This is a very dated post! For an updated explaination of the technique, please go to this post. Things only get better as you go through this thread, so please don't judge the content on what you see below, go to the last page!
I will leave my old explaination below on how to "brush on" hair for those just starting.
I'm sure a lot of you have seen an attractive woman while browsing Met-Art, Femjoy, or anywhere really and thought, "only if she didn't shave." Well, I can give you an idea of what she might look like.
I've been fooling around in Photoshop and developed a technique to "draw" body hair. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Its not supposed to be perfect, but like I said, it will give you an idea.
Enjoy the samples, but I want any of you to send me pictures of women who you'd like to see with some hair. Celebs, "Fine-Art" sites, you name it, send it my way and you might just get one with hair back.
Specify how much hair and where. Also, please, don't give me a clothed model and expect me to photoshop off her panties, its far too time consuming and the results arn't perfect anyways.
At this point in time, please only send me 3 pictures in your request. If more are sent, I'll only work on the first 3 you send me. Sorry, I wish I had more time to do everything sent to me.
For those who want to know how to do it, its fairly simple.
- Go into Photoshop (this is all in
CS2). Go to "
File > New" then take a
black 1pt brush (for best results) and draw a single hair.
- Make it realistically long and fairly big (remember, you can change brush sizes and will need to as you draw).
- Then go to "
Edit > Define Brush Preset." Name it what you please. Now, you don't want to go laying down uniform hairs all over, so its time to scatter.
- Go to the "
Brushes" tab and select your brush. Then click on the words "
Shape Dynamics," not the check box. This brings up the menu.
- Adjust "
size jitter" to what you like (I use 30%). Then go to "
angle jitter," and adjust that to rotate the brush (I use 12%). I also flip the "
X Jitter"
- Now click on the word "
Scattering," move the slider to what you want (I use 40%).
- Now move down to "
Texture," this is very important to give the hair a 3D appearance. Use the default "bubbles" texture and leave it scaled at 100%. I like to set the depth to 20%
- Now comes the "art" part. Open your picture and adjust the brush size to a realistic size, and lay down the hair.