Originally Posted by Pad
I get my internet and TV from the same provider via cable. They provide a cable box/DVR which is also my broadband router. It can connect to my PC either by wifi or cable. I have the broadband set up to my PC with a cable as I get far superior download speeds that way. I'm running Win7 on a reasonably fast PC.
I want to watch live streamed PPV sports events which I can get on my PC, but I want to watch them on my TV - nice big screen + comfortable chair.  But I want to be able to control playback while sitting in my comfy chair, but my PC is in another room.
I have had a look at chromecast - but that doesn't seem to be available in Europe. Amazon.co.uk have a host of similar gadgets but virtually all the customer reviews are horrible. 
alright, let me think... conenct your TV with HDMI and either use a wireless keyboard and/or mouse to control your PC or try some smartphone apps for control, or setup a laptop in your TV room and use teamviewer or something similar, or, and this is a big "OR" if your TV can access your network and supports internet and playback of your videos on your PC, share your folder with your videos on your PC with your network so your TV can access them and just use your regular TV remote.