Links works for me. Any Alice Wonderbang fan knows what this guy looks like. If you can't find Alice Wonderbang on the web, you have bigger problems than the ones you shared. Guys are always saying this guy can't fuck, this guy has a nothing pud. Thought you wankers might value a premium penis.
Great looking guys with premium puds are a great way to find premium chix. I want to know everyone Eric Hard and Dougie Hard (no relation) hop on. If you know the names of the top Russian stick men (Timo, Dima, Markus, Omar), you spend less of your life finding the chix you're searching.
The popularity of porn owes much to great male stars, with as many as 1200 scenes. Compared to that, what's some bimbo who fucks ten guys then marries her high school boyfriend?
As soon as a customer gets shot in the ass, Amazon will rethink drones.
Don't judge someone until you've walked a mile in their panties.
Don't forget to visit my new website: Are You Dumber Than A Pornstar?
Last edited by ms33333333; 22nd September 2015 at 02:18.