The Seahawks took the Broncos behind the woodshed and gave them a whuppin!
Hope nobody bet any big money on Manning's golden arm.
22-0 at the half, and 43-8 to end it.
Broncos played lousy lousy, while the Seahawks were sharp and pounded it.
One got the feeling the way it would all go on that very first Bronco play with the screwed up hike and the safety.
Seahawks go down in history having the fastest score in Super Bowl well as the only team to get a safety, interception TD, and kickoff TD.
I get a feeling the Broncos smoked too much of that legal Colorado weed before playing the Big Game.

They done so well up until now.
But the Seahawks have been bringing it through the season and post-season.
I also wanted a Snow Bowl or Ice Bowl or something...but naw, conditions had to be all nice and stuff.
And why don't they get like Journey for the halftime show?