Originally Posted by kylieclip
When I was in my early teens I only watched lesbian porn as I didn't wanna see cock... that changed in my late teens as seeing cock-hungry women became more of a turn-on for me than just seeing naked women fingering and scissoring each other.
There's no way I'll ever find it now but one of the first facial clips I ever saw online was a black chick getting pasted with a Peter North-sized load and her enjoying every second of it. Seeing her get excited and turned on by it was a huge turn on for me... and I haven't looked back since. 
That's understandable. I initially looked at just chicks in swimsuits followed by nudes. Once I saw some actual fucking it was like... Wow! How surreal. It really imprinted on me the concept of two people lusting after each other to such a degree that their bodies take each other over. Like they just want to give the maximum sexual pleasure to their partner... and in turn themselves!
In this way, I don't want to watch just the girl. I want to watch
them. I guess that's kind of why I have a bit of a "floor" for the quality of guys in porn. Everyone's got their flaws. But if I think a guy in porn is so bad that I can't even watch the hot naked chick on screen, then that kind of says something considering the standard for men in porn isn't exactly high or anything.
Originally Posted by Veronicamars
mom doing the cooking unaware that her daughter is being fucked 6 feet away from her.
Originally Posted by kylieclip
Or the white dude dad/bf/husband who's unaware of his wife/gf/daughter being fucked by a black dude 6 feet away from him.
This is one of those obvious "what the the fuck..." kind of moments that renders the whole thing asinine. Like... judging by the position you wouldn't thing
something isn't happening dear mother? C'mon... these parents and partners can't be THAT naive.
Originally Posted by pearldiver6
Agreed, it has always been about the gals. But wadda think about (in the past admittedly, and he is in hot water these days, but) Ron Jeremy sucking his own dick? Doesn't really work for me, in any way. I heard his sister saw one of his movies with that, and pleaded with him to never do it again. But who knows for sure?
Oh god that sounds horrible. I feel really bad for her. Who would want to see that? Let alone if it was your sibling

I mean, really Ron... you know most guys that are able to do that do it for themselves and not others right? Hell, I'd assume most guys wouldn't want a video of them doing that out there

Originally Posted by pearldiver6
This is an old one, but that Lou Albano looking guy yelling out, "Droping fucking loads!" was truly disturbing.
Oh yeah, that guy...
The sad thing is that I don't hate him and actually have some of his vids. Still, it's weird as shit he says something like that before he blows. Like I said earlier, when it happens just enjoy it as it comes

Needless to say I try to only get vids of his where he doesn't say his, uh... signature line (probably because the director told him not to or something).
Originally Posted by DJboutit
I rolling at 1440p resolution on my computer I hate
1200x800 size
I want larger images
like 3000x2000
I like the jumbo images not 6mb to 8mbs images. I still see a few sites rolling 1800px max height. Brazzers has the worst quality images they are only 200k to 300k size when they should be 1.3mb to 2.5mb they look like they were taken with a 4mp to 6mp cellphone from 2009 S M H.
I use a 4K monitor and a 4K TV for my main screens. My problem personally with porn resolutions are so many of the oddball ones I see. Ones I've never seen in any other standard. And I've played video games on lots of different consoles and various older PC game resolutions (the 320x200 CGA format compared to the 320x240p of consoles comes to mind).
Sometimes I'll find a video and look around the internet to see whatever weird resolution it claims. Often times I won't find a single standard that had ever been used in any other setup. Or short of that, some one-off obscure resolution for reasons I may never understand. This happens with both really low and and really high resolutions.
To be honest though, I tend to care more about video bitrate and videos using as lossless as possible codecs. That way even if it's 480P it will still look really clear. Maybe a bit softer looking. But really clear and very high quality nonetheless.
Still, I know what you mean. If it's in 4K and barely even looks like 1080P or in some cases even 720P, that would indicate a massive failure on the part of the production side of things. Or possibly the camera if it's not tuned the right way I guess (or if it's just cheap and can't output a bitrate that high). Things that were originally made in a prior era get a bit more of a leeway of how good they are expected to be. But if something is produced or even ripped from the DVD in a lazy fashion, it usually shows pretty clearly. Or in this case unclearly.
It's one of the reasons I'm here: to find higher quality versions of videos I may already have.