Read the article.
These are the reason why they aren't in jail.
Just like anything other crime including murder, for it to go to trial, the prosecution has to be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt for them to convict anyone.
But when cops showed up at the Venetian Productions studio, owner Olivier Caudron pleaded his innocence. He showed Miami-Dade Police photocopies of the ID Amber had used, as well as the forms she signed. As cops were talking to Caudron, Amber arrived at the studio for a shoot.
Confronted by police, she initially insisted she was the 19-year-old on the license. Finally, she broke down and copped to the fraud. She told the officers that no one at Venetian — not even Snavely, whom she had been dating off-set — knew her real age.
Cops interviewed Cubillos, the talent agent, but he denied knowing Amber was a minor. Caudron pulled her videos from the websites. And three assistant state attorneys — Brad Sturges, Brenda Mezick, and Griska Mena — advised detectives they could not charge anyone with a crime.
Florida statutes say "ignorance of a minor's age, a minor's misrepresentation of his or her age, a bona fide belief of a minor's age, or a minor's consent may not be raised as a defense in a prosecution for [child pornography]." Yet it's often a "proof problem," says Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office spokesman Ed Griffith. "Prosecutors have an ethical responsibility to believe they have sufficient evidence to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Lacking such evidence, it is unethical for a prosecutor to go forward."
Instead, Greenberg's attorneys came to a secret agreement with Amber's mother. The family was given an undisclosed amount of money in exchange for keeping quiet about the sordid underage sex affair. Snavely, meanwhile, was fired.