


If you would like to have the complete DVD 9 of the above, download all three films. You can can grab'em HERE and HERE.

Then simply download the original IFO's \/

Unpack the .rar and in the folder you will find instructions for rejoining all three classics for burning onto one dual layer DVD9, untouched and fully functional.

File Size: 408 kb

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Old 26th October 2015, 08:35   #3
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Les Vices Caches D'Eva Blue

Year: 1979
Country: France
Language: French,English
Genre: All Sex, Hardcore
Length: 1:01:44
Director: Francis Leroi
Studio: Alpha France
Cast: Micheline Aventi, Mika Barthel, Lucie Doll, Marianne Fournier, Béatrice Lancel, Eva Pourey.
Description: A man follows Jenny Feeling around photographing, filming and taping all of her sexual experiences. He finally blackmails her into meeting him, but he does not want jewels and money from her.
Extras. Information: The man watches Jenny Feeling, photographing, filming and taping all sexual events have occurred to her. Eventually blackmailing he arranges a secret meeting with her, but do not need it from her nor of gold, nor a stone ...

Quality: DVDRip
Format: AVI
Video codec: XviD Audio the codec: AC3
Video: XVID 640x416 25.00fps 1656Kbps
Audio1: Dolby AC3 48000Hz stereo 128Kbps (fr)
Audio2: Dolby AC3 48000Hz stereo 128Kbps (eng)

Duration : 1h 1min
File Size : 851 MB
Resolution : 640x416
Audio Codec : AC3Audio Codec : AC3

Download Links:

*** dead links removed
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Old 23rd June 2018, 09:32   #4
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Les Vices caches d'Eva Blue(1979)
100 Ans de X
Les Jours et les nuits d'Eva Blue
Jours et Nuits d'Eva Blue
Perversions secrètes

Year of production: 1979
Country: France
Genre: All Sex, Hardcore
Duration: 01:01:44
Language: French
Directed by: Francis Leroi
Studio: Alpha France
Cast:Beatrice Lancel,Jenny Feeling as Eva Paurey,Lucie Doll,Micheline Aventi,Mika Barthel as Mika,Morgane as Marianne Fournier

Video Quality: DVDRip
Video format: MKV
Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 720x472 25fps 1995kbps
Audio: AAC / 48.0 KHz stereo 128kbps
968 Mb



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Old 26th April 2019, 07:41   #5

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Les Vices caches d'Eva Blue (1979) DVD5

Country: France
Cast: Beatrice Lancel,Jenny Feeling as Eva Paurey,Lucie Doll,Micheline Aventi,Mika Barthel as Mika,Morgane as Marianne Fournier
File size: 2.13 GB
Duration: 01:01:44
Video: MPEG2 Video 720x576 (4:3) 25fps [V: mpeg2 main, yuv420p, 720x576]
Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz stereo 128kbps [A: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 128 kb/s]
Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz stereo 128kbps [A: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 128 kb/s]

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Old 20th April 2021, 03:11   #6
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Default Jouissances Perverses (1979) DVD5

Jouissances Perverses / Les Jours et Les Nuits d'Eva Blue / Les Vices Caches d'Eva Blue

Year: 1979
Country: France
Language: French / English
Genre: All Sex, Hardcore
Duration: 01:01:44
Cast: Micheline Aventi, Mika Barthel, Lucie Doll, Marianne Fournier, Beatrice Lancel, Eva Pourey
Description: Maria Catala is not credited or listed anywhere I could find, but I'm sure she's the girl with red face paint in the orgy scene. Credits list Beatrice Lancel and Micheline Aventi, but neither is linked to any other films at IMDb, egafd or via google. IMDb lists Marie-Dominique Cabannes, but she does not appear (at least in this version). A few other names listed at IMDb are also unknowns not linked to any other films: Muray Work, Annie Leroi and Jacques
Scene 1. Jenny Feeling, Victor Samama
Scene 2. Jenny Feeling, 2 guys in taxi
Scene 3. Jenny Feeling, Morgane, Andre Miller, Claude Valmont
Scene 4. Jenny Feeling, Lucie Doll, Maria Catala, blonde, Andre Miller, Joel Charvier, Michel de Nyokynos, Pjotr Stanislas
Scene 5. Jenny Feeling, Mika Barthel, Jean-Pierre Armand
Scene 6. Jenny Feeling, Pjotr Stanislas
Video quality: DVD5
Video Format: DVD Video
Video codec: MPEG2
Audio codec: AC3
Video: MPEG2 PAL 4x3 720x576 VBR
Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz stereo 192kbps
File Size: 2.24 GB
Screenshots and Screenlists:

Jouissances_Perverses_DVD5_1979.rar (2319.8 Mb)
====Links Interchangeable====
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Old 19th May 2023, 21:24   #7
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Old Yesterday, 20:01   #8
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Les Vices caches d'eva blue / The Hidden Vices of Eva Blue / Jouissances perverses 1979 AI 1080p

Alternative Titles:
Perversions secretes
100 Ans de X
Les Jours et les nuits d'Eva Blue
Jours et Nuits d'Eva Blue

Year of production: 1979 (1980)
Country: France
Genre: All Sex, Hardcore (Anal, Oral, Lesbo)
Duration: 01:01:44
Languages: French, English
Director: Francis Leroi
Studio: Alpha France

Cast: Micheline Aventi, Mika Barthel, Lucie Doll, Marianne Fournier, Beatrice Lancel, Eva Pourey

Description: Follows a high class working woman who can finally relax and meet all her lovers throughout the weekend. She spend all her free time into lovemaking but unbeknownst to her, a man is lurking wherever she goes and recording everything.
Maria Catala is not credited or listed anywhere I could find, but I'm sure she's the girl with red face paint in the orgy scene. Credits list Beatrice Lancel and Micheline Aventi, but neither is linked to any other films at IMDb, egafd or via google. IMDb lists Marie-Dominique Cabannes, but she does not appear (at least in this version). A few other names listed at IMDb are also unknowns not linked to any other films: Muray Work, Annie Leroi and Jacques Larbi.

Format : MP4
File size : 3.38 GiB
Duration : 1 h 1 min
Format : AVC
Format/Info : Advanced Video Codec
Width : 1 496 pixels
Height : 1 080 pixels
Frame rate : 25.000 FPS


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