Originally Posted by joneseyone
Originally Posted by Sc0
Lauryl Canyon was a cute, athletic, enthusiastic blonde who was in and out of porn from 1987 to the early 2000s. She was still looking good and in shape in her last movies too. Things seem to have taken a turn for the worse in recent years and is looking rough. She was arrested in 2021 in Arizona for Aggravated battery and for a time in 2023 was listed as being a missing person. I'm guessing she's since been found since she's not listed on the current missing person listing.

No possible way that's Lauryl. I absolutely refuse to believe the tanned, tight little package with arguably the best ass in late 80s pr0n fell upon such hard times to devolve into this monstrosity. Please tell me you goofed and posted a pic of Buffy Davis or another girl from that time.
Any additional info you can share?
She's a bit from before my time, but this is the same person?
Seems hard to wrap one's head around.
That seems more than just rough living, that suggests a ludicrous amount of drug use.
OTOH, I have seen very young starlets look very rough in under a couple of years in the industry so I guess it depends on how much drugs you do in a short amount of time.